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  1. Have ability to have default "Country" selected instead of scrolling to the list

    I would like to have default "Country" already selected by Admin so the customers don't have to choose "Country" every time.

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  2. Multi-factor Authentication

    To obtain cyber-risk insurance, it is necessary for us to have the multi-factor authentication in place. I have been informed that Wild Apricot does not have multi-factor authentication in place. In today's world, this is really important. Please consider having multi-factor authentication in place for the admins at least.

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  3. Polling Improvements needed

    Need the ability for an election scenario to only have ONE option to choose from (i.e. unopposed candidate). Also, it would be great to hide old polls from the main view once they have passed. Last but not least, the most recent poll should default to the TOP of the list, not the bottom. I also second the need for poll reminders to non-voters...just like you have set up for events.

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  4. Restrict Deleting Invoices to Account Administrators

    Invoices once raised should not be deleted. Given there may be multiple event organisers who then have access to raise invoices, there is a potential audit / probity issue around cash receipts if an invoice can be deleted. Very rarely is there any need to actually delete an invoice. Voiding and/ or refunding is quite adequate and maintains an audit trail. Delete should only be possible by account administrators.

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  5. Adjust recurring payment cancellation settings

    Allow the admin to choose that recurring subscriptions will not cancel if the customer's/member's card is declined a few times. Or allow us to adjust the limit of failed charges before cancelling their subscription.

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  6. custom order featured members

    Featured members gadget only offers random order. You should have the ability to have a static order. For example you have a Board of Directors group and you want the the officers in certain order.

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  7. Posting Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes

    I need ideas on how to post our Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes. How do you do it?

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  8. Verify Information Timer

    There should be an option at the contact level to ask for verification of the contact information every X days. Google does it. Yahoo does it. Facebook does it. When the user logs in the next time, it would take them to the contact information page and prompt them to "It has been a while since we've verified this information. Is this all still correct?"

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  9. Notification

    In the "Files" section, add an automated email notification when a document has been added/changed/removed to specified members (i.e. leadership, Board, etc.).

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  10. Implement a chat button or feature on website for interaction with public

    Implementing a chat button or feature - mainly on the website for us - allowing the public to interact with someone in the office would be convenient, useful and helpful. As per your own chat functionality, it is becoming more and more prevalent and a preferred way for people to communicate. This would be preferable to integrating a 3rd party app such as Integromat via a partner and any potential associated additional costs to us.

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  11. Feature to Switch Membership Level Automatically Upon Renewal

    setting to automatically change a membership level from one level to a different level when a contact renews their membership

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  12. Include an Order's Pickup Option in the Online Store Export

    Now that it is possible to export Order Data (yeah!), it would be helpful to include the Pickup Option associated with an Order. My club offers multiple Pickup Option choices - locations/dates/times. Orders data can now be exported, but we don't know where are customers have chosen to pickup their purchases without reviewing order confirmations/emails.

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  13. two page templates different themes?

    Is there a way to have two page templates each having it's own theme? I need to do 2 themes in one website. Thanks for being patient with me - I searched but couldn't find anything..

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  14. Improved registrations for events - save event participant info in their profiles

    The events my organization runs collects a lot of varying information upon registration for each individual event beyond contact information. For example if it's a hiking event, and dependent on the type of hike, we need to know info such as about previous experience, events they attended with us in the past, any relevant medical details/medications, emergency contact info... it would be great if there was a place a member could save this info and then apply it (as required! since each individual event is different) at the time of registering for the event. If the info was outdated they…

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  15. Flexibility with Member Payments (Fortnightly)

    More flexibility in setting up membership payment options has been asked for many times.
    The recurrence of payments should be no harder to set than a repeated event in Outlook / Calendar.

    For my extra $10/month in increased fees, I'd simply like to be able to set up a fortnightly membership payment schedule to coincide with my members Payroll dates...

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  16. Email Manager with access to all emails, not only newsletters

    Currently automated emails can be generated from Membership Levels and 'Events, if something happens to delay an announcement you have to go into a number of places to edit it. If we had a email manager function that brought all scheduled emails together this would make managing them easier. As an example during COVID our Opening Day has been delayed a couple of times, so our Renewal notices have had to be edited along with our Opening Day Event email. Often we set up events ahead of time and if we had an manager function we could see all emails…

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  17. Membership Report Table

    The table currently provided for the Membership Report does not include the counts for each time period (day, week, month) for the full report. For example the table for the past 3 months with time period month, only provides the beginning and end count, not all three monthly counts. This information is in the charts, but not in the table.

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  18. 10x better functionality on blogs

    I would be really nice if Wild Apricot could have some nice blog layouts, it's really impossible to share updates with our community at he moment.

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  19. Purchasing Group Membership

    I would like the ability for members to purchase access to specific pages on our website. As page access is controlled by groups it would actually mean purchasing membership of a group.

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  20. Attach membership invoice to bundle members

    When a bundle administrator changes the renewal invoice goes with the original person. It would be best if invoices could be associated with the bundle and not the individual.

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