Customize Event registration status ("Registration is closed", ".. event is now sold out..."
When registration is not yet open, our site says "Registration is closed." That can be interpreted as "SOLD OUT" or "TOO LATE." If reservations for one of our events are not yet being taken, how do we either eliminate that statement (simply don't have a button yet) or say "Reservations are not yet being taken"?
UPDATE by Yuri Karatunov
I decided to add one more comment from Malcom C. as it should be solved together
The message that appears to Members on the registration screen when the registration limit has been reached is system-wide and can only be changed using javascript. It would be good to be able to customise it for each event.

Phil Schwarz commented
A comment relevant to this issue posted by another user on a different (unrelated) wish-list item:
Stan Kalisch commented Jan 26, 2019
If a registration period has not yet opened, it would be better to indicate when the opening date occurs, rather than implying the registration is closed. It is also currently confusing when a registration period has not yet opened, for a person to see two messages one reading "registration is closed" and the other message "be the first" (to register). -
Phil Schwarz commented
Our members (Cape Ann Trail Stewards) are confused by "Registration is closed" showing on days before registration opens for an event. They think the event is sold out, and we are *losing registrations* as a result.
I agree with slalom - there are several items in the wish list for this same feature-fix and their votes should be combined. This should be trivial to implement (since there has to already be logic in place to compare the current time to the registration open and close date-times, to decide whether or not to show "Registration closed") and it will capture otherwise lost reservations for many of your customers. -
groovamatic commented
We would very much like a a note on the Event list summary screen on the Admin side. You have to drill way down into Registration types & settings for each individual event to see this.
Having the option to display it on the public side of the event would be helpful as well.
Also, a reminder email to admins near the closing date ("Registration for your event, XXX, closes in 14 days." etc.) would be very helpful.
slalom commented
I posted this suggestion almost two years ago, and there's been no action. Since then, I've become a regular user of WA for our organization, and have re-posted it with various side comments, not realizing this old wish is still here. WA, please tote up the votes for all the various posts, and you'll see more support. This rough edge could be costing our organization reservations from people who think the event is "closed" and don't come back.
Thank you. We are considering some options that would allow users to customize more labels throughout Wild Apricot, but in the meantime you can use this work around:
Alain commented
Makes sense. I have moved this to the wishlist forum.
slalom commented
I'm writing as a member of an organization hosted by Wild Apricot, not as a WA user, so pardon if my question seems naive. Only so much "technical pestering" is polite in a volunteer organization, or I'd ask our site person to double-check this.
Our organization has a lot of events on its calendar, most posted well in advance. The registration period for most events starts two or three weeks before the event, and closes a few days before. But if the registration period is not yet open, the calendar says "Registration is closed." That makes it look like the event is full! The notice should instead say, "Registration is not yet open." (And should be automated so that the notice either disappears or says "Registration is open" when the opening date is reached.)
And/or the registration period start/stop dates should be displayed in the List View.
Is either of these remedies possible?
When users click on an event, to see its details, they will see the event's reservation period dates, but that's too late. The user may already have been turned away.
So, currently we have a big, huge, ugly (and hopefully thus inescapable) notice at the top of the Events list and calendar that says, Reservation will be noted as CLOSED until open for reservations. Please check reservation dates in event details. Not cool.
When the end of the registration period is reached, then it should say "Registration is closed." (Or in our case, since we sometimes take reservations after the deadline, it might be better to say "Get on waiting list" or just say nothing.)It would also be nice to use the word Reservations rather than Registration, and to have start and stop times other than midnight (e.g., close at 8 pm), but I gather that's something to post in the Wish List.
If the registrations status be customized as I've described, I'll gently prod our organizers into learning how.
But if this is entirely a Wishlist item, I'll simply post it there.