Location field for Events should have each piece of address on its own line
Please add two more field lines for event location!
Now, if we have a building, street, and city/state/zip--it is all in a run-on sentence!
Location should have each piece of information on its own line so attendees can easily and clearly read the location.
field line for building name
filed line for street
field line for cross street, or additional street info
field line for city/state/zip
or else, give me ability to force a hard return in the location field so location lines can be separate.
thank you!
Can be done together with showing a map – http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8826061-show-event-map-or-add-address-as-a-link-to-map
Jennifer Weiss commented
We would really like this feature! A lot of events are held at local parks or in members' homes and trying to keep the location easy to read is difficult when it all runs together.
Jane & John Doe's House, 123 Main St, Anytown
Jane & John Doe's House
123 Main St
AnytownAlso, having the locations we enter be saved so that we can choose from a prefilled list or create a new location would be ideal since we also repeat locations.
Rick Smith commented
Create a method to create Location records and then let the location field in the events select from the predefined events.
We have fixed locations with events every week. We would like the location fields to be consistent. Right now the user can type in what ever and we have the same location stated multiple ways and makes it difficult to sort report and exports by location.
You could still leave an option to enter a manual location ?
Rick Smith commented
Yes a location table would be great. We have multiple events at the same venue. Address info and such could be saved in the venue record. Pick venue when creating event
Scot McConnachie commented
As a (hopefully) friendly amendment, I suggest allowing event administrators to have a list of editable venues, each venue having this information, that could be attached to events. This would allow some validation control over event locations as well as simplifying data entry.