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3403 results found
Select contacts for registration as a group
When addiing Registrants to an event, it is very time consuming to have to go through several clicks for each registrant. It would be great to say add registrants, and the contact list opens so I could select multiple people at once. Registering 150 one by one is time consuming!
7 votes -
Reserved seating at an event (ticket sales)
It would be so great to be able to reserve specific seats at our HOA events, this is the only reason we are not using the reservation/tickets sales module.
I would like to be able to add a graphic of the seating arrangement which is hyperlinked and when clicked on would open a larger.pdf to see the seat id numbers. Then list them to be selected. When purchased they would be automatically be removed from the seating list. Like is done on airlines and sports events.10 votes -
Adding registration items from dropdown list to invoice
Haven't found this elsewhere so I'm suggesting it here. We'd like to be able to modify an existing invoice by adding additional existing registration types. We have a limited availability Golf Scramble (say 80 slots) but our conference is unlimited. Because of this the Golf Scramble is a separate event, otherwise it could potentially be oversold if it was incorporated in the conference registration.
We'd like to be able to edit the invoice to add the Golf Scramble (or other registration types) from a pick list or drop down, so that it is counted in the Golf Scramble registration type.
6 votes -
Two or more Organizers, neither of whose personal email addresses is a Reply-to
Allow for more than one person to be associated with an event (e.g., a Reservationist, an Organizer, and maybe even a Manager). The person(s) will vary from event to event. People associated with one event should not get emails associated with other events they are not involved in. Typically these would not be the Organization Contact, nor would a universal multi-address routing list be appropriate. The people/email addresses should be specifiable without requiring full Webmaster privileges.
2 votes -
Add SOLD to images and other text (not hover to see)
Ability to add text to images in album AND ability to add a "red dot" or SOLD onto images in an album.
2 votes -
1 vote
notify administrator about disabled email delivery
Current behavior: contacts who experience persistent email delivery problems will eventually have email delivery automatically disabled.
It would be great if there was a way to automatically notify website administrator when email delivery for certain contact or a member gets disabled because of persistent delivery problems.
84 votes -
have events that have customizable data fields with UI support for data entry and validation
Currently contacts, members, and event registration forms have customizable data fields that offer user interface options to control data entry. This proposal is to provide that functionality to events as well. In addition existing data fields, including the event tag field, would also receive UI options including preset options. The UI elements could be used by both administrators and by members submitting event proposals. The data fields and their UI elements could be attached to any event; said event could be duplicated to make the UI elements available to administrators. When Wild Apricot has the ability to allow users to…
3 votes -
Standardize Phone Number Display
Convert numbers in a phone field to standard display. For example, when I type in 4257083456, it automatically gets converted to (425) 708-3456
44 votes -
Make a template's Reply-to sticky
Make a template's Reply-to sticky. It keeps reverting to my own. Sooner or later I'm going to forget to change it, or in changing it, I'll make a mistake. However, it should still be easy to change the Reply-to (e.g., not all events have the same person in charge), and maybe there's a way for the system to alert the user that the reply-to is their own personal email address (which an organization may not want to have associated with emails in any case.)
5 votes -
Resend email without having to start Wizard over
After sending test email (USING WIZARD, NOT THE TEST LINK!) let me send the blast (if it tested okay) without having to start over. Reasons: (1) Additional work (2) The Reply-to reverts to my own address. Re-typing or re-selecting the Reply-to invites error. Why don't I use the test button? I do. But not just before sending the blast, because it doesn't test using the desired Reply-to ! (3) Sometimes it's desirable to send to two lists, as separate processes, so they can be tracked separately (e.g., Members' opening speed vs. non-Members). It would be nice to just backtrack and…
2 votes -
Add the ability to cc and bcc people when sending an email
When I send an email to a select group of members or contacts, I would like to be able to cc or bcc people not in that group, with that shown in the email log. For example, if I'm emailing someone about an issue with his/her member account, I'd like to be able to cc or bcc the membership coordinator for our group.
74 votes -
Add the same Simple Search options for searching Member List that it has for searching Contact List
I would like to be able to search the Member List using the same drop-down filter that is available for Simple Searches of the Contact List. For example, I would like to be able to search the Member List for all those with email delivery problems, rather than having to search the Contact List for that and getting that list for nonmembers as well as members.
5 votes -
hidden event registration options
A hidden registration option that can be sent out as a link that does not show up on the event registration page that the public can see. This would be used to register presenters, sponsors etc., at events where they need to be part of the head count but do not pay to attend.
8 votes -
Add Preview functionality when creating or editing a page
I'd like to be able to be able to preview a new page or an edited page - to see how it looks in Public View - without having to toggle to Public View and then toggle back if I see that changes are needed. Most content looks the same in both Admin View and Public View, but this isn't always the case.
13 votes -
give you a warning before you change or modify anything in a registration form that you might be deleting or altering data.
There needs to be a pop up to warn administrators looking to alter or delete anything in a registration form. Doing so overwrites or deletes data, which is a nasty surprise.
5 votes -
It would be nice to have a gadget to list featured events on a page, such as the home page.
A featured event gadget could be used to list one or more selected event for a page, say the home page and allow the ordering of those selected events. Alternatively, a simpler gadget could display one featured event and if I wanted to feature more than one event I could use more instances of the gadget. The information displayed could be similar to the information displayed for an event on the "Upcoming Events" page, i.e., not the full information, but a teaser. A teaser tool, to give control over how much info to display would be nice.
9 votes -
New Email Functionality Very Confusing
Do not like the new email features and functions. Our club doesn't like it either. There is no intuitive way to 'save' your draft so that you can go back to it. The only way to do this is to click on the "X". Then, it asks if you want to save and exit. Again, not intuitive for the average user.
3 votes -
Simplifying file and folder download procedure
Allow for more than one file to be downloaded at a time.
thanks.11 votes -
group billing
Provide a way to group multiple invoices for different members to be selected/grouped/paid by a single individual payment. This IS NOT a capability of membership bundling. I want each membership to remain in a separate record, but I need the ability for a single invoice to accumulate charges for multiple individuals. For example, I have one organization that has 4 individual memberships in our organization for their employees. They want the ability to make a single payment that covers all 4 membership renewals rather than having to log into each record and make 4 individual payments. This also occurs when…
55 votes
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