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765 results found
Event Registration - Multiple Day Conference with Multiple Sessions
Allow participants to register for multiple session being offered at different times and with different registration limits under one event. These individual sessions may have different prices associated based upon membership categories.
Also please consider adding the ability to limit some of the add on items on the registration form. Some special items that may have an additional fee may be limited in the number that can be purchased and this is difficult to do if you have to check it constantly to make sure that you don't exceed the available limit.
27 votes -
Add cancel registration macro to event reminders
It would be nice to feature a "cancel registration" macro/button option. That way when we send out reminders, those who can no longer attend can cancel.
26 votes -
Event Calendar Filter / Search on public side
I was hoping to see if there is a way to publicly search event calendars on wild apricot through basic or advance search criteria filters. Eventually I would want the public to be able to find an event by city/location or member profile association.
26 votes -
Event Reporting
We'd like to be able to pull aggregated reports of our events. Year over year, to see who is attending. Paid members vs. walk ins. Whether the price affects attendance, or certain months/seasons affect attendance. It would really help with forecasting and budgeting purposes. Thank you.
25 votes -
Event Attendees Self Check-in capability
We would like the capability to create a simple webpage that allows event attendees to enter their email address, or any other field we define (i.e., Member ID). System finds the event registration for that contact and checks them in to the event. This self-serve check-in feature is available only if the attendee has paid the appropriate attendance fee.
This would relieve work from our registration people at events. We would set up two or three computers at the registration table and allow attendees to check themselves into the event.
This would also encourage pre-registration and payment for events. We…
25 votes -
Limit guest registration to members only
Our members love the ability to register guests for events. However when an event is members only, when members register guests, there is no member look-up or verification that the guest being registered is also a member.
I know I can restrict the event so guests cannot be registered, but this feature is really helpful for our couples that share an email --- one can register both of them under the same email when using the guest registration option. And when a member wants to pay for multiple attendees on line in one transaction, they can do that this way.
25 votes -
Allow "add to calendar" on events not requiring registration
Right now, "Add to calendar" in an Event only appears (on the Events page for end users) if Registration is turned on. This option should be selectable whether or not registration is required.
It should also appear in the email announcement sent about the event.
24 votes -
Modify "Add guest" feature
Change the "Add guest" feature to say "register another person" or something like that.
24 votes -
Hide a registration field
An option to hide a registration field on an event form so it still exists but cannot be selected by registrants.
23 votes -
Consolidated event announcements
We run 3-5 events per week, so using the scheduled event email blasts are not an option as we would be bombarding people with emails all the time.
What would be great if we could consolidate all of the events in a single email and send that as a newsletter. I imagine it being something like the events list that could be inserted into the email like a widget or gadget.
Is there a way to do something like this currently?
Thanks Kerrie-Anne
23 votes -
Registration Type for Guests too
The system needs to allow for choosing registration type for a guest. Currently guests pay the same price as registrants or special price. It would be easiest to handle Families using the guest feature (no repeated contact info or memberhsip, etc.).
22 votes -
Event eMail Templates
Could you add the Event leader (name, telephone and email) to the macro list for event email templates. I'd like to see users who sign up to be told to "Please contact <event leader> at <event leader's phone #> or via email at <event leader's email> in the default event confirmation process. I'm aware I can add that individually for each event created.
22 votes -
Ability to change sort order on the attendee list - published view
I know this has been talked about before, but it looks like it was just on the admin side.
I am wondering if there is a way to sort the attendee list that is published for general members to see.
We tend to have about 800-900 members register to attend our events, and would like the list to be sorted alphabetically so that people can easily search to see if their friends have registered. It is currently sorted by WHEN they registered.
22 votes -
Event emails should allow announcement/invitation to single member
Event emails should allow announcement/invitation to single member. We sometimes need to resend to a single member who missed the announcement, or if we want to invite one person, not a save search of contacts.
21 votes -
Better Event Registrations Workflows
Workflow is pretty bad. The developers should sit down with a client local to you an actually try to check in people. You have to enter information twice and getting back to the event list is a round-a-bout gesture. It've very inefficient and time consuming.
Things like address and names should be passed through to the payment page when accepting credit cards.
21 votes -
Prompt lapsed members to renew at event registration
When registering for an event with membership-restricted registration:
- a member is prompted to log in even though they don't have to
- a non-member is prompted to become a member (good!)
- a lapsed member is given the unfriendly message "Event registration is not available for [your email address] due to event settings". They are NOT prompted to renew, or offered any way to proceed at all!
Please make this consistent for lapsed members and prompt them to log in and renew so they can register for the event.
21 votes -
Email Announcements 1-2- and 3 should be copy-able to all 3.
Once you fight through the idiosyncrasies of the WYSIWYG for Announcement 1, you should be able to button-duplicate that to Announcements #2 and #3.
21 votes -
Give members closure after online registration
My members who are first-time users of Wildapricot are complaining about the lack of closure during online registration. After clicking Confirm, where they might have expected a "Thank you for registering," they get the attached instead. "! This invoice is unpaid!" Of course it's unpaid. All invoices are unpaid when they're presented. Since we're operating in offline payment mode, there is nothing the member can do about it at the moment anyway. Please change this ugly non-assurance to something that gives some closure. The wording here is not just a gaffe for offline payers; it's a gaffe for everyone. People…
20 votes -
Event Registration Report Email(s)
It would be great if the meeting organizer could setup a date & time for Wild Apricot to automatically email him/her (and a cc list) a report of those that are registered (and have declined) for an event. This should take advantage of the event "report" feature and be at the event level in the email section.
20 votes -
Ability to customize security aspects of {Registration_buttons} macro (warning message, auto-login behavior) in event announcements emails
Current behavior:
When an event announcement email includes the {Registration_buttons} macro
- buttons has the ability to auto login recipients
- security warning advising against forwarding the email will automatically appear in red at the topThere are some issues with this solution:
- "scary" security warning may reduce attendee engagement
- risks of having autologin link in email might not be clear enough
- there is no customization available (i.e there is no way to switch off autologin functionality and remove message)Desired behavior:
We need to find proper balance between usability and security here20 votes
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