Easy way to insert links to system pages like member profile pages
I could really use an easy way to link a member's name to their directory profile. I have a lot of pages where I list a committee chairperson's name or an officer's name as in "See Sue Smith for more information." and I would like to put a hyperlink on 'Sue Smith' that takes the user straight to Sue's directory profile so that the user can find her contact information.
Right now, the only way I've figured out to do this is to log out as an administrator and log back in as a member. Then go to the member directory and find Sue Smith's profile. Then I copy the URL of this page to the clipboard or into Notepad if I have more than one profile URL that I need. Now I log out and log back in as an administrator again. I go to the place where I want the hyperlink, highlight the hyperlink text, click the Link button, and paste the profile page URL there. Pfew. That's a lot of back-and-forth just to get a directory link.
As an admin I can do this, but our average members who update content on the website would never figure it out.

Sharon Hoiland commented
This would be very handy for me right now so that my members can easily find out contact information for committee heads to volunteer to help out.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Having just gone through the tedious process of linking to member profiles for the leaders of half a dozen events, I would really like this feature, specifically for member profiles.
It seems like the suggestion has been around for many years, though it's hard to be sure without dates on the older comments. It might even have been implemented for system pages, but we still need the member profile part of it.
Kim Skimmons commented
Yes, that would be great to have direct links to system pages in the Insert Link dialog.
tlcorr03 commented
I would like this feature too. Especially from events. For most of our events, there is a Contact so-and-so for more information. It would be awesome to have an easy way to insert a link to the member's directory listing so one click would take me to their email/phone/picture (in our case). Right now, I'm trudging through by copy/pasting the URL to their membership profile - which shows too much information. Or copy/pasting their email address - which could get out of date.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I moved the comment to another, more relevant thread.
What I actually think we should do is add an ability to select "system" pages (renewal page, forgot password, member profile, etc.) in the "Insert link" dialog. This will solve the problem for a multitude of different cases.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
The link depends on your Wild Apricot version - version 5 uses /SysProfile, version 4.6 - the one you gave.
meldrum commented
The Link https://MyURL/SysProfile leads to Resource not found.
However by playing around I found the url:
Does work.Looks like the methodology is to navigate to the page you want to make the target, and note the URL. Then use that in a link within the instructions page. If the system needs the user to login, it will request the login and then go to the page.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Just place the link to https://...../Sys/Profile (where ... is your site url)
meldrum commented
Dimitry, This is exactly what I want... a direct link to the renewal page. Our members rarely login, and they would not think to do that to renew. What I would like is to make a membership page with instruction on how to renew... click this link. I would then expect the system to ask them to login and then go to the renewal page. I don't see any instruction in the link you mentioned that tells you how to make such a a link.
I did see you could make a widget, but the instructions also say you can't put a widget on a WA page.
I am new to WA and trying to find my way around.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Good idea, let's see what others will say.
Just to note: our plate of full now so the timeline for this idea is not clear for now.
Gareth Fry commented
We are often creating events and blog posts which feature our members. We would love to be easily add a link to their directory profile when we mention their name. I'm aware that this can be achieved in a roundabout manner (go to public view, locate the member in the directory, click on their profile, copy the URL, go back to admin view) but this is very time consuming especially when linking to multiple people.
At the moment you have a very usefui Link took in the Site Pages / Events editor pages that allows you to add a link to a URL/email/site page/event. Could you add the option to link to a member within that tool.
Would be really useful.
Dmitry Buterin commented
URL of member profile is now available as a macro - added in 2.37 update.
gypse commented
FYI - I'm using Explorer 7 on Windows XP. I find that I can always open one instance in admin mode and one instance in member mode as long as I open 2 separate instances of Explorer.
So open Explorer - sign in as admin.
Open another copy of Explorer - sign in as member.
I can go back and forth as often as needed. Really nice when making CSS adjustments in member mode or restricted area. Click preview - switch windows - check to see what happened - switch back and make adjustments - etc.
emilyc commented
I vote for this, athough I realize that this probably might need as many clicks as keeping up two browsers, which is what I do: FF & Safari, which can't be used for admin but displays pretty well!
Also, one trick I use for batches is to export it all into a spread sheet, copy and past the URL for the member profile page, sort by member ID, replace that and copy to a text editor before puttting it in as html.
Not elegant, but workable.
esl commented
We would like to be able to add the URL of the member profile in customizable emails since not every members are internet savvy; some of them don't even know they can have a URL for their public profile. We can send the URL to ask them if they need to update their info and they can send their URL to their potential clients.
Dmitry Buterin commented
It is doable - just a matter of priorities. Let's see what other say to help us prioritize it.
Kim Skimmons commented
What about my original question? Is that doable?
Dmitry Buterin commented
This sounds quite doable if you can find a good Javascript guy - assembling links on the fly is not a big deal. We had a partner who was showing externally stored member pictures in exactly this way.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I am happy it works now for you, but we did not change anything.
I usually run IE and FF myself in these cases to see both public and admin view - since they do not share cookies.
Kim Skimmons commented
Now that's what I call service!