group billing
Provide a way to group multiple invoices for different members to be selected/grouped/paid by a single individual payment. This IS NOT a capability of membership bundling. I want each membership to remain in a separate record, but I need the ability for a single invoice to accumulate charges for multiple individuals. For example, I have one organization that has 4 individual memberships in our organization for their employees. They want the ability to make a single payment that covers all 4 membership renewals rather than having to log into each record and make 4 individual payments. This also occurs when we have a meeting, and one organization wants to make a single payment for multiple meeting attendees' meeting fees. Please provide a way (perhaps a screen with check boxes to allow selection of open invoices) for selecting invoices that can be grouped and paid by a single joint invoice that would accumulate these charges and mark all as paid when the single invoice is paid.
Right now, I have to generate a dummy PayPal invoice with multiple charges listed for a single total amount due, and once that's paid, I have to manually mark each invoice as paid in WildApricot after the PayPal invoice is paid. Very cumbersome, and it would seem that WildApricot should be able to provide the ability to generate an invoice for the purpose that I'm seeking to accomplish.

MJ commented
Wild Apricot/Personify clearly does not care or probably doesnt bother looking at these wishlist requests. Many highly requested features have been sitting here for 10 years, with absolutely zero updates. It's unbelievably negligent, and their development cadence is horrifically, shockingly anemic considering what they charge. Literally every missing feature I come to these forums and see that it's been requested for a decade with zero movement. On top of that, their backend looks like it was designed 20yrs ago. Manage several orgs with WA, its difficult to make the switch, but every day that goes by, it becomes more logical of a decision.
- commented
Bringing this back around, is there any change in the opportunity for this feature? This would be extremely beneficial for our organization as well.
Gina commented
Especially for events. Year Two of workarounds for an annual event. I had to settle 36 open invoices for 2 group payments, which is more than half of our attendees.
ReuseMN commented
This also needs to be an option for events.
Gina commented
I am facing this issue this year as we plan our first paid conference since 2019. Since then we've started using Wild Apricot and also started using accounting software. Before these systems we used PayPal invoices and a several spreadsheets to keep track.
For our membership, most pay and manage their own so the individual memberships are fine. But event registrations are much more likely to be grouped by organization with a preferred single payment. I don't think the guests feature will work since we will be checking in individual people either in person or online. Just because their employer paid their registration does not mean people will be attending together.
Edit: The solution I'm now considering is to send an invoice outside of WA upon request and then settle each open invoice manually. Plus I'll need to add some extra entries to balance out all accounts beyond the actual money involved. I'd much prefer to have a "billing contact" in the system who can have invoices assigned to them by an admin so that their payment settles them all at once and individual registrations are confirmed.
I understand your pain completely. However this requires major changes in our financial system, so unlikely we will fix it soon
Anonymous commented
Has there been any attention to giving this feature a thought? In COVID world, we're now hosting a virtual conference and are getting A LOT more traffic and registrants than normal because people can attend from anywhere. We're an organization made primarily of government employees and I'm getting multiple requests to consolidate the membership renewal invoices for all members of an organization and the invoices for their virtual conference registrations into ONE master invoice so their accounts department can make ONE payment instead of a whole bunch of individual payments for membership renewals and event registrations.
We are experiencing the exact same issue originally posted by JMS01 in September of 2016 and I'm wondering if the development team is even considering this as a feature of the system. PLEASE MAKE THIS A FEATURE!!
Inanna commented
Individual memberships make the most sense for our organization's record-keeping, but many of our members belong to the same organization(s). Implementing a way for multiple members to renew their memberships or register for the same event with a single invoice would be extremely helpful. Even if this was only an option for page administrators to start (i.e. I go in and select multiple existing memberships and bill only one of them for renewal / registration, etc.), that would be a huge improvement.
I understand that bundles exist, but this adds an additional membership level which makes everyone more difficult to track / manage. Plus, the person completing the billing for any given group is always subject to change.
An update on this item would be much appreciated.
RC commented
Is there any update on whether or not this option is even being considered? We are also a non-profit with volunteers running the show. I have membership fees and event registrations that are sometimes (not all the time) paid by the employeer/organization and it's extremely cumbersome to create a PayPal invoice for 20 members, 20 meeting registrations, and 40 workshops registrations and then have to go in and manually mark all of those 80 invoices as paid because the organization sending 20 people wants to make one payment. I need each member's account separated, so the bundle approach isn't really an option.
It would be extremely helpful to be able to view open invoices, select which ones I'd like to send a combined request for payment to, and have that one payment reconcile all the selected invoices.
Anonymous commented
I agree with other posters - this is a real issue for our organization as our memberships are considered "individual" although many members from one institution/company may have a single billing contact who wants to log in and pay their invoices but is not a member themselves and does not want to be in our organization database. We find the bundles to be complicated and create issues year to year as the individual members within an institution/company who join us often change year to year and move around within companies in the industry. Additionally, events are held throughout the year and not every member from one company attends every event, so I don't feel the bundle capabilities really support group invoices the way we need them.
At a minimum, we'd like the ability for a website administrator to go in and select a set of invoices to include in a group invoice and specify an e-mail address to send the invoice to - so that person can make a payment and the payment be applied to the individual accounts.
Ideally, we'd like the ability to set up billing contacts and allow members to specify the billing contact upon registration for membership/events and have a login for the billing contact to go in, view invoices, select the ones to pay, and then make a payment.
What we find, is that billing contacts at companies are asking the members for their login information, logging in as the member, and then making a payment. This is really a privacy issue as the members may feel uncomfortable refusing to provide their login information to an employer who is paying for the expenses.
Dee commented
This is my only headache when it comes to using Wild Apricot. We are a non-profit with a volunteer board. We put on trainings throughout the year and a conference yearly. Companies throughout the state send multiple employees to our events. They want to pay 1 time, and they do NOT want to enter in each of their employees as guests to create a single invoice (as well I really need to have separate invoices for each attendee). Currently, people register, I create a separate invoice with all the names of the group, send it to their manager (payee), they pay, I go in and approve and mark paid all original invoices, cancel the group invoice. Unfortunately, if the manager pays via PayPal, I have problems reconciling as I cannot move that payment from the group invoice to the single invoices.
What we need is a way for the person registering to click a button or fill in a name that links them so that one person (usually a manager that will not be attending our event) can pay one time for multiple invoices.
Ultimately I would like for the paying person to be able to log in, view all linked invoices, approve and pay for them, and also be able to print for their records.
JMS01 commented
My work-around for this issue has evolved. I now have a donation link on one of our site pages, and when a group wants to pay multiple invoices in a single payment, I just have them make a donation for the entire amount and then allocate the money manually to pay the associated invoices. It remains a pain vs. what would seemingly be easy for Wild Apricot to fix, particularly because I still have to manually make a single invoice with all of the member names being billed to send to the payer. Why Wild Apricot can't allow users to create a group invoice by selecting multiple existing individual member invoices and having payment of the group invoice allocate to pay off the individual ones that were included is beyond me. Doesn't seem like this would be a big challenge to code, and it would REALLY benefit our organization to have this option.
Gary commented
Any update on this issue? I have 10 invoices for membership from the same company and they want one charge to go to all 10 invoices.
Anonymous commented
I wholeheartedly vote for this feature! This is such an issue with our nonprofit organization during conference time for us. We have colleges and universities register for events in the hundreds, and want to pay with one invoice on behalf of the college. However, we still want to maintain records of individual members. Please add this feature!
Thanks for such a detailed comment, it makes perfect sense. If having different levels for members of single organization is not critical for you, I think even our current realization of bundle will help:
- to get single renewal invoice based on number of bundle members just add calculated extra cost field to membership with price for each extra member. So you will get single renewal invoice for bundle admin for all members.
More in this help topic:
One point here: you will have to verify that extra cost field is filled with correct number of bundle members manually.
- except having single membership level, bundle members are fully independent from each other: they all have different profiles, can register for events individually, participate in forum/blog discussions, etc.To have a single invoice for event registration you will need to register all "extra" registrants as guests. In this case you will get a single event registration invoice.
More in this help topic:
Here you will need to add all guests at once. If someone changes his mind, or you need to add another member - only administrator can help here.As for others, requesting this feature - let's see if someone supports this. The idea is public :) I personally feel that it's pretty special case, though very similar to number of other requests we already have.
JMS01 commented
Essentially yes. Here are two examples of the problem:
1) A local company has 10 employees who have all joined our organization. Our organization bills for membership once per year on a fixed date, so all of our members get a membership bill at the same time. The local company would like to send us a single payment for all of their employees who are members of our organization rather than having each member’s invoice paid individually (which involves a lot more time/effort). Ideally, WildApricot would give the option of having the group invoice paid by one individual, or
2) We are holding a seminar. One organization is sending several employees, each of whom is a member of our organization. Each member registers using his/her membership, but the organization would like to pay all of those members’ invoices with a single payment.What I would like from Wild Apricot would be a method of going to a screen with open invoices and checkboxes next to each that allow me to select invoices for group payment. Then, combine those into a single invoice that could be paid online.
The current “bundle” option doesn’t appear to work because, as I understand it, the bundle doesn’t create individual memberships for each individual in the bundle, and even if it did, it appears that a bundle can’t actively adjust membership dues such that the annual membership invoice amount will be based on “number of members of our organization” multiplied by “individual dues amount.”
Does that help you to understand better what I’m looking for? It’s surprising to me that other Wild Apricot users haven’t expressed a need for this feature. Seems pretty fundamental to me, and we’ve had a need for it many times (which is why I came up with the work-around that requires dummy invoicing via PayPal to combine charges and manually process payments).
Thanks for elaborate comment.
Did I get you right that you want to bill organization members belong to instead of members themselves?
Will bundles work here if we allow having different levels for each bundle member, but all fees will be still paid by bundle admin? Or do you want to select members' invoices each time individually?Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
Rachel Gibson commented
We often have multiple people register for an event who fall under the same employer. Currently, they each get their own invoices and submit them, but we get constant requests to consolidate them into one invoice. It would be great to be able to go into the back end and flag multiple open invoices to be consolidated into one.