Better Event Registrations Workflows
Workflow is pretty bad. The developers should sit down with a client local to you an actually try to check in people. You have to enter information twice and getting back to the event list is a round-a-bout gesture. It've very inefficient and time consuming.
Things like address and names should be passed through to the payment page when accepting credit cards.
Sophie Musumeci commented
Reduce the number of steps / pages for guests to register for an event. Every additional step increases the chance on them saying 'oh this is too hard' and canceling out. Condense it into 1 page with a confirmation.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if the contact information transferred to the payment information so members don't have to re-enter information.
Alexia, thanks for the feedback. Could you elaborate a little "embarrassing mess" thing? Particular details can help us to understand the problem better and ultimately improve it.
Alexia Lidas commented
its embarrassing- a mess
Walt, thank you and I agree. Though this is not something we're going to do soon
Walt Bilofsky commented
I was going to post on a different item - - but wound up listing multiple event workflow problems so will support this one.
Event registration needs an overhaul.
For the event I'm struggling to set up, we want to allow prepayment online at a reduced rate, and also registering online and paying at the door.
I'm using Extra Cost add-ons for attendance to work around another inflexibility because we charge different prices for adults and kids.
But to also charge different prices for prepay and at-the-door, I need two registration types which would display two different sets of Extra Cost add-ons on the registration form. IOW - the ability to have the registration form hide some items depending on member class and/or registration type.
This would also require specification of online vs offline payment to be associated with registration types rather than the whole event. And if were going to work, it would require the ability to automatically cancel the registration if the member dropped out of Paypal, which an unfortunate number of our members have figured out they can get away with, resulting in extra work for the event organizer.
So what's needed is really an overall look at registration workflow.