Sort admin event list
Would be helpful when looking at the Event List to have the most current event at the top rather than having to scroll down through several events to look for it. At any given time we have up to 50 events listed. Might this be possible?

Anonymous commented
PLEASE sorr this ASAP - No one wants to be looking at old events and having to scroll down endlessly for current events. A sort by date order is a simple solution!
Tracey commented
Has anything happened with this yet??
It seems to be a functionality that many clients are requesting!
Tracy commented
This was shared 9 years ago! Any chance of getting this functionality???
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to list events (in admin view) in order of ascending date, instead of what appears to be the default, descending date?
I ask because of the need to continually scroll to the bottom of the list to see impending events.
Thank youBob
Anonymous commented
Haven't been able to find where to change the event listing to start with first dated event rather than last dated event. Would be more beneficial to list events in date order from this month through to end of year or into 2018.
If I am missing something would appreciate some advice on how to change. Many thanks
Rosemary -
Dominica Larkin commented
I want to have the choice to display the events how I want them - either alphabetical or something!!
Cindy Cooper commented
Oh, sorry, my comments are for the public event search view.
Cindy Cooper commented
Ability to limit the search to return future events only also. (without having to limit to a global show future events - we want the past events to continue to show on the calendar.
Definitely need to sort in date order - events seem to be listed in random date order.
Ed Wayt commented
I would also like to sort events by date in admin view. Thank you.
NAAAP commented
I would like to see the option in placing the event list in calendar view
rpmc commented
I agree with the need to sort events by date in admin view
M. commented
Mike Mulcahy commented
At a minimum there should be a way to list the events in date order. It is a real pain to have to scroll to the bottom of 55 events to see the current one.
Lisa Gibson commented
It would make sense to me that the event list is organized by DATE rather than alphabetically... or at least the option to sort by date.
And that you can search events by tag- ie: there should be a list of your tags from which you can sort your events.
Basically, in the "Event list" section, for all the headers provided, it would make sense to be able to sort by them (event name, date, registration, attendance, tags, etc.)
Walt Bilofsky commented
As I plod through editing 50 events, I am wishing for two little tiny features:
1) Prev and Next links in the event display, as you now provide in viewing a member or contact.
2) Back returns to the same spot in the Event list, not the top (already requested below).
Back does preserve the search string now. This makes it easier to deal with a limited number of events that can be gathered with a search.
Walt - thanks for sharing. No chance to slip it soon (not in this year, sorry). But next year I hope will be different, we're undergoing big internal procedural changes, to help us to be much faster.
Walt Bilofsky commented
I think the general wish is for more convenience in displaying and navigating the event list. Here are some additional ideas:
1. Have links to 12 months across the top: "Jan Feb Mar .... Nov Dec." Clicking a month goes down the list to the last event in that month. So if it's August 2015, then clicking Aug through Dec would position the list at the last event in that month in 2015. Jan through July would go to 2016.
And add a 13th link to "Next Event."
This might be convenient enough to serve as an alternative to sorting.
2. Select the event tag(s) to display, so the admin can work with just one type of event.
3. When clicking "Back" from editing an event, position the Event list at that event, not at the top. A small thing but very convenient when working with several events. Any chance of slipping this one in soon?
Ian Beecher-Jones commented
Please can it be possible to list events in date order please with the next event at the top of the page rather than at the bottom - doesn't seem logical to have the next event at the bottom of the page. Or at least give the option of how they can be sorted.
Thank you
Brenda commented
I noticed this is an old conversation but the sorting issues are still problematic.
Why is it not the users choice as to how all list show in admin view?
There should be more choices for sorting. Perhaps this could be accomplished by simply allowing us to click on the heading of a column.
Dmitry Buterin commented
What do you mean by 'most current'? At the moments, events are sorted from the latest date to the earliest date (e.g. oldest event is at the very bottom). Can you elaborate how would you ideally see this changed?