Limit guest registration to members only
Our members love the ability to register guests for events. However when an event is members only, when members register guests, there is no member look-up or verification that the guest being registered is also a member.
I know I can restrict the event so guests cannot be registered, but this feature is really helpful for our couples that share an email --- one can register both of them under the same email when using the guest registration option. And when a member wants to pay for multiple attendees on line in one transaction, they can do that this way.
So currently we have to manually look up all guests to make sure they are actually members when registered for member events.
I would like the system to verify membership for guests when an event is designated Members Only.
Alternatively, perhaps a new category of guest can be created such as "register another member" vs. register a guest. The terminology "guest" is confusing when used in conjunction with a members only event, since members sometimes assume that means a non-member guest is OK.

Tom De commented
The following is a bug: If a member adds a guest but supplies his/her own email in lieu of the guest's email, the guest is encoded as a member — and gets member pricing in our case. This is a way for members to get a hidden discount on non-member guests.
Nick Howe commented
Just discovered this 'feature' - it is really a bug. How can it be that a member can add any non-member to a member-only event simply by adding them as a guest. BIG loophole. This needs to be fixed. Simply add a check box next to enable guest registrations that applies the same restrictions as the primary registrant. e.g., if the event is only open to specific member levels, then same applies to guests.
Regency Society of Virginia commented
We love the ability to differentiate between member and non-member pricing in general but it would be ideal to have a way to apply that same price differential to their guests. Right now, if we have an event open to both members and non-members, in order to have the proper pricing applied, we either have to disallow guest registrations or go back and verify the membership of guests. Disallowing guest registrations often means that the administrators and members of bundles (in our case, family memberships) are required to go through the registration process multiple times (consequently incurring multiple online per payment transaction fees for our organization when a single payment would have otherwise been made). Allowing guest registrations, on the other hand, typically means that we are required to verify the membership status of guests, costing our volunteer admins valuable time and sometimes leading to an awkward conversation asking the registering member for additional money.
Logged-in bundle administrators should be able to register the individual members of their bundle on the same registration transaction. Otherwise, the member pricing should only be unlocked for guests if they provide a valid member ID# for that guest or contact an administrator.
GOPS Webmaster commented
In addition to an overall guest limit, would like to see ability to limit the number of guests as well at the registration level. E.g., paid member +1 guest only.
GOPS Webmaster commented
For some of our events we want to register only paid members (as other have mentioned here), we have now turned off the "guest" option because too many people were being added as guests and who were not paid members. Some members were registering their partners/spouses as "paid members" but some are not actually paid members. This caused us to manually verify memberships, create invoices or emails requesting membership activation, etc. Paid member couples now have to sign in twice just to register the two of them for a single event. It would be better if the guest option could include an optional requirement that the "guest" actually be a "paid member". Better yet would be to implement an option for one spouse/partner to register and pay for themselves and their paid member spouse/partner in a single transaction.
Brian Lawrence commented
simplify buying registration
Melinda Shaw commented
I'm managing a convention up upwards of 600 people. When someone registers guests, my taking the time to look them all up is crazy! Why can't there just be a list of bundled members on their registration page and a "add bundled member" button right there to add new folks? This is ridiculous that it's been an issue for this long and not fixed!
[Deleted User] commented
This is a very important issue for us too. Have to build workarounds and it basically comes back to the system is built on trusting your members to do what they are suppose to do. We tell them to only register a "guest" that is an active member. I believe the admin can look at the list of registrants and if you collected all information including email, you can easily tell if they are a member or not.
Gail Victoor Jodoin commented
Our association could really benefit from this. We have couples that want to register for an event and pay in a single transaction. As our events are members only, we need the verification that the guest is a member so we can't use the guest registration feature. This feature would be a real benefit to our membership! Thanks!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No update and no plans yet to have any progress over it.
Patricia Eggers commented
Is there any update on this?
Our need is not really to limit guest registrations to members only - it depends on the registration type. If it's a member only type (member price), we need to make sure they guests are also members to qualify for that price. -
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
I've edited the title of this thread so that it's a little more representative of its contents when looking at the list.
Meagan commented
This is a great idea and we would too support the development of this. At the moment we simply don't enable the guest registration since it's such a pain to look up members' status.