Meta tags for blog posts (specifically open graph for Facebook)
I manage the articles of my magazine under the functional blog page. Individual blogs are not editable under page management. I want to insert meta tags for each individual post, specifically Open Graph tags so that my articles can be shared with the correct title and description and not the overall title and description of the functional page. Any meta tags or OG tags I insert in the html of the blogs become erased when I save the html code after the system "cleans up html coding". Has any one else had this problem or would know of any way to accomplish what I am looking to do?!
Anonymous commented
I too am lending my voice to this grossly overlooked feature. Please WA, arrange for this to happen so that we can have the proper images show. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :-)
Giuseppe Totino commented
Hi, I am sharing even posts on LinkedIn, but the post image won't show. This issue should sorted out ASAP please!
Thanks. -
Cori commented
When posting our website to our Linked In account, the words "blank content page" appear. This is very confusing to our members and has a big impact as evidenced by the volume of emails we receive advising us about this defect.
My understanding is in order to have these words not appear, a development fix is needed to the code of the WildApricot website offering.
Could you please let me know what the the priority ranking for this defect to be fixed is?
Thank you for your help,
Blair Smith commented
I have a similar concern with promoting member profiles, not only the events. This is an important functionality that would make Wild Apricot more appealing and likely to be recommended to others. Right now, it is a disappointment. re:
Paulina commented
I also am trying to post on facebook with a preview of the website and unable to do so. How can I get this to function properly?? Please assist!
Vic commented
Sharing url to Facebook does not provide the Open Graph preview. Attempting to fetch new scrape information is also unsuccessful. Updating metatags with OG tags doesn't work either. Sharing events on various social media also does not display preview. This is crucial for promoting the website since we all know users require visual enticement to click on a link in social media.
MCARAweb commented
Add another author wishing to have basic handling added to the list. This is annoying not to get the correct thumbnail in FB.... you now have three folks asking, I suspect most are simply not aware of the problem.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, not scheduled. Our current development roadmap and latest status is published here and updated on a regular basis -
Kristian Larsen commented
Just wondering if this have been scheduled for development ?
I am currently creating roughly 5-10 events per month and linking them on Facebook. The events no longer show up with images and from what Ive read this is the only solution.
Kristian -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I joined 2 different posts together as they are about similar problem
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I think this deserves to be in Wishlist forum - it's a good idea to have something in Wild Apricot to simplify this process, especially for proper Facebook handling.
Kerrie-Anne commented
I use to auto-post new events via the rss feed to facebook. Unfortunately, FB has a bad habit of choosing my logo as the thumbnail for the event link, rather than the image posted in the event description. I want to be able to use FB og meta tags to try and force which image is used The types of tags I am referring to are (the image tag in particular) <meta property="og:title" content="My title" /><meta property="og:type" content="article" /><meta property="og:url" content="My url" /><meta property="og:image" content="my img" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="My site name" /><meta property="fb:admins" content="admin number" /> It was a little more reliable previously, but since FB changed its timeline format (yet again) and image size requirements, its become a necessity to use these to get my preferred image seen.
I have seen php solutions whereby the og tag content is generated dynamically and am wondering if anyone has seen or is using a solution that works on WA that they might care to share.....?