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  1. Having several schedules for email blast

    The new update for scheduling email blasts is really a great idea. It was a problem before that this one does not exist. But in addition to this feature, maybe we can add like 3 or 5 schedules in 1 email.

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  2. Matching Column Lengths in Layout

    In email/newsletter blast templates, you offer several layouts that include double columns. However, as you enter content, the columns are no longer matched in length - so if you color the background or the borders, the columns don't line up with each other, and they also don't match up with the next section of one column following under the double column section. It would be good if there were a way that the columns could have matching lengths so that all the lines met, and if you color the backgrounds for the various sections it would look like one integrated…

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  3. Offline payments on Event Management Module

    We were extremely surprised and disappointed wiht Event Management Module : While it offers the option to pay offline the user interface has just not been thought out at all. It should be a pretty easy code -fix and we are surprised it has not been done yet since it is extremely confusing and unfriendly.

    If people are offered an offline payment option, you need a screen where the event organizer can give them instructions for sending a check.

    Right now, Tthe registrant is brought back to a screen where the only options they have are Pay Invoice or Register…

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  4. Split membership fees between chapter and parent organization

    Our membership fees are split between our chapter and parent organization. I would like a feature to be able to reflect that.

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  5. Transfer GST

    Have GST transfer to QuickBooks and more information transferred from the Online Payments to Monersis (POS) reports so we can cross reference transactions when doing the bank reconciliations.

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  6. Enable blog to open in new window

    Allowing "Blog" to be viewed in a new window or tab, separate from the website, so that individuals can explore blog more easily.

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  7. Allow larger search results

    Allow administrators to set alternate maximums for search results other than a maximum of 50, either on a site wide basis or in individual search gadgets

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  8. Standard Invoice Items

    I would like to be able to create standard Invoice Items and then be able to report on those items in total -
    so I can get financial revenue totals by item for a period

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  9. Default "Online only" for event payments, rather than having to select for each event posted.

    Default "online" only for event payment type rather than having to select for each event posting.

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  10. Responsive Design in Coding

    We run our website with Wordpress and embedded Wild Apricot pages. We will be updating to a "responsive design" in the next year. Our developer tells us "responsive design" has been around for at least five years, but WA does not perform this way, so it embedding pages requires extra work.

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  11. Better Facebook representation when posting links

    When posting a link on Facebook There are no pictures shown and nothing visual to indicate my site, my business, what we do or anything to promote my organization. All I see is the words Object Moved and a Wildapricot address that doesn't speak at all to what I want to show.
    How about making it possible to show something that represents us and our pictures so we can promote out organization?

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  12. Improve Sharing Buttons Gadget

    I would like the Sharing Buttons gadget improved in two ways:

    (1) I would like more sharing buttons than what is currently available (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+). To add more, I was referred to and advised to copy the HTML code for the additional buttons that I wanted and then copy and paste that code into the Custom HTML gadget. Rather than all Wild Apricots clients having to do that, I would like WA to add additional buttons that could be selected using the Sharing Buttons gadget, preferably all the ones available on the site they referred me…

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  13. Single Comprehensive Itemized Income Report

    Would like to see a more robust and comprehensive reporting feature for monthly income—something that would be sufficient to deliver to the treasurer so they can post totals to QB. For example, would like to create excel report that displays all of the invoice options and payment status options for a specific period, but in one report (membership, donations, manual invoices, fully paid, partially paid, unpaid. These would need to be itemized. I don't need the graphs, just the subtotals.

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  14. Donor Gadget

    I would like a gadget that displays names of donors by donation level for a particular year or campaign, with the ability of the donor to opt out of being included in this display at the time they make the donation.

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  15. Select contacts for registration as a group

    When addiing Registrants to an event, it is very time consuming to have to go through several clicks for each registrant. It would be great to say add registrants, and the contact list opens so I could select multiple people at once. Registering 150 one by one is time consuming!

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  16. Email Account that works like traditional email

    It would be helpful if the email system acted more like a traditional email inbox with the ability to make folders and sub-folders, etc.

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  17. HTML fields

    Feedback from a customer:

    support an HTML field which allows the embedding of a subset of HTML code like <a> <strong> <a href> some formatting and also <embed> tags. <img>

    This would enable you to put all sorts of content into the membership field and enable rich media to be available. This will also solve the issue of profile photos not being large enough since you can create a Photo album.

    I daresay putting a field like this in will actually let you design a more custom profile page without having to modify the underlying template in some cases.

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  18. duplicate blog posts

    I would like to be able to duplicate individual blog posts.

    This would be extremely helpful when there is standardized formatting that takes quite a bit of time to set up in a post.

    Copy/pasting between individual blog posts is time consuming!

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  19. Calendar Month view - make today highlighted

    In the monthly calendar view, make today highlighted like a changing the color of today that stands out on the calendar rather than just bolding today's date.

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  20. Go back to basics - look at the core member functions like the directory

    We moved to WildApricot because it sounded like the best ever membership software for the web. Yes it's member management is great, love the app and it's easy to use. BUT is it loosing sight of it's core purpose in favour of glory features? The wishlist is full of ideas for online shops, blogs etc and events seems to have been a major piece of work last year. Yet when you look at the core member functions like the directory this is failing to deliver in layout flexibility and search engine visibility.

    Surely as the premier membership software it should…

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