AutoResponders for new members
How about the idea of automated responses when someone signs up to become a member. Right now there is no opt-in, no "thank you" message, no nothing.
Ideally, I'd like to setup a series of e-mails that go out at a certain frequency to new members (unless they opt-out).

Bridget Weide Brooks commented
On the "The 8-Step Formula for Keeping Members Forever" with Joy Duling last week, she mentioned this as part of the Onboarding process. The ability to send a pre-scheduled series of emails to welcome new members is important. Now that you can schedule regular emails, this should be possible.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This is in our analysis queue but with quite a low priority (I'm talking about the very first post on a series of emails after membership application).
Dmitry Buterin commented
There is currently no way to set this up in Wild Apricot.
Sounds like a useful suggestion.
I would appreciate input and examples from other users.
warriorgirl commented
Is there a way we can have 2 or 3 emails sent to a New Member when they
join? Right now we have 1 activation email that goes to them when they join
and are activated by us.But we'd like to send them 2 more emails a week later, and 2 weeks later
consecutively, that gives them new information and reminders to log incan we set these up?
gilli -
gypse commented
I found I could copy the customized text from the first one into an empty outlook message, tweak the little bit that needed tweaked for each level, and copy in to the next level. Went fairly fast even though there was a bunch to "customize" since didn't have to start from scratch each time.
As far as the original post - I'm guessing they are referring to those annoying string of emails you get for the first month or two after signing up on some sites. For example, Geico sent one per week for about 5 or 6 weeks, letting you know about features on the site, etc. I don't think we are currently set up to do that, even though we are set up to send out a welcome message to acknowledge that their action was completed successfully and include any info at that one point.
Dmitry Buterin commented
@Sabobird - you are absolutely right.
sabobird commented
HippoTraining and mama,
You'll find the customizable autoresponders under the tabs "Renewal policy" and "New applications" when you're in edit mode for an individual membership level. You can change not only the text but the timing of each mailing (particularly important for renewal reminders).
This is a great feature because it saves us a huge amount of time on correspondence while still allowing us to "personalize" the messages our members receive. Not so great is that I don't think you can create default customized messages that apply across membership levels. As far as I know you have to individually customize every autoresponder that you're going to use (there are 12 available, though you don't have to use them all) on each and every membership level (which for our organization is 17).
Am I right about this, Dmitry? If I'm wrong, I'm going to kick myself for wasting dozens of hours customizing messages!
Dmitry Buterin commented
@HippoTraining: There is a number of emails for new members, setup in each level. Can you elaborate how you comments maps to what we already have?
Dmitry Buterin commented
This is done in each membership level.
mama commented
HI, I signed up as a member with a site and received a letter about checking the status of my application for membership.
Maybe we can customize this form and use it to welcome and thank members, etc.
Do you know how to customize this letter?