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  1. Meta tags for blog posts (specifically open graph for Facebook)

    I manage the articles of my magazine under the functional blog page. Individual blogs are not editable under page management. I want to insert meta tags for each individual post, specifically Open Graph tags so that my articles can be shared with the correct title and description and not the overall title and description of the functional page. Any meta tags or OG tags I insert in the html of the blogs become erased when I save the html code after the system "cleans up html coding". Has any one else had this problem or would know of any way…

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  2. Blog Post Triggers Email Blast

    It would be efficient to have the option when a blog post is created to automatically email the content of the blog post to the email group that has subscribed to blog updates. Currently, an email has to be manually generated. Thanks.

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  3. Force Custom Required Field to Be Entered for All Bundle Members at Renewal

    Occasionally we add a new custom field to our membership profile page and we'd like to require that this new field get filled out for all members when a bundle admin renews. Currently the renewal process forces only the Bundle Admin to fill in the new required field. It remains blank or null for their bundled members, and our membership is lazy and won't fill out the new field unless the system requires it.



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  4. Simplified Membership Fields for Adding Members to Bundles

    I would very much like the ability to have a custom field be required for Bundle Admins only (or the single person membership when not part of a bundle). We are a swim club and we need to capture data relevant only to the family (or the individual when not part of a family).

    It is awkward for our members when the bundle members each have to fill out a field that applies only to the family unit, and even worse when the bundle admin, during the process of entering or updating their family's data, has to fill out a…

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  5. Count of Comments

    It would be nice for each members post to have a counter to indicate what number post it is. This way sites could do contests and give away things to the first one to reach 50 or 100 comments. It could help encourage participation.

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  6. Back Button to Forum Summary

    My site really needs a back button to the Forum Summary after a commenter posts. It's a critical flaw. I've never seen a message board that doesn't have this function. I've already gotten complaints about it from my membership calling the software bulky and non-intuitive.

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  7. registration confirmation e-mail template

    In the email template that automatically confirms a registration, it would be hugely helpful if the invoice number generated by the registration was included as macro field. We often have registrants sending us their confirmation email, but it doesn't refer to the registration number/invoice.


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  8. Shopping Cart ability

    I think it would be really useful if the website had a shopping cart feature similar to how Amazon allows you to build up your purchases and then just check out once.

    My members find it frustraiting that they have to go to the membership area to renew their membership and check out. Then go back in to make a donation and then check out. Then go back in to register for their events. A lot of times they have to check out twice to cover registration and the add/ticketed events which means they have to then check out two…

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  9. Charging credit cards for donations in admin view

    Currently the ability to charge a credit card for a donation is not available on the admin side. We get calls from members who wish to donate and we can't charge their card for their donation. We have had to create an event called "Donations" so we can charge cards. That leaves the member profile not showing donations.

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  10. Exporting of credit card type

    It would be really great if there was a way to export the type of credit card used in the payment export. We balance our deposits into our bank account and American Express is deposited separate from all other bank cards. It would be great to export the payments from a certain time period, sort by credit card used and then calculate totals by card type so we can reconcile our bank statements. Currently it is a manual effort.

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  11. When paying invoice in full, copy internal notes to payment record

    Our membership coordinator enters many renewals manually. She selects the renew button enters an internal note on the invoice, selects the tender and clicks on "Payment Made In Full". When trying to reconcile the payments she wants to export the payments & refunds record and see those notes. We would like to see the invoice internal notes transferred to the payment internal notes if the "Payment Made in Full" button is activated for manual renewals, otherwise it takes extra steps to put the notes in the payment internal notes field.

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  12. e-mail moderation facility


    It would be useful to have the facility to have all e-mails created by non administrators (e.g. by event managers) to have to be moderated (i.e. approved) before sending by an administrator ?

    All the best


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  13. Multi-currency

    We have members in different countries (US, Canada, Europe, and beyond);

    It would be helpful, if the system accepted multiple currencies (at least USD, CAD and Euro).

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  14. Bulk event management

    Bulk event management (create/delete/modify) bulk delete can be done in the UI via checkboxes on the event list bulk create/modify could be based off spreadsheet export/import like we can do with contacts The current functionality is a serious impediment for us trying to add multiple events per week for several months ahead.

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  15. Breakout of Registration Event Items & Donations

    Our organization has several events which offer members signup registration choices at the event. To create one invoice total all of the event items must be entered under a registration event. Items that members select and pay for online are registration, workshops, meals, memento's etc. When importing the invoices for the events into Quickbooks all event items go into a general account "events". We would like to be able to separate the payments on the invoice into sub categories, i.e. registration, workshops, meals etc. The only way we can do this not is to dig out a unique part of…

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  16. Financial reports in landscape format

    You offer a very attractive format for your financial reports, i.e. income and aged receivable reports specifically. You currently offer to download these reports in either excel or pdf. format but only in a portrait view. To produce a report covering several months requires the download to be printed on several pages.

    It would be very helpful as webmaster to download these pdf. reports in a landscape format so I could share with my board.

    Downloading in excel provides the material in a landscape format but you lose all the attractive formatting that appears on the screen.

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  17. Add Recent Renewals to Member List Summary

    I use the Member List Summary page all the time to keep an eye on current membership numbers, but I would love to see an added column that shows how many members have renewed in the last 7 or 30 days (in addition to the "New In Last" columns).

    Because we have a large number of lapsed members in our database, the "New in Last" columns are not always helpful to me on their own, either in terms of giving an accurate idea of recent membership activity, or in easily finding a lapsed member who has recently renewed. An additional…

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  18. level change approval

    Can't you just add a setting for admin's to approve any level change? This would solve so many issues we have with people renewing who shouldn't be etc. It gives us the ability to approve renewals when the member has lapsed!

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  19. Admin ability to disable workflow emails

    I have searched for help on this and not located any. I would like to be able to disable workflow emails but leave our organization eblast emails in place. I can understand why you don't want the member to be able to do this but I would like to.

    When our members receive a renewal invoice and have elected not to renew, they often let us know. They may have a couple weeks left of their membership which would include several more renewal reminders they don't need. However, I cannot end those as a courtesy without stopping all their email,…

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  20. Separate form field labels from field ids

    Wild Apricot's current requirement that all field labels be unique results in cluttered forms when the same information is required in different contexts. For example, a form that requires the name, email, cell phone for the event attendee, their emergency contact, their family member plus the name and phone of their preferred medical practitioner, hospital, etc. Ideally, the use of section headers would negate the need to have unique names but currently this does not impact the unique field name requirement (indeed, it is only a visual section heading; not supported as such in the code).

    Please separate the field…

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