Notify Administrator about attempted but failed Donations
Unless I'm configured wrong I am not being notified when someone attempts, but ultimately fails,in making an online donation.
They could fail either because their credit card does not go through properly or they simply close the PayPal page. Although the transaction shows up in Wild Apricot as a Pending Donation it would be great if I could also be notified by email like a pending payment event registration.
I always follow-up with a phone call to these pending donations, but sometimes I miss them if I'm not emailed about it.

Sara commented
Agreeing with those below that are having an issue with "probably abandoned" transactions, listed as registered but unpaid in a WA event but no payment is ever sent because the person probably hasn't realized they never completed the transaction. That's our largest ongoing issue, more with event ticket sales and membership payments, not so much with donations.
Address verification is performed by 3rd party Payment gateway, and it's a part of standard fraud-protection procedures. WA is not involved here. The only thing I can suggest is for you to can contact your WA site administrator to find out which payment gateway is used.Oleg, Payments team
Anonymous commented
I attempted to make a donation of £5 but failed, you tell me that my Visa Debit card does not match my postcode!!!!!!???????
Dmitry Buterin commented
We no longer use the concept of 'incomplete transactions'. In your example, this would be a transaction with an unpaid invoice and it will be always shown in their profile and also special notification box, not just for 72 hours. Admins can clearly see which transactions were paid and which were not and contact unpaid ones if desired.
Patricia Eggers commented
I guess I'm not making my point clear, I understand that they no longer exist in WA.
Maybe I am missing something about how it works now. It seems to me we are relying on the user to notice on their profile that they have an incomplete transaction (when they erroneously thought they had completed a transaction). The best example is when they go to pay by credit card and fail to hit the final Confirm button on Paypal, but really think they paid (happens often enough). In this case, WA will show Incomplete transaction on their profile for 72 hours, correct?
However many never go back to look at the WA website, so won't ever know they didn't successfully complete. Then the risk is they show up at 4:30 in the morning to get on a bus for that event, and the trip leader has no idea why they are there, and may not have a seat for them. Not a good situation.
That's my concern with admins having no notification about incomplete transactions. I
Dmitry Buterin commented
It's because we got rid of the concept of incomplete/abandoned transactions except for donations. All other transactions are only created when people click on Confirm and proceed to pay. Then they proceed to payment - but can bail out - so you can distinguish between unpaid and unpaid transactions (invoices).
See also:
Patricia Eggers commented
I still don't really understand why in 4.3 we stopped providing admin the ability to see incomplete event transactions, but you still provide that info for donations.
My understanding is that the info about incomplete transaction only stays on the profile for 72 hours. Regardless, what about those people who register for an event, think they've completed it and NEVER go back to the site before the event, so don't see the incomplete status. So far since 4.3 I've only had one call from a new member that actually didn't complete, and called to verify (didn't see anything on the site to tell him that, just wondered since he received no email confirmation). But we've only had 4 events since then. I fear the day someone shows up to a sold out event that we had no idea they tried to register for.
I would much prefer the user has to make a conscious decision: Complete or Confirm or Cancel rather than having these incompletes. But of course in the case of credit card payment, if they are incomplete in Paypal, the admin would still need to be notified of an incomplete transaction since it occurred outside of WA.
In the past, the vast majority of our Probably Abandons were people who thought they had completed. Any way to set up notification to Admin on these?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
In release 4.3 (about Oct 2011) we are going to change the way how members and visitor makes payments. System will generate invoice for i.e event registration, all invoices go to member or visitor own profile and are visible all the time, they can also pay it anytime.
Based on that we will get rid of "probably abandoned" concepts - before invoice is created, no transaction appears for admin. Member or visitor should complete the process and confirm invoice generation. After that admin sees all such transactions as usual "unpaid" ones.
Donations are going to be slightly different here - visitor or member will see such failed donations in his financial history (long with other invoices and payments) and will be able either complete the payment online or cancel it.
Having said all above I believe this particular thread can stick to the original question - to notify admin about failed donations so he can contact a person if he wants.
Patricia Eggers commented
I'd like to broaden this suggestion to include all transactions, not just donations.
Currently there is no centralized way to view/monitor the Probably Abandoned transactions. We have many event managers, and they often are unaware that they have these transactions on their event, and frequently the attendee is totally unaware that their payment was not successful.
It would be great if there were an Admin report, perhaps in the Finance tab to view all Probably Abandoned transactions. Or send an email to notify the Event Manger (or Membership manager, donation manager as appropriate). Either one of those options would be an improvement.
Currently I have to go into each event to see if there are any, and then advise the event manager so that the attendee doesn't just assume they are booked on the event.