Patricia Eggers
My feedback
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144 votes
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13 votes
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2 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
22 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
Overall the new capability for users to self-service their billing is great.
However I do think many users will be confused by the lack of information about credits they may have on their account. Right now the only thing is says is "Payment" with the amount/date.
We put internal notes when credits are generated so that we know the source (i.e. name of event if a cancelation credit, or raffle prize credit if it was a gift for example) and can be sure the credit is valid and not an Event Manager error.
I don't think our members intuitively think of their credits as "payments", so with no other explanatory information on the record they may not understand that's what it is. If they have multiple credits, they have no way of knowing where they came from to be sure they have the right credits.
Even when you click on the Payment link, it doesn't' give you any additional information, such as the internal notes that the administrator put on the record. That would at least be helpful even if the system can't post more information about the record automatically.
6 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I think this a great idea for all "probably abandoned" transactions. Many times the user THINKS they have completed/paid for the event or membership, but missed the final confirmation step. It would be good if the notification could also copy the administrator or the specific event manager/membership manager as appropriate, to alert them to a probably abandoned transaction. These can easily be missed the way it currently works
226 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
We would only need the ability to send to all attendees, similar to the event reminder. We like to send out post-event surveys for some events, and it would be great to have it all set up when we create the event.
Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
14 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
13 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
7 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
Perhaps this new report could be named "Event Reconciliation Report" That might be a better description of what it is for.
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I think that would cover it.
I don't need a breakdown of tender type by registration type if that's the specific question you had. I'm assuming you're not proposing taking away the event payment report that's already there since it is useful, just renaming it and adding another Event Payment Summary report that just breaks down event sources of revenue (not by registration type).
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
Here's what I'm looking for:
On the same screen where the Event Manager would click on the current event "Payment Report" (hopefully to be renamed to distinguish from Financial Transactions Paymt report), have a new button that would provide a summary of the sources of revenue received for that specific event. (Much like the financial transactions payment report --- however I didn't see how that could be filtered to show just the specific event revenue sources --- and really don't want to make it that complicated for an Event Manger). Could be called Event Pymt Summary Report or something like that.
The purpose would be for event reconciliation. The event manager is responsible for collecting/posting manual payments, may have member credits posted to settle partial/full payments for an event, as well as online transactions. It would be fabulous if they could push 1 button after event is over to break out exactly how much they should have collected in checks. They would print this report and manually add any other event expenses (outside WA stuff), and forward to Treasurer along with checks. The Treasurer can also clearly see how much on line revenue for that event which is easier than trying to get it out of Paypal by event.
We track expense/revenue separately for each event. Maybe there is a way to get this, but I'm missing it. And it needs to be easy for an Event manager to find on their event screen.
Does that explain it?
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I would like to see the Events Payment report display summary totals of revenue by source and registration type (similar to the old Payment Report that showed manual vs. online payment totals). Now the report just totals all revenue.
It's great you can get this info by going to Financial Transactions and then clicking Payment Report there, but this is extra steps and more detail than most event managers might need. Ours are not that savvy with the system, may only do 1 event/year, so I like the simplicity of the old Events Payment report that tells them total revenue by source for each registration type. They don't really need all the detail about each transaction, since they are asked to submit just the summary report for their reconciliation of an event.
I was also confused since both reports are called "Payment Report" . I'm sure I'll get a lot of questions from event managers who have trouble find the financial transactions Payment Report they need. Perhaps, maybe distinguishing the names in the two places would help, but I would prefer more summary data on the events Payment Report.
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I guess I was referring specifically to the Payments Report, I do see how to filter financial transactions to get the totals for each, which is better than what I thought they would have to do but this is still an extra step. I also don't see where the filtered report TOTALS the transactions for a particular source.
Our event managers are not so savvy in the system, and may only do one event/year, so simplicity works best. I would love it if the payment report displayed this so they don't have to go through the extra steps of filtering the financial transactions.
Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
25 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
Is there any update on this?
Our need is not really to limit guest registrations to members only - it depends on the registration type. If it's a member only type (member price), we need to make sure they guests are also members to qualify for that price.Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
9 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I guess I'm not making my point clear, I understand that they no longer exist in WA.
Maybe I am missing something about how it works now. It seems to me we are relying on the user to notice on their profile that they have an incomplete transaction (when they erroneously thought they had completed a transaction). The best example is when they go to pay by credit card and fail to hit the final Confirm button on Paypal, but really think they paid (happens often enough). In this case, WA will show Incomplete transaction on their profile for 72 hours, correct?
However many never go back to look at the WA website, so won't ever know they didn't successfully complete. Then the risk is they show up at 4:30 in the morning to get on a bus for that event, and the trip leader has no idea why they are there, and may not have a seat for them. Not a good situation.
That's my concern with admins having no notification about incomplete transactions. I
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I still don't really understand why in 4.3 we stopped providing admin the ability to see incomplete event transactions, but you still provide that info for donations.
My understanding is that the info about incomplete transaction only stays on the profile for 72 hours. Regardless, what about those people who register for an event, think they've completed it and NEVER go back to the site before the event, so don't see the incomplete status. So far since 4.3 I've only had one call from a new member that actually didn't complete, and called to verify (didn't see anything on the site to tell him that, just wondered since he received no email confirmation). But we've only had 4 events since then. I fear the day someone shows up to a sold out event that we had no idea they tried to register for.
I would much prefer the user has to make a conscious decision: Complete or Confirm or Cancel rather than having these incompletes. But of course in the case of credit card payment, if they are incomplete in Paypal, the admin would still need to be notified of an incomplete transaction since it occurred outside of WA.
In the past, the vast majority of our Probably Abandons were people who thought they had completed. Any way to set up notification to Admin on these?
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I'd like to broaden this suggestion to include all transactions, not just donations.
Currently there is no centralized way to view/monitor the Probably Abandoned transactions. We have many event managers, and they often are unaware that they have these transactions on their event, and frequently the attendee is totally unaware that their payment was not successful.
It would be great if there were an Admin report, perhaps in the Finance tab to view all Probably Abandoned transactions. Or send an email to notify the Event Manger (or Membership manager, donation manager as appropriate). Either one of those options would be an improvement.
Currently I have to go into each event to see if there are any, and then advise the event manager so that the attendee doesn't just assume they are booked on the event.
373 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
We would like more control over guest registrations also.
Specifically, there are certain events that we allow members to register a guest (for convenience of one transaction), but still require all guests be current members. Right now there is no member check available on guest registrations, we have to look each one up manually after they've registered (and often paid).
So I'd like the option of designating whether or not any guests registered have to be members.
105 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
We also would like to have this feature.
We currently have a common renewal date for all members (as a ski club, we have a very seasonal calendar year). We offer "Early Bird Membership" at a discount from June 1 - Sept. 31, then raise the membership fee to the "regular" rate. This is available for both renewal and new members, and is positioned as a "reward" for early sign up, rather than a "late fee"
Currently I just change the name and price of the Registration Type on Oct. 1, but it would be great if I could set this up automatically in WA.
137 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
We would definitely like to see this feature. We currently do paper surveys sporadically.
One important type is to survey trip participants after the event, so the ability to survey specific event (s) attendees would be important. We also could benefit from a broader survey to the general membership. then of course provide the ability to tally the results for analysis. We would also want to capture comments in a note field on each survey, which of course can't be quantified, but provided as additional information. -
75 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
You got it! Thanks for the suggested work around, I'll try that next time.
Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
4 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
Yes ---- I'd be happy with any type of notification, especially for Event Managers. I don't need it to prevent admin. from entering, we just want to verify active membership.
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
This problem will not be apparent until your members pass their renewal date, and don't renew their membership. If lapsed members send in event registration forms, when the event manager/administrator manually adds the attendee to the event they will NOT get any notification as to the membership status of the attendee. The system will just populate the contact data, and the manager will enter the attendee in spite of the fact that their membership may have lapsed. We had hoped that WA would do this to prevent non-renewals from being able to register for member events. (In the first year, it's not an issue, since the member's data is not in WA --- we did not import the member list. So it works great in year 1).
All that is needed is to add to the notification when the member data is found in the database, some indication about member status (Active or Lapsed). Otherwise, the event manager will have to manually look up every attendee that does not register on line to verify membership status before completing the registration. This is a lot of extra work, and probably won't happen with many of our volunteer managers resulting in non-members getting registered for member events/or member pricing. We have multiple event managers, and want to make this as simple as possible. This seems like it could be a quick fix that should be implemented.
The people that send in manual event registrations are generally those without email/computers, so won't get our email reminders to renew, and may not realize they haven't renewed on time.
Patricia Eggers shared this idea ·
239 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
We also want this capability, since currently members must submit manual payments (checks) to pay for our larger events in installments. I believe there is already another thread on this forum for capability to support installment payments.
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
As this is a complicated system enhancement, a suggestion for us in the interim would be to enable us to designate fields in the Registration form as a numerical field, rather than the current text field. We still post installment payments manually to the attendee record for tracking. When we export to excel, the $ data fields have to be converted to numerical fields in order for Excel calculations to work. Having the ability to designate fields as numeric would be helpful, and possibly a quicker interim fix.
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
We would also like the ability to support multiple payments for events. Our longer trips are paid in 2 or three installments. I'd also like the ability to designate if these payments can be made on line or only manually.
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
I also want the ability to manage installment payments. We have overnight and fly trips that we currently have members pay for in installments. Fly trips have 3 payments over a 3-5 month period, depending on the date of the trip. We'd like to manage that in WA, and would like the ability to set the payments to manual or on line as needed for each event, and possibly per installment. Ideally, members who have already registered for the event (and paid the initial deposit with their enrollment), would get automatic system reminders for the next payment due. The event manager would be able to post the payments to the member record in order to have WA do all the tracking of the payments, member gets receipt.
44 votes
Patricia Eggers supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Patricia Eggers commented
We would also like this capability.
One application we could use it for is in managing a wait list for an event. That way we could accept wait list registrations in a separate "event" that is specifically a wait list, keep track of who wants to attend, and simply move the registration to the main event when there is an opening.
And it would simplify things if people need to change a date ---- now you have to cancel, re-enter and reapply any credits to the new registration/event. If you could just transfer them, along with any payments made that would be sweet.
Ok, that's a good addition, didn't realize what it was for, we can definitely use that.
However, that now means we have to enter the info twice --- one for the internal notes, so we can see it in the listing of all the financial transactions, so we know what it is without opening each one, and once for the user so they will know what it is when they are in their profile.
One solution would be to have the comments to payer visible in the transaction listings?