Standardize Phone Number Display
Convert numbers in a phone field to standard display. For example, when I type in 4257083456, it automatically gets converted to (425) 708-3456

Charlotte McRanie commented
I agree that adding several phone number formatting options would be desirable for the phone number field. There have to be a relatively finite number of options that cell phone providers use that could be provided as choices for these two fields so that our data in this field is not all over the place. It's a lot of work to fix the formatting when we export the data to another file.
- commented
My take on this is there should at least be a phone number record type - rather than just text. Then the validation options can start to be added!
Irene Floyd commented
What I'm hearing is that we don't all have the same phone number formatting requirements, but would like to have SOMETHING. Perhaps you could allow each customer to enter their own edit mask? That way, we could all have a standard look to our accounts, whatever we want it to be.
Karen Mazowiecki commented
Please add a format type of 'phone number'. Also, there needs to be a validation of 10 digits. Ideally, the format would be the format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
Kelly commented
Still hoping this phone formatting issue gets some attention. We have over 600 members in our database and when we export the data, the phone number formats are all over the place.
Anonymous commented
Format the telephone field in membership just like a cell phone does.
Don Ballance
Membership Director EPRA -
Robin Sapiro commented
While talking about Excel like function for the fields - we should also have the ability to add in Excel like formulas so that 1 field can be derived from the values of another. Example - if you have a date of birth field, the members current age can be calculated by subtracting the date of birth from the current date.
Robin Sapiro commented
Instead of having a single (or a few) formatting options - what we really need is formatting such as found in Excel (or the freeware equivalents) which besides providing a list of standard formats also allow for the implementation of custom formats.
Any field of any type should be formatable.
Now that being said and not to say that this sort of formatting does not need to be available, consider from time to time exporting your full membership or contact list to Excel or freeware equivalent - use the spreadsheet functions to format the data and then upload back to WA
Marilyn Maze commented
Not helpful for international groups
Stephen commented
Auto-adding hyphens and/or brackets will go a long way to making the site even more user-friendly. Settings should include ability to setup format (including whether or not international country codes are required)
EPRA Membership commented
When people enter their own profile information the format can vary. I suggest that you auto format the phone number like a cell phone does.
Our Association has a fixed membership year. I have set up advanced search criteria to show how many people have renewed their membership before the year end. This statistic on the dashboard would beuseful.
Gene Ferris commented
In my case, in addition to entering new numbers, I have a legacy db from 2012/3 with hundreds of phone and fax numbers in various formats.
My wish, going forward, option to force format in data entry form fields/subfields selectable from a list. My current desire would be "." or "-" sub field delimiters, and Diane's (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Bigger wish, for the format update to be applied to the entire db, either en masse or when records are accessed or exported.
Is there a utility macro that could perform this translation??My reason for this wish... I am developing a print version of our membership directory with pages for each of our 9 buildings (8 to 14 Membership records per page) plus Alpha list .
Joanna Straub commented
Yes, please convert numbers to standard format. Also make it so I can click on a phone number in the app and it will dial the phone number!
Stephen Herron commented
Add telephone number formatting similar to your date format.