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411 results found
Add Image Field option to Event Registration Form
I would love to see the' Insert Image Field' added to the public 'Event Form' same as it is in the the 'Membership Form Fields'. Thank you kindly
23 votesIn 6.17 version we released the new field type ‘File attachments’ for an event registration form. Attendees can upload documents and images as well.
I believe this covers requests presented in this thread.
More about 6.17 version https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1662Thank you again for your feedback and votes!
Have a good day!Katya Tyukina,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot by Personify -
Control availability of member self-service renewal function [10549]
I recently had a Free Member on my website renew their membership to 2012. They simply kept pressing the renew until button in their Profile. I would like a limit put on this button (eg 1 x year).
Thank you kindly,
0 votesReleased in 5.2
Ability to select recipients for event announcements [5260]
For my nationwide webcasts, I LOVE being able to have the event announcements and reminders automatically go out on certain dates. It saves me so much time and effort. Thank you for this feature.
However, for my regional events I'm not able to use this feature since it will send the announcements and reminders to all my members, instead of just members in Boston or the Bay Area for example. Isn't there a way to set the announcements to only send to members with keywords - the way you can set keywords for events you should be able to set…
0 votesReleased in 5.3
Make WYSIWYG editor compatible with iPhone / Ipad - e.g. for forum comments
While an iPhone app would be awesome (one that allowed site editing functions), I would be thrilled if there was a way to make my website editor accesible via an iPhone for even just minor blog updates
Thanks again for a great service!
0 votesReleased in 5.2.1
Allow admin to lock privacy settings on certain fields
I have been fooling around with this option and reading up on it and don't think I can accomplish what I want. But let me run it by you gurus first.
I pay for our WA site and thus users are guests in my "house" and participate at my will and by my rules. Therefore I do not want people to be able to do things anonymously on the site. For example, I don't want people to be able to turn off public access to their name and therefore their Discussion Forum posts show up as "name is hidden". Sure,…
1 voteReleased in 5.2
Allow control of blog module privileges by groups
Is there a way to enable groups to have read, write and comment privileges for the blog module? Right now, I believe that blog privileges are only enabled by membership level not by groups.
Is that correct?
0 votesReleased in 5.2
Moving and Merging Forum Posts [6464]
To moderate our forums we'd like to take new topics that are really comments to existing topics and move them from being a unique topic to a comment of an existing topic. We'd like to retain the original poster information in the move. Is this possible in the existing forum structure? If not, is this an administrative feature you would consider adding to the service?
0 votesReleased in 5.2
Uploading documents and photos in forum and blog posts
Is it possible that you could correct the function of the forum and blog pages to not only allow someone to add a link, but also to add a document to the page?
What downfall is there in providing this function?
149 votesUpdate from CMS team:
Happy to announce that this request was released to all clients in version 5.17
Members can now attach documents and images when adding or replying to a forum topic.
More details about 5.17 release and this particular changes: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1559-version-517-releaseThis thread also contains comments and requests related to inserting images into Blog posts. We decided to separate it to own thread and continue to collect your comments there. Please vote and leave your comments:
https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/33641665 -
Integrate Facebook Connect login option for members [9204]
Would you consider implementing Facebook Connect? http://developers.facebook.com/connect.php So that people can log onto our websites as members using their Facebook account information?
The next step would be a Facebook App that could then feed information into our members Facebook notifications areas!
0 votesReleased in 5.2
Ability to select what page loads after members login [5764]
I have been trying to place the login box on my homepage using wildapricot widget code but thats impossible because members are taken straight to their profile page,which means I have to create an entire blank "login" page on my website and they must go to their profile page just to logout of my site.
Maybe after logging in the initial page that the login box is on would reload but next to the login box appears a "logged in" status change with a "my profile" text link and a "logout" text link would appear.
0 votesReleased in 5.2
Bulk archive or delete contacts and members
I have recently shifted my membership from from a Bundled level to an Individual level. I have no members left in the bundled level and I'd like to delete the level but cannot do so - I think because there are some old lapsed members from the bundled level in the archive. I'd love to be able to set the Archive column to "delete" and re-import and have them go away.
Also, I need to send a blast email to 2,500 non-members to notify them of an upcoming event. I would love to be able to import the list, send…
0 votesReleased in 5.0
Allow members and/or conference registrants to upload file attachments - like abstract submission
Our academic society would find it extremely useful if members -- or better yet, conference registrants -- could upload files (e.g., Word docs, PDFs). This would allow presenters at the conference to share papers prior to the conference, potentially enhancing the feedback that they would get from other conference-goers. We would really like to provide this service for our members/conference attendees.
296 votesDear supporters,
With the new release 6.18 version, we added the ability to create File attachments field for Common and Membership forms.
So now, you can collect documents/images from your members, subscribers, registrants. Members can share their documents with others via Public profile. You can upload files and download files right in contact, member or registration details.If you have any ideas, requests how we can improve this new functionality, please share it with us.
More about this and other updates in our release notes: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1665
Thank you for your support and have a good day!
Katya Tyukina,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot by Personify -
Blast email to all members upon creating an event [8073]
Guys do you think you could add a button in the events area that would allow to send an email blast "on the spot" notifying that an event has been created...(I know that people that use rss will know immediately but we have a large number of oldies using email)
This will save us substantial time since right now we have to either:
A) calculate the number of days to the event and set up a reminder for the following day, or
b) publish the event, log out obtain the link, log in again, go to the blast email area,…
7 votesIt’s possible – use “Send now” button in “Emails” section of event details
Show most recent forum comments on top [4124]
I would like to see the most recent comment on a topic at the top of the list, rather than having to scroll down through "old" comments to see the most recent post. This may already be possible, but could not find a way to change the default behavior. Almost every other forum I have ever used puts the most recent comment at the top.
Thank you.
0 votesReleased in 5.2
Enforce stronger member passwords
When a password is generated by the application, it seems quite secure. However, when people change their passwords, they usually don't make them as secure as they should be. Is there a way to reject a new password if it isn't secure? Or provide a "meter" that shows just how secure their new password really is so that they can reevaluate their choice? I know of some Javascript coding for this purpose (http://javascript.internet.com/passwords ), but I'm not sure if it's possible to use any of it in a CMS environment like yours.
Thank you for your attention!
…scottishlass "You
23 votesWe have released new password policy for new contacts in 7.27.
Scheduled E-mail Blasts
Current features:
Emails need to be sent manually or scheduled with events reminders or membership renewal notifications.Desired feature:
Have the ability to schedule any email to be sent a specific time.349 votesHello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that the scheduling feature is now ready for your use!
In this thread there are several suggestions related to this feature. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not. Let’s jump into it.What is covered:
- Set up an email in advance to go to X list (or single member) on X date at X timeWhat is partially covered:
- Scheduling a blast after an event has occurred
Simply schedule a manual email blast to the saved list of an event’s attendees after the day of the meeting
- See the schedule of outgoing emails
Emails tab (former Drafts) now has a new filter. If you sort the list to view scheduled emails only, then you’ll see them arranged by the delivery date&time. Thus you can check the order of scheduled emailsWhat is not yet covered:
-… -
Integrate login Into WA via OpenID [5374]
We are looking to use WA for our membership database, but we also run a seperate website for our organzation. One of the things we are looking at is using OpenID to allow 'single user login' to the multiple tooks on our site (Joomla, phpBB3, Gallery2)
OpenID would is normally optional, so that users can use a normal username/login to log into the site, or use their OpenID authentication.
Any thoughts on implementing this on the WA site?
7 votesReleased in 5.4.
Wild Apricot provide Single sig-on service. See details: https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Single+sign-on+service -
New admin role: Communications (i.e. sending emails)
Current features:
There is no role specific to communications.Desired features:
An admin role that has limited access to everything except the tools/lists required to send emails and other communications.171 votesNewsletter manager role was added in the 7.3 system update. See for details gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1688
RSVP - Simplified event registration
Current behavior:
Registration requires filling out online registration form.Desired behavior:
In some cases this is an overkill and what is desired is Evite-style registration when people can simply click on the link in the event and be done with it.Notes:
1) This would only work for people already in the database
2) This would only apply to free events
3) If there are multiple registration types - assign one as default? Force people to choose online?
4) Highly desirable - negative RSVP - when people say they can not attend.306 votesHello, dear supporters!
This suggestion has accumulated many votes over years and is one of the top 3 in “Events” category. We’re happy to announce that the RSVP (we called them Simple events) is now ready for your use!
As all big features, this one contains several suggestions. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not.What released: Admin can create the Simple event that requires only RSVP from registrants – one-click registration with Yes, Maybe, or No answer.
The simple event is very simple now :) Free registrations only, doesn’t allow for guests, registration limits and sessions. Some of these options are still important for you and required, so we will continue to improve our RSVP feature.Check our help page for more details https://help.wildapricot.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=84705294
We hope you’ll like it. Please leave your feedback any time by email, by using in-product feedback form and use our Wishlist… -
Allow manual sorting of membership levels [3334]
Current behavior:
Updated after v 2.39: Membership levels are sorted automatically - alphabetically by membership level name.
Desired behavior:
Enable manual sorting of membership levels.
(This is mostly important for the membership application page)2 votesReleased in 5.2
- Don't see your idea?