Modify "Add guest" feature
Change the "Add guest" feature to say "register another person" or something like that.

Scott Kolar commented
Move the button to the top of the page. Make it larger or allow users to edit the format
Rebecca Branta commented
I agree with this but more so woudl like to see the Add Guest button moved to the top of the page. It's very confusing to have to keep scrolling down to "add guest" - it doesn't feel easy and seamless, it feels like I'm on a scavengar hunt trying to find the button so I can continue with adding guests.
Kylie commented
Change the "Special Guest" price to Additional Delegate...Accompanying person, anything other than Special Guest
Ruthi commented
Don't know what the wording should be but people do get confused on a regular basis, when asked 'number of guests' some think this includes them. Additional registrants?
Gary Roth commented
We are a ski and travel club. Our club members often register their spouse or children or grand children. I think it is important for them to know that the additional person(s) will be added to their invoice. I recommend saying "Add another person to my registration"