have events that have customizable data fields with UI support for data entry and validation
Currently contacts, members, and event registration forms have customizable data fields that offer user interface options to control data entry. This proposal is to provide that functionality to events as well. In addition existing data fields, including the event tag field, would also receive UI options including preset options. The UI elements could be used by both administrators and by members submitting event proposals. The data fields and their UI elements could be attached to any event; said event could be duplicated to make the UI elements available to administrators. When Wild Apricot has the ability to allow users to submit events, a selected event could be set to be the template for a user submission; each new submission would have the data fields and UI features of the event selected as the template.
Customizable event data can be used for formatting arcane data for the organization or for allowing an organization to provide standard formats between events. For example data could be used to categorize an event for staff or to automatically assign an event a program number. Providing UI elements to these fields allows for data validation and standardization when these events are created. As some conferences have regularized time blocks hopefully one feature would be time blocks that can be named. Similarly conferences have named locations that could be added to list of event location assignments.
Events are the content of many organizations, so it is appropriate that a content management system, such as Wild Apricot, supports events as actual content.