Split membership fees between chapter and parent organization
Our membership fees are split between our chapter and parent organization. I would like a feature to be able to reflect that.

GOPS Webmaster commented
Along these lines, we'd love to see WA develop an option to have a parent organization with sub-chapters in a single website/database. We charge member and non-member rates for events and it's a pain when a member of another chapter has to register on our Chapter website to get our "member" event rates. A consolidated membership database would be sweet. We currently manually pay our parent org $5 per year per member - not hard to do. But, we'd love a consolidated website for the parent and 5 Chapters. If implemented, then we'd like to see something like splitting the parent $ amount out vs. the Chapter funds.
Thanks for the details. Yes, I saw another one, but there is nothing I can comment on now. Both will be waiting here for their turn.
HLAADV commented
We have a treasurer and a person who does membership. The person who is the treasurer sends a check to the parent.
Without this feature we can’t export our membership fees from WildApriocot to Quickbooks. It would be nice to be able to do that.
Did you by any chance see my additional wishlist item this am? We frequently receive membership renewals that also include donations. Currently I have to post to membership and them post a donation. It would be helpful if we could include a donation when renewing the membership.
Thanks for the details. What did you do before Wild Apricot? Did you manually send the parent's part of the fee to them once a month or something? Or why manually sending once a year/quarter/month would not work?
HLAADV commented
We receive a single members fee that goes to 2 different organizations.
The total membership fee is $50. $35 goes to our national parent organization and $15 goes to our chapter. At this time I have no way to designate this split.
Could you elaborate please what you mean?