Multiple organizers for a single event
Implement a capability to assign multiple email addresses as organizers to a particular event. Right now, you can only assign 1 organizer to a "particular" event.

See also related suggestion –
Kristen commented
I've had to create fake contacts and google group email addresses to get around this issue. It would be better to fix it. Thanks!
Cindy Beley commented
Could you add the ability to have more than one event organizer in the event form? We often have co-chairs who are hosting an event so both need to get the emails as to who is coming.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
To add to my comment of almost THREE YEARS AGO ...
In addition to having a Reservationist and an Organizer (each specific to that event), we routinely cc registration emails (using a hybrid system involving our domain registrar) to the respective Manager for that type of event, and sometimes one or two others. Unless WA made the list of optional recipients customizable by us, it would be cumbersome to include so many options. It would work just as well to be able to set up each event as a distinct Contact and autoforward from that Contact to the multiple recipients. I've just spoken with Support, who says currently that is not possible. A separate wish. -
Bob Hart commented
Likewise, we have (2) co organizers for almost all events. So, having multiple email addresses would be a great help.
sla commented
Multiple coordinators/contacts for an event.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Allow two or more people to be associated with an Event. E.g., there might be co-Organizers, or there (often) might be an Organizer and a different person as Reservationist.
sean commented
We have many events where there are two or more organizers (hosts). It would be great if all the hosts received emails concerning their event.
Cassandra - thanks for the suggestion. I was 100% sure we had it already, by I could find one! I only found this one -