Ability to Search Custom Event Registration Fields
I would like to request that WA consider in future updates the ability to search and filter contact and event registrants via custom event registration fields. I am using WA to manage a large state conference and have our pre-conference sessions built into the event registration and would like to email just those people, but there is no way to filter those folks out without exporting to excel. This would make managing larger events with more complicated registrations easier.

Tom Smith commented
I would add this same functionality for other types of custom fields. In my case, for custom donations fields. We would use this as a workaround for the lack of recurring donations. The donor would click to give permission to contact at the anniversary of the donation to remind them to donate again.
tlcorr03 commented
It would be GREAT if I could search through registrants by custom fields.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Good point, thanks for bringing this up!