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3403 results found
twitter icon in Templates
Change the twitter icon in the Social Media gadget in Templates from the bird to X.
5 votes -
Print and Email buttons on every site page and system page
Put two action buttons on every page that
-- Print a simplified version of the page with less clutter / header graphics
-- Email the page and a link to various Saved Search groupsThis is automatically there in Joomla! and I suspect also in Wordpress
2 votes -
Make integration of WildApricot with other applications
I have been using Make to integrate WildApricot with other applications. Eg, auto generation and emailng of registrant lists to organisers of all upcoming events.
I would like to communciate with others who have experience with Make.
Eg, I am trying to upload files from a WA Attachment Field to say GoogleDrive. Of course, I can do this manually but automatically would be very desirable for us.1 vote -
Modified check in procedure
We regularly check in 150-175 members at monthly events, all in about 15 minutes. I can check someone in with a single click, but if I also want to clear his/her invoice (still open if he is a cash or check payor), I need to go through a much longer process. Could we have a global setting that caused an event invoice to be cleared automatically when checked in for that event?
1 vote -
Bulk clearing of invoices
An event with 150 attendees might, in our case, result in 50 payments in advance by credit card and 100 payments on event day by check or cash. Marking an invoice paid requires three screens, three clicks, so that means 300 screens to clear all the invoices from a single event (we have at least one event per month).
You give us an export function to export invoices; what would be handy is a similar import function so we could edit the XLS file and then import it back to clear the invoices.1 vote -
Edit macro "Invoice details"
I wish you could edit the "invoice details" macro to add start date and end date of membership. Also add payment term to 30 or 90 days.
3 votes -
Reuse Content
Make it possible to reuse content on multiple pages. Create reusable content gadget that can be named, saved and inserted into multiple pages. Similar to the reusable content blocks used in WordPress. This would make it possible to edit content once and have that content updated on all pages that it is inserted into. Examples, addresses, committee membership lists, etc.
8 votes -
SMS Event Announcements .. ability to send to Non-Responders just like email announcements
Integrate SMS notifications into Event Communications using similar categories as Email, including Announcements, Reminders and Confirmation SMS.
Most importantly, we need ability to send SMS Event Announcement to members that have a status of "No Reply" for an event (filter out those that are Registered or Not Attending). In the current SMS implementation, all members will receive a text message regardless if they have responded or not. This may feel like spam to some as they have already registered with the system that they are "Attending" or "Not Attending"
4 votes -
Send automatic emails to new members X days/month after joining
hi, i'm looking for a way to automate emails to send to all new members about a month after membership.
5 votes -
Using passkeys for authentication
When will passkeys be an option for users to authenticate into the website without the need for a password? See the FIDO Alliance [https://fidoalliance.org/] and/or https://www.passkeys.com/
Safer than passwords, No 2FA or Captcha needed. Easy to use.
6 votes -
Unsupported File Types Should Produce Error Code in HTML
When inserting a file type into an email editor, event description, or the website, including unsupported image formats, the software should produce an error code to notify the user before they are able to proceed with their content.
4 votes -
Make anti-spam captcha OPTIONAL for log in.
Our site fortunately doesn't have issues with bots, so why does the captcha have to appear for all users to log in? Why wasn't this made optional, so admins can enable/disable it as it suits their organization's needs? Do you know our members or public visitors better than we do?
I understand the need for an anti-spam captcha function, but "one size fit all" DOES NOT WORK for everyone. Our members are complaining about this, and frankly for members who regularly log into the site, it insults their intelligence. What kind of user experience is that???
14 votes -
Insert link in photo caption
Currently, there is no capability for inserting links into photo captions. Can you at least enable HTML snippet insert into photo captions so that we can do it ourselves?
1 vote -
Track multiple login attempts and failed login
It would be great if there was a way to find profiles with multiple login attempts and failed login
9 votes -
Confusing UI Elements .. White on White etc.
My user community is consistently confused by certain non-standard UI choices
-- white on white Action buttons that don't stand out ... btn-outline-primary btn-sm would be much easier to spot with say a light blue background
-- Note that sometimes you do color buttons to make them clearer ... e.g. Apply on search terms
-- it says Public View in Admin View. I realize it is a menu choice but my users see it as a title since is it separated from the menu bar. It would be much clearer if the top left explicitly said Admin View
instead of…1 vote -
Custom email preview text
Custom email preview text. The email preview in notifications and inboxes under the heading is customizable in other email marketing services. In Wild Apricot, it just selects the first lines of text out of the email. Being able to select this text manually would make for more personable and function emailing.
1 vote -
Allow One Payment for Multiple Contats
Currently you can apply a single payment to multiple invoices for one contact. We deal with several organizations that have multiple members. It would be great if we could apply a single payment to multiple invoices/contacts. Perhaps search by organization then select which invoices/contacts to apply that payment to???
3 votes -
Change Subscription period to Membership period
One of our board member brought that up and I kind of agree with her. Most of us using Wild Apricot are Clubs and not Company providing a subscription-based service like Netflix, Microsoft-365, AT&T etc.
I like to suggest Wild Apricot changes the wording on the Membership Site from "Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st" to "Membership period: 1 year, on: January 1st"29 votes -
Make the New Dashboard configurable
The new dashboard does not give me any pertinent information. Some glaring shortcomings of the new dashboard:
1. You charge us by the number of people on our contact list, but that number is now hidden (not on the new dashboard). This makes administration of the account harder, thanks alot Wild Apricot.
2. Not all our members levels are considered "members". We have members of our parent organization and our sponsors as member levels. I should be able to specify which members levels are considered "true members" and shown on the members graph.
3. All the graphs use a large…16 votes -
Store functionality - Better Inventory Control/ Orders with no stock as custom order.
We would like to see the inventory feature allow for negative inventory. What we mean is that we have size and colour matrix in our club branded merchandise and we would like to to have our "onhand" inventory shown as available to order for immediate shipping and yet we want to allow members to order any colours sizes they may want and we will custom order for them. Currently if you activate the inventory tracking feature, it does not allow order to be placed for items with no inventory. It will say unavailable. We would like to still allow the…
3 votes
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