Event Calendar Filter / Search on public side
I was hoping to see if there is a way to publicly search event calendars on wild apricot through basic or advance search criteria filters. Eventually I would want the public to be able to find an event by city/location or member profile association.

Mary Folsom commented
Since this functionality is available in admin-mode, and filters are available on the API, it seems like it should be within the realm of WA development to provide event filtering more dynamically. We can play display tricks with tags on the calendar, but I can't find tag information in list mode, nor in the "Upcoming Events" gadget.
Blair Robbins commented
Our members need a way to search the calendar! We have many meetings and programs over the course of the year, but there is no way for a member to search the calendar for key words of interest to him or her.
Patty Bruns commented
I agree. Our members need a way to search for events by location rather than having to search through our calendar! Please hurry! This is our most asked question from our members.
Anonymous commented
Customers need to be able to search the event calendar. currently only Admin can search.
Anonymous commented
This is critical and our customers keep asking for a solution. They need to be able to go into the calendar and pull the events in a certain city or a mileage range, or by the price of the vendor fee.
Shannon Nelson commented
I need this too! I would like a search filter that includes location, Fee, and a most recently added.
Anonymous commented
1. Was hoping I'd be able to offer the public filters on the upcoming events. Example of this filtering is on this page:
You'll see the public can currently filter by theatre company, genre, or venue.2. Can an image be added to an event? (example webpage is as above)
Thanks! -
Gail Victoor commented
We would love to see more advanced search functionality for events on the public view side.
We recently implemented the site search function that includes the ability to search events however this searches all events, even past events.
The event site search function is a good start but the ability to hide past events from the search would be key for us. The club has 50+ events a month so hiding the past events is crucial to make the event search effective for our club. -
Anonymous commented
yes - we are working with a group that has events accross the country and world - members as well as public (non-member) interested parties who would like to search by date (the time they might have available to attend) or location by them - or near places they want to visit... these search functionalities need to be available within the event database - e.g. finer granularity on event location - same as member's own location - with search gadget on the public side as well - and the ability to post filtered results by date, country, state/canton etc... THX!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Figured it, thanks. Merged with similar thread.
Kim Skimmons commented
The calendar gadget that is on web pages. Not the admin side.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Are you talking about public calendar or admin UI?
Kim Skimmons commented
Quick Filter: Similar to in WA directories, allow option to show quick filters based on tags, date, free vs. paid events, member vs. public events, and other deterministic fields. This would make for a much more robust and interactive way to quickly see only the events you want to see.
General Search: Free-form search would be nice too, but quick filter is better if I have to choose which one gets implemented first. Both are useful for different scenarios. Quick Filter is a more powerful user interface element.
- Kim
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
For adding events by member - see http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825554-members-to-be-able-to-submit-events-3764
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate additional details/examples on this.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I split this out into a separate thread (was originally in member-submitted events thread) since we do not currently have any kind of event search so this should be addressed separately.
AnnaP commented
Can you consider including a zip code search for events in this calendar? Location is required, so if zip code is required, then members can search by zip code area to find events in their area or if they are traveling, etc...
mikekilgour commented
I'd second this request. We'd love it if there was an option for a members only calendar where they would be able to add their own events w/basic info like date/time/cost/location and a brief description. Ideally a logged in member would then be able to search or filter the results by area.
For example if I was a member of our group and visiting Chicago, I'd love to be able to search for shows by other members in the area for the weekend or week I would be there.