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Send automatic emails for manual admin actions
This is a relatively minor request but something I find to be a workflow pain. As an admin, when I add a new member to the database the new member activation email does not automatically get sent out to the new member if I set their status to 'Active' initially. I have to add the member in two steps to get the email to go out -- first add them as 'pending', save it, then either go back into their record and record receipt of their payment or change their status from 'pending' to 'active' to trigger the email.
10 votes -
Ability to embed Google Adwords Code to track advertising effectiveness
Google AdWords has a great function that allows you to set up a variety of codes that track "actions".
I am trying to use AdWords to get people to sign up for our annual conference and to join the organization. Both actions require a credit card transaction to be considered a "success".
I understand that I cannot put google code on the shopping cart -- (because WA controls those pages) but I must have some means of tracking the effectiveness of our advertising dollars.
Can you please add a page that I can use that appears right after the point…
20 votes -
Batch update of contacts or members
As an administrator I would find it really helpful to be able to make bulk changes online. Two reasons:
Import/export is clumsy, and foces me to use Excel's interface, which I find quite awkward.
There is no "lock" on the data while I am changing it. Members can change data while I am making changes to the exported file.
To give an idea of the sort of problems #2 generates: if I do an export and a member comes along and changes his/her data while I am playing with the exported file, then there's a problem. The way that WA…
62 votes -
Copy membership levels or copy settings to other levels
As an admin, I would appreciate to be able to duplicate existing membership levels instead of starting from scratch. This will ease the work for example if you have 3 levels (child, adult, senior) which share absolutely all the same parameters except for the price.
PS: I apoligize if this is already open, I just couldn't find it. I also apologize if this is possible, but I haven't yet found how.
32 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Updated title to reflect that it’s not just about levels copying – which is about adding new levels, but also about copying of (some) settings from one level to some or all others
Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of…
373 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Make Member Since field available in Member Directory
See note below. Our members would benefit to learn when everyone become part of our organization. It offers continuity and a since of longevity. I contemplated just creating a field, but that was too easy, so I decided to add this to the wishlist to see if others agree and it would save me the time to create the field and maintain it since it is already a system fields. Do all of you agree?
Unfortunately it is currently not possible to show the Member since system field in the member directory http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Member+directory . If you could post this…
20 votes -
Logout button for widget mode
My site is http://cityfitlist.com/.
I currently use the widget feature for members/profiles.But how do I add a log out without making the member go to their profile,scrolling down to find it?
Also,I want to add a retricted access page for a certain level of members using the "widget box" but don't want the links from the wildapricot site to pop up too.
10 votes -
Simplifying embedding videos
I've started putting video on our website, and I have to go into the HTML and embed the code. This can be a pain when I don't know HTML almost at all, and the code from youtube looks different than some other site's code. In fact I did try to put a video up, and the section of the site was blank for a bit, till I got help from Chris at Nicasio.I also had problems putting video in the blog section.
So it would be most helpful to have some tools to more easily embed audio/video files. You really…
29 votes -
Task list for Organizations
Current behavior:
All organizations have tasks tied to recurring deadlines (pay taxes collect dues, etc). Specific people need to be apprised and reminded of these deadlines, and need to have the ability to designate the task as having been completed. At present, the system provides no way to assign and follow up on these tasks.Desired behavior:
A task system that allows administrators to create a list of tasks and define due dates, recurrence, and either a member or a group with member(s) assigned to it to complete the task. Alerts can be sent to the member/group as the date…22 votes -
Allow to customize blog post summary (teaser) size
Web space is a premium and managing the space is a vital element of more content. Currently posting a blog posts text up to 10 lines and offers the read more option. If we can limit the opening post to a more concise presentation to say 5 lines or less it forces us to be more content rich with our opening line and we can register more read more clicks. The strategy is not to tell too much in ten lines, but just say enough in 5 lines or less so our users are prompted to read more.
I hope…
18 votes -
Improve interface for adding people into Groups
When you go into membership settings - group managment - manage participants -
You can pick a group you want to edit the participant for that group. You have two lists on the left hand side you have the list of participants for that group, on the right hand side you have a list of all members so you can quickly add new members to be participants of that group. All good.
My suggestion is to have a drop down box with a list of data base fields above the right hand box (all members list) then you can pick…
5 votes -
Prorating Membership Level Upgrades
Copied from another discussion -
Discount coupons discussed here are only for new member applications.
What you are talking about is prorating the membership payment when members change their level - applying unused membership fee and/or reducing the new fee if new membership level is not for a full period. We are working on this - it would be great if you could start a new thread on the wishlist forum to explain how you would like to see it work.
How our org would like it to work -
Ex - level a - $35 annual fee and level…
56 votes -
Renaming buttons on the forum for replies and new threads
I have noticed that every time my forum users start a brand-new topic, they do so by adding it as a comment to a previous topic. I'm sure this is because the New Comment button is the only one they see as they are reading through the forum (unless they go back a page, which they don't know to do).
I would really like have a New Topic button on that page, too. I'd also like the "New Comment" button changed to Post Response which I think makes more sense to users.
Thanks! -Bradley
13 votes -
Ability to close site to public/member access for maintenance procedures
We will need to export the entire membership list and purge many listings with undeliverable email addresses. It will then take a brief period of time to delete the existing list and upload the corrected one. Is there some sort of "Temporarily Closed for Maintenance -- Please Try Again in 15 Minutes" procedure for this?
WA replied "Unfortunately, we do not have this feature. For now, you would have to do this either at night or earlier in the morning. But this sounds like a good idea and I would suggest to add it to our Wishlist so other people…
33 votes -
AutoResponders for new members
How about the idea of automated responses when someone signs up to become a member. Right now there is no opt-in, no "thank you" message, no nothing.
Ideally, I'd like to setup a series of e-mails that go out at a certain frequency to new members (unless they opt-out).
9 votes -
Enhancements for Groups functionality
In our 2.36 update we have released Groups functionality - ability to organize members into groups - such as 'Board of Directors', 'Volunteer Committee', etc. These groups are independent of membership levels - one group can include members from different levels. These groups can be used to keep track of member participation in committees, restrict access to website pages to a particular group, or for advanced searches and emails. Seehttps://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Member+groups
We are contemplating a number of possible further enhancements to this and would love to get your feedback.
Here are our initial ideas:1) Group moderators. Group moderator is a…
43 votes -
Preventing multiple logins by the same member
Is there any way to prevent multiple login?
22 votes -
Add Boolean logic to Advanced Search
It would be nice to be able to search the member database (or any database really) by specifying criteria such as:
Renewal_Due on or after Sept. 16,2008
(MembershipLevel = Gold OR MembershipLevel = Silver)
Right now, I think, I can only choose to AND (i.e., Match ALL) all the criteria or OR (i.e., Match ANY) all the criteria -- no mixing AND's and OR's. This is okay for very simple reports with only two criteria, but often not what is needed for reports with more than 2 filter criteria.
147 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Old design proposal, not working on it yet and can be changed if we start working on it – https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0f9kMyQqlBsZ3FQOWRiMERRNkk/view?usp=sharing
Ability to clean up email log, financial transactions etc. - e.g when converting from trial to actual use
Is there a way to clear out the payment transaction log?
(like we can clear out the test transactions in the database prior to starting for "real")
12 votes -
Easy way to insert links to system pages like member profile pages
I could really use an easy way to link a member's name to their directory profile. I have a lot of pages where I list a committee chairperson's name or an officer's name as in "See Sue Smith for more information." and I would like to put a hyperlink on 'Sue Smith' that takes the user straight to Sue's directory profile so that the user can find her contact information.
Right now, the only way I've figured out to do this is to log out as an administrator and log back in as a member. Then go to the member…
21 votes
- Don't see your idea?