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411 results found

  1. Registrant to view and change his event registrations

    Current features:
    Once registered, a person can not change anything (i.e. cancel/edit details) about their registration, this can only be done by the administrator

    Desired behavior:
    Registrants should have the ability to view and edit their own event registration(s)

    389 votes

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    194 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Team Events responded

    Hello, dear supporters!

    We’re happy to announce that now your registrants can view and cancel registrations.

This suggestion has accumulated many votes and comments. As usual, we started with the main needs and some of your requests are not covered in this release.

    What released:

    • All registrants now can view all their event registrations in one place. There is new tab ’My registrations’ in the profile.
    • You, as administrator, can allow them to cancel their registrations and specify cut-off date if required.
    • We added new email – Event registration cancelled. This message is sent when a registration was cancelled, either by an administrator or by the registrant.

    What is not covered yet:

    Check our help page for more information about these changes and others, that we added in this…

  2. Event-specific administrators [10260]

    Current behavior:
    Copies of event registration notices are currently sent to the same general contact email as all other administrator notices

    Desired behavior:
    Ability to specify which administrator(s) should receive copies of even registration notices
    Ideally, allow setting this up separately for each event

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    52 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  3. Website text search

    Current behavior:
    There is no content search function for website pages or attachments

    Desired behavior:
    Search engine to search web pages, and ideally attachments as well.
    ideally, search public and restricted content depending on current user access

    Use Google search widget. This only works for publicly accessible content

    Biggest challenges:
    1) implementing good search algorithms (most site searches are either too narrow or too broad)
    2) indexing attachments of various types
    3) Indexing restricted access content

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  4. Add export in Excel XLS format and/or CSV

    Current behavior:
    Wild Apricot uses XML Spreadsheet format forimport and export. It can be opened in MS Excel 2003 and higher orExcel for Mac 2004 or higher. It also can be opened in some free Officesoftware like StarOffice.

    Desired behavior:
    Using 'old' XLS format instead to be compatible with old version of Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet software.

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  5. Generating membership cards and certificates

    Current behavior:
    Membership certificates/cards can be produced by running a search, exporting records and using something like MS Word mail merge

    Desired behavior:
    Ability to directly setup in the system layout and fields for membership certificates/cards and then to print them using common label formats.


    Details about specific desired formats/layouts/label sizes would be appreciated.

    378 votes

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    158 comments  ·  Members  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Team Membership responded

    Hello, dear supporters!
    This suggestion has accumulated many votes over years and is one of top 3 in “Members” category.
We’re happy to announce that the Membership Card is now ready for your use! Some of you already participated in beta-testing of this feature and using it already. We really appreciate your participation, time and feedback.

As all big threads, this one contains several suggestions. Some of them are covered in the release, some are not. Let’s jump into it.

    What released: Members can download and print membership cards using the design you create with the templates provided. Once you design and publish your card, members can view, download, and print their cards from their member profiles.

    What is not covered yet:
    - Membership certificates
    - Certificates for attendees
    - Ability to put Barcodes or QR codes on the card. We are conducting technical analysis of this update.

  6. Multi-session events with a single registration (e.g. courses)

    Current behavior:
    Events can not recur automatically, each instance has to be created manually.

    Desired behavior:
    Ability to setup automatically recurring events, for example monthly board meetings

    1) We need to figure out what kind of recurrence is required, for example:
    - every XX weeks on a certain day
    - monthly on certain date
    - monthly on a certain weekday (e.g. 2nd Tuesday of each month)
    2) probably should be able to set max number of recurrence
    3) Initially we will not address the ability to register and pay for several events in the series.

    UPDATED: This post is…

    95 votes

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    142 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  7. Tracking on-site registrations and actual attendance [1112]

    Current behavior:
    Wild Apricot assumes that mos attendees will be pre-registering online and does not provide any special functionality for on-site registrations and attendance tracking. It is still possible to handle that in the following way:
    - record on-site registrations and collect payments. Record attendance. (We assume that you will do it on the piece of paper instead of directly into the system, though this is possible as well).

    - enter all onsite registrations manually via admin backend using 'Add attendee' button. (You might want to add a special registration type 'Onsite' to make reconciliation easier)
    - add option buttons…

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    71 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  8. Recurring donations

    Current behavior:
    Wild Apricot only supports one-time donations.


    Use Membership application form since it is possible to setup a membership level like 'regular donor' with automatic recurring payments.

    Desired behavior:
    Support recurring donations directly.

    135 votes

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  9. Classifieds gadget (i.e. Job Board )

    Current behavior:
    Blogs or forums are repurposed to serve as classified ads/job boards, however they have serious limitations that prohibit them from being suitable solutions.

    Desired behavior:
    Self-service (e.g. searchable, browseable) classified ads system for members and visitors, with administration tools to moderate and manage entries/permissions.

    270 votes

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    Hi there!

    With closing this thread I want to remind everybody that the Job Board product is available for all Wild Apricot customers with a paid subscription. 

    The application form is available on the 'Apps' page, in the main left menu. 

    Have a great day and happy new year!

    Katya Tyukina,  Product manager of Wild Apricot, by Personify

  10. Implement Event Waitlist

    Events now have waitlists.
    If you would like to elaborate or expand our waitlist capabilities please post a new idea.

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    65 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  11. Online store

    Current features:
    Items can only be sold if they are part of a membership application, event registration, manual invoice or donation.

    Desired features:
    Create a store of items that can be purchased individually or collectively (e.g. shopping cart)

    285 votes

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    Resolved  ·  Team Husky responded

    Hi supporters,

    Today the Wild Apricot online store functionality was enabled for all paid accounts. We did our best to roll it out earlier than it was expected so you could try it out before the day of price increase.

    Please fill out this survey to let us know what is missing in the initial version so we could define the followups:

    Thanks for all the support and help during beta-test.

    Best Regards,
    Kate P
    WA, Emailing development team

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