Membership Details on Event Export Reports
For event reports have the ability to pull membership information (expiration date, status, invoice number if pending).

Steve Smith commented
Allow selection of Membership Fields in Event Registrant export. There is specific membership information that is required to print on event credentials and looking it up manually is time consuming for a large event.
Anonymous commented
I need to be able to export from registrants list that includes contact information: address, city,state, zip code, phone number and email. Otherwise it's a three-step process - I have to download the entire database, then search-copy-paste to export file of registrants. We will be issuing refunds on a cancelled trip and would make our Treasurer's life much easier.
Sallie Haws commented
You might be able to find what you are looking to do by exporting from the contact database. I had the exact same, extremely frustrating, problem when, quite by accident, I discovered that the contact database links to the events and member database, where the member database does not link to the events database for some bizarre reason.
Carly Byrd commented
I NEED Member TYPE/ LEVEL to be an option when exporting registrants!!!!
Rocky Moreno commented
I need membership fields to be included as an option to export with the "Export Registrants" Option when exporting event attendees. These fields are important to some of our events, and I cannot make them common fields because they don't apply to all membership applicant types.
SUPER USER commented
Event registration is controlled by membership level and group assignment. When exporting registrants from an event, include the fields membership level and group assignment.
SUPER USER commented
Since Group participation and Membership level are both used to determine eligibility for events, we would like to be able to include those fields in exports of participants. As we move registrants from one event to another in sequence, we change their group participation. Having that field in the export would save us quite a bit of effort.
Melanie Wawryk, GISP commented
We can do most of this with Macros and an email template but can't get it to include a list of past events the member has attended or any custom fields. The information is in the database so it should be easy to pull out.
For example and email template like this mostly works:
Confirmation of Membership and Activities
This is to confirm that {Contact_First_Name} {Contact_Last_Name} is an/a {Member_Status} {Member_Level} member in good standing with {Organization_Name}.
Date Joined: {Member_Since}Next Renewal Date: {Member_Upcoming_Renewal_Date}
Association Activity: {Awards} (custom field does not work)
During that time {Contact_First_Name} has attended the following event(s):
{Event_Title} - {Event_Location} - {Event_Date} (does not list all the events the person has attended)
If we could get the email template to work that would be the first step. Allowing the user to generate the email from a button would be fantastic.
I also thought that members would be able to see a list of their past events on their information page but haven't found the functionality yet.
Lee Anne Stone commented
Membership level field would be useful as well.
Chris Ohland commented
When exporting registrants for an event the member level is not a selectable field for export.
We have multiple levels that we use when someone applies for membership and want to batch update (import) data including changing their membership level.
Without the ability to view the existing level we need to manually review the registrants and then selectively make the changes in the file rather than just using the data from an export on the next import.
Lisa Winger commented
Have membership information available to download in event registrations. This will allow sorting by membership level for ticket distribution. Now it is a two part process and you have to be an excel guru to a point. Not efficient and too much room for error.
Anthony commented
We are downloading the event roster to make/print badges. Is there a way to include "MEMBER SINCE" on their badges, or membership type, like, POWER MEMBER from their membership level
cruising commented
Yes. It would be better for our members if I could combine static data such as address, into event reports. I currently have to ask members to input data for each event, that we hold already but is not easily accessible, in order to be able to create event reports needed for our activities.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I see...There is no automated procedure unfortunately - but this can be done with export/import:
1) Export all your contacts.
2) Create new common fields, e.g. if you have City, name new field CityTmp
3) Import back while mapping existing member fields to new common fields
4) Check that everything worked (at this stage every record should have two sets of those fileds - new common ones and old member ones)
5) Delete member fields
6) Rename common fields, e.g. from CityTmp to City
Judy Nelson-Moore commented
All of our people in our system are members. The fields that I am talking about have been in the membership fields since inception of our use of the system. Is there a way to move them to common fields?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Judy, thanks for the suggestion.
I am curious - why do you keep address fields under membership and not under common fields (Those are included in the event attendees export)?
Judy Nelson-Moore commented
For notification of 3rd party vendors about the participants in an event, we need to export the participants address with the other event data. It would be really nice to be able to add membership fields to the event export.
Judy Nelson-Moore
Griff Wigley commented
I've been helping a client of mine set up a membership site using Wild Apricot. My client wants some of the fields from the member's database (date of birth, for example) to appear with the attendees report/exported file for an event.
When I asked Wild Apricot tech support how to do this, they wrote:
So I'm looking for consulting help. If anyone interested, respond here or contact me at: