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765 results found
Event registration require approval
I would like to have a checkbox on each event registration type -- similar to what's available on membership levels for new membership applications -- so that I can choose to require admin approval to register for certain events. Once the admin approves a registration, then the payment is immediately processed, same as with membership approvals.
- Kim
47 votes -
Simplify adding event into my calendar - e.g. attach calendar invitation into emails or suggest to add on the last screen
I'd like to be able to attach an ical (Microsoft Outlook Calendar) file to event registration confirmation emails as I do not like to include all of the details of the meeting/webinar/training on our events page since it's open to the public. I've ran into issue in which attendees do not register since they have all of the information needed to attend. This would greatly help in encouraging registration and provide them the ability to add the details to their own calendar. Thanks!
47 votes -
Allow to publish events calendar so any person can add it to their own calendar program - e.g. ICS calendar publishing
Allow the publishing of an ICS feed. Google Calendar and Outlook can not read an RSS into a calendar. What users want is an integrated calendar on their desktop and phone. When an event is added group members see it in their calendar.
46 votes -
Membership Details on Event Export Reports
For event reports have the ability to pull membership information (expiration date, status, invoice number if pending).
45 votes -
Shopping Cart ability
I think it would be really useful if the website had a shopping cart feature similar to how Amazon allows you to build up your purchases and then just check out once.
My members find it frustraiting that they have to go to the membership area to renew their membership and check out. Then go back in to make a donation and then check out. Then go back in to register for their events. A lot of times they have to check out twice to cover registration and the add/ticketed events which means they have to then check out two…
45 votes -
Page access restricted to event attendees
You can control page access so that web pages you create are visible to Anybody, Selected Membership Levels, Groups, or just Admins.Desired
Sometimes people want to create a web page that has materials or information that only pertains to be people who have attended an event (handouts, itineraries, promo codes, pictures). In these cases you would want to have the ability to say Choose "Event registrants" and then select the event(s) from a list.At present this would only work for member who attended an event, but it might be possible to make it so that when a…
45 votes -
Add limitation by Groups to Registration Types for Events
Current behavior:
When creating a registration type it can be set to everyone, members, or members of a selected membership levelDesired Behavior:
Create the ability to limit registrations to members of a group. This way admins can create a group, for example board members and make sure that only they can sign up for board meetings or executive events.45 votes -
Transfer attendees between different events
Our organization has multiple events that have the same content. After registering, some attendees need to transfer to a new date. I'd like to see a simpler way of doing this other than re-registering the attendee manually under the new date and then deleting the old registration.
44 votes -
One Member Registers Multiple Members for an Event
I mentioned this in the last survey I took and Dmitry suggested I post this here.
We have encountered several instances where allowing a member to sign up other members for an event would be a big advantage.
For example:
Member Frank would like to make a reservation for dinner with member Mike. It would be faster and tidier if Frank can do this in one registration. This way, Mike and Frank both appear on the list of registrants and both will receive updates about the dinner event. At present both would have to register separately (this would cause…
42 votes -
Show names of guests in registration list
show the names of the "guests" in the registered event list. Most of our members register their spouse and would like both names to show in the list.
41 votes -
Allow Members to post comments pre/post events
Current Behavior:
Members can not post feedback about the event at any given point in time. Prior to the event members can see the event description, attendance list, event details (date time etc), but they are not allowed to provide any comments
Proposed Enhancement:
Have club members post comments about upcoming and past events? I would like them to be able to post comments even prior registering for the event. For a sample implementation of this feature - see groupspaces.com
Motivation for the Enhancement::
Our club is a very social organization and members often like to submit general comments for…
41 votesDmitry Smirnov responded
We are going to include it into our next year plan.
Eliminate one source of human error in event registration
When registering for an event, members sometimes conclude they’re done and fail to click the Confirm button. This has happened at least once with about 10% of our members. They think they’re registered and show up at the event, but we had no idea they were coming. Unfortunately the Confirm button is below the visible part of the screen, so you have to scroll to even know it’s there. Two changes: Move the Confirm button up so it’s staring the user right in the face AND alter the wording of the final screen to make sure the user knows it’s…
40 votes -
Show who created event, who last edited it, and when.
In an organization with a lot of admins, it is helpful for admins to be able to see who posted and who changed an event listing. Please record this automatically and show it on the Event details view.
For extra credit, provide a checkbox so the admin editing the event can make theirself the event organizer without having to go to the Emails view.
40 votes -
Multiple organizers for a single event
Implement a capability to assign multiple email addresses as organizers to a particular event. Right now, you can only assign 1 organizer to a "particular" event.
40 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
See also related suggestion – http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827180
Managing late event cancellation - payment forfeit
Currently, when you cancel an attendee from an event where they have paid a registration fee, the system credits their account with the amount paid for that event, which is fair enough EXCEPT in some cases, when we have had to pre-purchase tickets and technically cannot refund the amount, but would still like to cancel the registration for recording purposes.
It would be good if, when cancelling an event registration that is not free, we are given the option to credit the account or not. That way, if you want to make the funds available to use for another event…
40 votes -
Waitlist - Emails when Registered
We use automatic waitlist rather than manual. When a spot opens up, the person on the waitlist is registered and they receive the standard registration email. We find that there is confusion with this as there isn't a message saying "good news, a spot opened and we've removed you from the waitlist and you are now registered".
Augmenting the waitlist process to include a unique version of the registration email would eliminate the confusion and make sure that members understand they are officially registered.
39 votes -
Sort admin event list
Would be helpful when looking at the Event List to have the most current event at the top rather than having to scroll down through several events to look for it. At any given time we have up to 50 events listed. Might this be possible?
39 votes -
Customize Event registration status ("Registration is closed", ".. event is now sold out..."
When registration is not yet open, our site says "Registration is closed." That can be interpreted as "SOLD OUT" or "TOO LATE." If reservations for one of our events are not yet being taken, how do we either eliminate that statement (simply don't have a button yet) or say "Reservations are not yet being taken"?
UPDATE by Yuri Karatunov
I decided to add one more comment from Malcom C. as it should be solved together
The message that appears to Members on the registration screen when the registration limit has been reached is system-wide and can only be changed using…
38 votes -
Add multiple guests to registration
Add multiple guests to an event registration on one page, rather than having to click "Add guest" each time you wish to add another guest.
38 votes -
Webinars via Wild Apricot
I am Ryan Woroniecki and work on the board of APRA-MD. We host educational webinars for our members on a regular basis as well as bag meetings on site. It would be ideal to use WildApricot to integrate a webinar service such as GoTo Meeting, JoinMe, MeetNow, etc...
Has anyone else ever requested this?
38 votes
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