notify administrator about disabled email delivery
Current behavior: contacts who experience persistent email delivery problems will eventually have email delivery automatically disabled.
It would be great if there was a way to automatically notify website administrator when email delivery for certain contact or a member gets disabled because of persistent delivery problems.
Alex Sirota commented
There is a potential issue with the way Wild Apricot currently delivers emails. It appears that the system is configured to "spoof" a sender address. When using a custom domain DKIM and SPF records are added to DNS for the custom domain but that does not always ensure successful email deliverability.
What could be improved is if an undeliverable email can be optionally re-delivered through a functioning real mailbox (rather than spoofing). This has several pieces of added value:
1. Emails will be delivered on behalf of a real mailbox that has storage space and hopefully good email profile. That mailbox must be configured under the custom domain name applied.
2. Because emails are sent through the SMTP server of the mailbox email deliverability should increase.
3. This could be an option to improve email deliverability as spam filters prefer real mailboxes as senders rather than the sender and from emails being different (as is the case now).
Because some hosts do not want hundreds of emails sent through an SMTP server there may be some constraints here. Also there is an added cost for a higher level of email deliverability that may be desired.
In concordance of this request maybe it should be possible deliver an undeliverable email through an alternate SMTP server that is configured optionally by the Wild Apricot admin.
Rob commented
I agree. Right now, unless I'm missing something I usually only find out by "accident" or unless I purposely check the e-mail log.
Walt Bilofsky commented
See also this related suggestion: