Highlight lapsed members in event registration admin screens
Although a lapsed member is unable to register for member-only events online (this is good), the Event Manager or Administrator when adding an attendee manually (one who mails in a registration form for example) does not get any notification when adding an attendee that their membership has in fact lapsed, and they are not eligible for the event (this is bad!).
I had hoped to save all my Event Managers any extra work by telling them that when they entered the email address of the attendee, the system would not find them if they were not a current member. That only works in year one --- once renewals lapse, WA finds the member data but does not notify the manager of the members status as lapsed.
This means that for every attendee manually added to a member-only event, the event manager must take the extra step of clicking on the member name, clicking on Membership to see that the status is Active member. I don't see that working real well.
Please consider adding notification about member status when adding an attendee manually to an event via their email address. I'm OK with notification only if that's a quick fix --- not so concerned about blocking event manager from adding the lapsed member.
We need this before next August when our non-renewing members will lapse!!!!
Teri commented
Having just finished our first event with Wild Apricot, it will become very important to easily see that the membership has lapsed in the event attendees list.
Dmitry Buterin commented
This makes total sense. Hope to see votes and comments on this from others.
Patricia Eggers commented
Yes ---- I'd be happy with any type of notification, especially for Event Managers. I don't need it to prevent admin. from entering, we just want to verify active membership.
Dmitry Buterin commented
So just to reconfirm:
The issue is that when admin manually adds registrant to event, WA should clearly display/warn admin if member is any status besides Active.
Patricia Eggers commented
This problem will not be apparent until your members pass their renewal date, and don't renew their membership. If lapsed members send in event registration forms, when the event manager/administrator manually adds the attendee to the event they will NOT get any notification as to the membership status of the attendee. The system will just populate the contact data, and the manager will enter the attendee in spite of the fact that their membership may have lapsed. We had hoped that WA would do this to prevent non-renewals from being able to register for member events. (In the first year, it's not an issue, since the member's data is not in WA --- we did not import the member list. So it works great in year 1).
All that is needed is to add to the notification when the member data is found in the database, some indication about member status (Active or Lapsed). Otherwise, the event manager will have to manually look up every attendee that does not register on line to verify membership status before completing the registration. This is a lot of extra work, and probably won't happen with many of our volunteer managers resulting in non-members getting registered for member events/or member pricing. We have multiple event managers, and want to make this as simple as possible. This seems like it could be a quick fix that should be implemented.
The people that send in manual event registrations are generally those without email/computers, so won't get our email reminders to renew, and may not realize they haven't renewed on time.