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  1. Collapse/Expand view for membership level list

    PLEASE add a feature to "collapse" and "expand" the membership level admin list so there is a view that only shows the level names. I have so many that scrolling endlessly to make changes is maddening.

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  2. Force Custom Required Field to Be Entered for All Bundle Members at Renewal

    Occasionally we add a new custom field to our membership profile page and we'd like to require that this new field get filled out for all members when a bundle admin renews. Currently the renewal process forces only the Bundle Admin to fill in the new required field. It remains blank or null for their bundled members, and our membership is lazy and won't fill out the new field unless the system requires it.



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  3. Notes Section in Page Management

    Wouldn't it be great if there was a multi-line notes section in each Page management menu area so admins could make important notes to themselves about each specific page?

    I think so. It could look something like this and even use a vertical scroll bar for notes that went beyond a few lines:

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  4. Private Calendar that Members can link with their icalendars

    Currently this is not possible for a private calendar due to password protection. However I know other software gets around this so only members can subscribe to a calendar. Is it possible this could come to Wild Apricot?



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  5. Display tags in event listing

    It would be great to display the tags (labels/categories) assigned to each event in the published event listing and or calendar. I would like to make these tags visible to the public when registering, as they contain information that is potentially useful to the registrant.

    I looked the online guide and forums, but could not find an answer to this question. A simple check box when setting up the event (Display tags for this listing? Check here) would suffice.


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  6. Event receipts invoice - event registrations without the address fields.

    Event receipts

    Receipts can only be set up to include members addresses. Most of our paid registrations are non-members so when they receive a receipt it doesn’t have their address on it.

    I know I can get around this by adding address fields to the common fields in settings but for most of our unpaid events the address is not necessary and only makes the registration process unnecessarily longer. Also when we get our VIPs to register for free at our events it is sometimes inappropriate and certainly unnecessary to ask for an address.

    Is there any way around this?…

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  7. Membership-specific administrators

    Each of our membership levels has a different staff person as a liaison. We'd like the bulk/group emails and other functions to come from/be associated with the designated staff liaison rather than from our general account administrator email/account. Without this feature we are forced to use our generic info@ email address as our administrator account email. This gets very confusing and cumbersome because we don't want our program assistant to be bombarded with all these emails that she then has to sort through and forward to the right person on staff.

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  8. See which pages link to a page I'm managing


    A nice addition would be to see what pages link to a page I'm working on. For example, if I copy or rename a page, I may forget what other pages link to the original - potentially resulting in dead links. Can't always keep it all straight by memory.

    Plus as a volunteer organization, we need a tool that can help provide reliable info when it's simply not feasible to document every detail of a website somewhere else.

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  9. Functionality for whitepaper registration

    We would like to offer free whitepaper downloads, if people will provide us their information. I would like to be able to create something like event registration except use to it provide access to a specific page(s) on our website. This page would have a whitepaper or other content for download.



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  10. List of gadgets on the page

    I've discovered that it's possible to get a layout to the point where you CAN'T access certain elements because of other placed elements in the way.

    So, I need to get to the settings of my Login element. I can access ONLY a small amount of the right edge - just enough to click "delete", but moving past that, and the selection switches to a placeholder next to it - so I can't access to the gear to get to settings!!

    What to do??

    FEATURE REQUEST: when you're editing a template/page, have a LIST of gadgets on the page and…

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  11. Ability to hide from display based on availability date regardless of type

    We have a lot of registration types for our events, and list of "base fees" on our registration page gets a little ridiculous, e.g.

    I want to be able to only show early bird fees up to a certain date (with member only options greyed out but displayed). And then after that date, I want the full costs to display (again with the member only options visible).

    I feel like there's not a great way to explain this, but right now there are only 2 options - hide if unavailable or show with special formatting. If I choose the…

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  12. Page Transitions

    Dear WA,

    It'd be great to have the ability to select page transitions, rather than the standard.

    For example a fade in/fade out page transition - e.g.

    We think this will add to the front end look and please our clients to have a slick transition.



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  13. Set different privacy settings for bundle admins & individuals

    I would like to hide the profiles of all non-admin bundle members. It would be great to be able to to have a different set of member privacy settings for bundle admins than for bundle members.

    It would also be nice to be able to do this as a batch process (i.e. deselect "Show profile to others") either through exporting/re-importing the info or through the interface.

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  14. One to Many

    We currently have a flat file record for each member, and a one to many for events, invoices etc. A member can attend many events. We are a not-for-profit car club, and we run around 75 events (competition events on racetracks and social events) per year.

    Our members have a one (member) to many (cars) set of information. They may bring one car to a competition event and onother to a social event. So, I created 6 fields: Vehicle 1, Vehicle 2 up to Vehcile5, and then a Field “Which Vehicle are you bringing?”. Some members have 1, most have…

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  15. Filter income report by member/contact record attributes

    One of our clients has a setup where each member is coded with a branch (a custom field).

    What they are looking to do is to report on the total of subscriptions (membership income) and donations that can be attributed to a particular branch. (Branches have their annual targets and this report would help tracking the progress toward target).

    A possible solution to this is to add the ability to filter the transactions included into the income report by contact/member record attributes.

    (See )

    I would appreciate comments and votes from other clients so we can evaluate and prioritize…

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  16. Event Presenter/Trainer

    All of our events are training workshops, and it would be very useful to have a section to list name the trainers.



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  17. Avoiding empty links to "View Details"

    Our public membership directory has a whole series of entries with worthless and empty "View Details" links. They result from members who indicate that they are willing to make their directory information "public" but then don't make their names or any other information actually viewable by "anyone." In other words, the contact indicates "yes" to the entry asking about inclusion in the Member Directory. The instructions are: "Choose "yes" to share your contact info in general; choose what data via the member profile." In each case the members have restricted all contact details to members only. As a result, there…

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  18. Autoincrement option on the numeric field (e.g. for bib numbers)

    Another vote for a numeric field option. I would really like to have an autoincrement option on the numeric field, with configurable start/seed value. It should be available as a contact or event field. A nice-to-have would be a range of excluded numbers.The field should be available for macro insertion in event emails.

    Our application for this would be to generate bib numbers. We have a few large events per year that would benefit greatly from such a feature.

    Anthony S.

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  19. Include "no entry" participant detail on Registration Fields report

    Currently this report does not provide participant names for those without data entered in the field(s) requested when you generate the report.

    This would be helpful, since now the event manager has to go back to figure out which registrant is missing the data. We use this field frequently to ask for roommate preferences on trips --- often people don't have one at registration time, so it is left blank.

    I know we can force an entry by making the field mandatory to make them say something there, (or export to Excel) but it would be much simpler if the…

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  20. Deleting event registraion types after copying an existing event

    When copying a previous event there is no way to quickly delete unwanted registration types that get carried in from the previous event. You can only disable individual reg. types which is tedious.

    It would be great if there could be a delete button beside each registration type within an event on the Event Registration Types page.

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