Free trial period for membership
I would like to offer a free trial access period for all payment levels. Rather like Wild Apricot does, but not necessarily for 30 days. Paypal offer this delayed action payment and it works very well. You can choose how long the free trial period is, and then the payment automatically kicks in.
Asking people for money upfront puts a lot of people off.

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Alex Sirota commented
There is a workaround that we document on our website here:
There is a PDF and a video to describe the setup of a membership level, renewal settings and renewal policy actions. It's a work around but we think it works well until there's a formal trial feature in Wild Apricot.
Ken Clarkson commented
Funny that on the very page I am typing this there is a "try it free for 30 days" option in the upper right corner, yet this feature doesn't exist on Wild Apricot. What's wrong with this picture here. Hmmmm
Ken Clarkson commented
I agree with others. One of the most common features of most other membership websites is a free trial. I've been trying to figure how to duct tape this feature on the renewal side, but don't see a way. It seems like a pretty easy technical fix. I think it would also be great to have one week, 2 week, one month, or X # month free trial option.
LarryJW commented
We are a membership organization for retirees. When we get notice of new retirees from Human Resources, we want to give these new retirees a limited non-renewable free membership for 6 months, after which this free membership lapses and membership can be renewed only as one of the paying membership levels.
Prior to moving to WA, this feature was performed manually, as was everything else. A free membership function is very important to our organization.
Brent Carney commented
I would like the ability to offer prospective members a free 30-day trial. Right now there is no way to do this.
Anonymous commented
Is this happening? It would be a great feature that is very common amongst membership websites.
stuart williams commented
This is really important. Free trial, no credit card required. We should have flexibility as to how long the free trial runs. It should also be available for people paying monthly and annually.
Denise Appleby commented
We too want to offer trial memberships. Hope this option is added soon
DeeDee commented
We too would like to be able to add a free trial membership. It is important this be a separate membership level so we can track the percent of people who renew to a paid membership. Obviously, we do not want them to renew the free membership level, instead they need to choose a paid membership level when renewing.
Walt Bilofsky commented
We want Pending - New members to be able to register for events while awaiting the formality of Board approval. They no longer can, since the feature was introduced in March 2017.
This could be fixed by creating a new status "Pending - Trial" which has membership privileges. In the membership level, specify the number of days after which it automatically converts to "Pending - Renewal" and goes into the renewal process.
The online application would need a configuration to set whether the applicant could apply for a trial or regular membership, or both.
If the trial member renews, the membership would not convert from Pending to Active until the conditions:
o Membership applications must be approved by administrator
o Payment has to be received in full before membership is activatedare satisfied, if they are checked in the New Applications workflow settings for that Level.
Nezar Bakhsh commented
It's 2017, please add this.
thank you -
This is not something we have yet, I merged your idea into existing suggestion.
bdasteph commented
I'm trying to drive members for a brand new membership site. I want to be able to offer them access to the website for the month. I plan to have a draw in a few weeks, for those who sign up during this time, will be entered for a chance to win their membership free for 1 year. How can I set up the back end to recognize new members as they register, but delay their payment for the remainder of the month.
I hope I'm clear on this. Assistance would be much appreciated. -
Cindy Cooper commented
We offer a free trial by attending 2 events before becoming a member. would like that as a free trial offer too, rather than only number of days.
Currently use honor system, ha. -
Josh Hunt commented
I want to provide people a way to do a free trial. You provide it for your customers; I would like to provide it to mine.
Anonymous commented
The current 30 day with no payment would be good with just a couple of adjustments.
1. If the Renewal Period - Never had the same email options as the other options. This would give members notice to select another option, automatically cut them off if they didn't and not allow them to renew the free trial period. This is the main feature which I would find helpful and might be the easiest to enact since the email system is already setup.
2. On this same option to add an the ability to type in a number of days or give buttons for shorter time periods i.e. 1 week or 2 week.
Thank You
Sam Handelman commented
Another way to consider the 1-day membership, is a 1-day pass, or a trial membership.
Sam Handelman commented
We want to motivate people to be full annual members. 30 day membership gives people an alternative to full membership, that we would rather not offer. 30 day membership also adds administrative overhead that a one day membership would not. For example, we have annual liability insurance (cycling club), based on annual membership. A 1-month membership upsets the payment of insurance based on membership. Also the liability waiver would be more difficult to manage in the field.
Interesting idea. What benefits are available for one day that you wouldn't want to access the other 29 days?
Sam Handelman commented
We have many visitors to our area that would like to join our club for one day vs annually. We would offer a lower price for 1-day members. Currently the only way we think we can do this is to offer the minimum WA membership period - 1 month - then manually go in and remove their membership on day 2.