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3404 results found
Email Manager with access to all emails, not only newsletters
Currently automated emails can be generated from Membership Levels and 'Events, if something happens to delay an announcement you have to go into a number of places to edit it. If we had a email manager function that brought all scheduled emails together this would make managing them easier. As an example during COVID our Opening Day has been delayed a couple of times, so our Renewal notices have had to be edited along with our Opening Day Event email. Often we set up events ahead of time and if we had an manager function we could see all emails…
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Membership Report Table
The table currently provided for the Membership Report does not include the counts for each time period (day, week, month) for the full report. For example the table for the past 3 months with time period month, only provides the beginning and end count, not all three monthly counts. This information is in the charts, but not in the table.
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Link manual invoice to business operation
Need to be able to link a manual invoice to an Event so it will be included in the Income Report
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Don't break connection between payments and original operations they were received for
I want to be able to track the financials for an event - included who paid what and who was refunded. With v5.9, invoices are not deleted (hurray!) but are voided and payments are unsettled. This 'breaks the link' between the payment and the event. I'd like to have an audit trail of all financial transactions related to an event, even for cancellations.
Background - the specific use case is events that have cancelation fees associated with them. When someone cancels we still need to charge them. Canceling them from the event voids the invoice and unsettles the payments. I…
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Export member groups as a separate columns
Currently when you export a Member list the associated groups are exported into 1 column seperated by commas in no particular order. The data is inocnsitent wne the export is pulled. I would like to see all of members group affilliations export to their own column so that i am able to sort and filter on those groups much easier.
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More flexible formatting for polls
Poll formatting is very limited and can only be changed by means of CSS. Even so, it is difficult to figure out which classes to write CSS for.
1. Questions are formatted with H2. This is wrong. Just because the only hierarchical level currently above the question is the page title does not make a question a header!
2. H* formats should be reserved for real headers, such as section headers (see https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/42891228-support-dividing-questions-into-sections-in-polls).
Possible solutions:
1. Provide a rich-text editable template as is done for some other forms, like invoices, where one can apply standard formatting for all polls.…3 votes -
Select information to display at contact profile system page
On the contact profile page (system page), there is a widget called "contact profile". You cannot hide any of the information in that widget, change of of the wording, etc. Some of it can be confusing to the members. For example, the "member since" has the date that the contact/membership was created in WildApricot. We have members that go back 50+ years. Sure, I could go and update that field, but the "member since" is not a meaningful data element to us. However, I cannot get rid of it.
Also, the word "bundle" is not really what we call it.…
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Topic Tags for Forums
Enable tags for Forum Topics for more dynamic engagement.
Allow Admin to choose some amount (maybe ~10) topic tags that can be added when creating a new topic. Would be nice at the Forum level also.
Example attached.
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Registrant email update - refresh recipient list in ‘Email Registrants’ function
I need to schedule an update to event registrants so I select ‘Email registrants’. Email is written and saved ready for scheduling the next day. Overnight several new registrants book on to the event. However, there’s no way to refresh the registrant list generated through the ‘Email registrants’ option the previous day. This then means I have to copy and insert the email contents into a fresh email generated through ‘Email registrants’ to capture the new bookings. Or I can manually add the contacts to the existing recipient list as separate entities. Or I send the email to the original…
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Files on Event Details
I would like to be able to add files to the Event Details tab. I could then set up our board meetings as events and include agenda, presentations, and minutes on the event, which then could be seen by board members both before and after the meeting.
I have tried to do this with modifications to the Registration Form, but this isn't a workable approach.
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Links should default to "same window"
Please make links default to same window. When I add a link, the default is to "new window." This is extremely inconvenient as I have to remember to select same window. Most of the links I add to our site are to other pages within the site. I have never seen a CMS that defaults to "new window" for links. Could you change it to default to "same window"?
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archive emails
I would like the ability to archive email templates or at least sort them.
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Use Organisation as Forum and Blog author
I would like to use the member's ORGANISATION as the author for the Blogs and Forums. Our first and last name are private to the public so it just comes up as Anonymous which isn't good. On the private forums the author is first and last name when really it should be on behalf of their organisation.
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Suggestion for slide show gadget
For SLIDESHOW CONTROLS >> RANDOMIZE ORDER: It would be great if the order were randomized for each run-through, but each photo gets displayed once per run-through.
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Saving Invoice Line Item
There should be a way to save invoice line items and create a drop-down list so some manner of consistency exists. makes no sense that there is no drop-down if predefined items.. I have never seen accounting that does not have the option to select or create a list of invoice line items!
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A chapter membership field
Similar to the group participation field a separate system field called chapter membership could be a very useful way to enable access control by chapter memberships.
Mixing this into the group participation field is problematic because choosing chapters can be publicly available through the member profile while group participation sometimes is managed only by administrators.
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archive store orders
Once an online ordering event is complete need the ability to clear out store orders for that event. Either delete orders or archive them. Some way to clear out the Order screen so only currently running store events are displayed.
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Email - add exclude segment option (also in Advanced Search)
I would love to see an option when preparing to send emails for me to include several groups/saved searches (like it is currently) but to ADD a EXCLUDE option for to remove other groups from that email. For example, I want to send several donation solicitations. But I DON'T want to include people who recently made a donation or perhaps a group of people. So when WA populates to who it is being sent to, it would take my recipients (for example 100 people multiple saved search or member levels) and then remove or not include people who fall into…
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donation form tracking
I would like the donor records to reflect what form the donation originated from. We embed unique forms in different pages based on campaign needs. Sometimes these include custom form fields which then allow us to pull a report of donations received via that form, but other times we don't need to ask any questions and then those donations can't be identified as unique to that campaign.
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Add spacing to Posts
The same formatting on the rest of the website should be available within blog posts. For example, the ability to change the spacing between paragraphs exists elsewhere, but not within blog posts.
3 votes
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