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Notification for bounced email
It would be very helpful to receive a notification when an email sent through the website is undeliverable.
34 votes -
Copy all details of an event - registration types, emails, etc.
I'm setting up a form that has three payments, a different payment for non-members, an earlybird discount, late fees, etc., and there's no wy to copy these from one event to another. The whole event has to be cloned! Senseless.
27 votes -
Increase Field Length
Please increase field length. When I import a member's profile text from Excel and from Quickbooks notes, it truncates the text and doesn't give me an error message either. Would like to be able to add a person's history relevant to their membership. It is way too short.
3 votes -
Highlight Edit Buttons
Highlight the "edit" buttons in the member list view, so they stand out more.
5 votes -
Allow to have emails for specific events instead of publishing real member email
For events, apparently there are only two options for the reply-to in our automatic (and perhaps other?) emails: Our general contact address (president@...) or the event Organizer, who must be selected from among specific members of our club. For now (overlooking the possibility that an event might be organized by someone who is not a Member), the problem is this: We don't want to publish people's personal email addresses!
We need (and have previously had) the option of setting up a distinct event address for each event (e.g., funweek@ourdomaindotcom) which gets forwarded to the event's reservationist (who, for that matter, is NOT necessarily the organizer). So a person's private email address doesn't appear on the website, and doesn't appear in automatic emails. (I should clarify that we take reservations from non-members, too.)
Typically the reservationist will later follow up from his/her own email account, but by then they pretty much know who they're dealing with. (However, if you wanted to support this concern to its logical extreme, you might consider providing a form so that correspondence could be sent without involving a person's personal account at all.)
It would be relatively simple to at least give the third option of specifying an event address, and the ability to use it as the reply-to, which would forward to one or more event-related people. (We set up the addresses and forwards in our domain's own mail system, but anything you could do to facilitate this would also be good.)
For events, apparently there are only two options for the reply-to in our automatic (and perhaps other?) emails: Our general contact address (president@...) or the event Organizer, who must be selected from among specific members of our club. For now (overlooking the possibility that an event might be organized by someone who is not a Member), the problem is this: We don't want to publish people's personal email addresses!
We need (and have previously had) the option of setting up a distinct event address for each event (e.g., funweek@ourdomaindotcom) which gets forwarded to the event's reservationist (who, for…
6 votes -
More than one singular gadget on a page
I would like to see more than one singular gadget on the page. For example, on the home page, I have a gadget for upcoming events. I want to put another gadget for News Items as well as another gadget for Snow Updates so people can just go to the home page and see if there are any updates.
5 votes -
Prevent Errors in event announcement emails when editing an announcement
Under events, if an event is closed to a specific group, the email notices should default to just the selected group. I have once again invited our entire contact list to a board meeting because I edited an event email notice and when I saved it, the system placed the message to be delivered to all contacts. This is not intuitive to have to constantly redefine the emails when the event is restricted to a subset of the membership.
4 votes -
Could you also include "auto adjust" tables created? I cannot see the entire table created within the template parameters while accessing through mobile phones.
Thank you.
4 votes -
Customize Event registration status ("Registration is closed", ".. event is now sold out..."
When registration is not yet open, our site says "Registration is closed." That can be interpreted as "SOLD OUT" or "TOO LATE." If reservations for one of our events are not yet being taken, how do we either eliminate that statement (simply don't have a button yet) or say "Reservations are not yet being taken"?
UPDATE by Yuri Karatunov
I decided to add one more comment from Malcom C. as it should be solved together
The message that appears to Members on the registration screen when the registration limit has been reached is system-wide and can only be changed using javascript. It would be good to be able to customise it for each event.
When registration is not yet open, our site says "Registration is closed." That can be interpreted as "SOLD OUT" or "TOO LATE." If reservations for one of our events are not yet being taken, how do we either eliminate that statement (simply don't have a button yet) or say "Reservations are not yet being taken"?
UPDATE by Yuri Karatunov
I decided to add one more comment from Malcom C. as it should be solved together
The message that appears to Members on the registration screen when the registration limit has been reached is system-wide and can only be changed using…
38 votes -
Signing Waver Forms when registering for classes.
Sign waver forms when registering for classes.
10 votes -
Automatically import events from Google calendar
Allow for the website calendar to be directly linked to a Google calendar (e.g., something added to our Google calendar appears on the calendar on our website).
13 votesThere is the integration available with Integromat platform, which helps to build automated workflows.
We also provide several templates for quick start, and one of them allows you to copy Wild Apricot events into google calendar. So you can share this google calendar and your members can subscribe to it.
You can try the integration by this link https://www.integromat.com/en/integration/2276-copy-wild-apricot-events-into-google-calendar
Help page: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1653
Blog post with video tutorial: https://www.wildapricot.com/blogs/newsblog/2019/02/14/create-integromat-scenario
functionality to analyse event attendances, sponsors engagement - shift from purely information management to extracting value from the info
From one of our customers:
Add functionality to analyse event attendances (or other engagements with our supporters) in order to profile which sponsors are/are not engaged with our work. I appreciate this would be a major addition to the application and no doubt is quite far away. But that shift from purely information management to extracting value from the information - e.g. identifying sponsors who are becoming less engaged with our work - would be a genuine game-changer.1 vote -
More options to opt out of newsletters
Comment from a client:
Would like to send out more than one monthly email and give the member the option to opt-in to each individually. Right now, if you opt-out, you opt-out from all emails.6 votes -
Allow us to add a fill-in line on a custom field
I need to have guests to be able to register separately from a member for a convention if they need to but they are required to write down the member's name and email address for clarification. I don't know how to go about doing this. The Custom Fields only have pre-set choices for them to choose from, not any fill-in boxes.
2 votes -
Universal footer
Capturing a suggestion from one of our customers:
Universal footer option so we don't have to keep changing the footer on three or four templates - or ability to copy complete template layouts/columns and paste to another template. Sometimes we have a lot in one template footer and then I have to open 2 different browsers just to copy all the settings from one to another template.
11 votes -
Fully Featured Import & Export Tool - (Entire or Search Results) for Calendar
I have one non-profit which creates an annual calendar of events every July 1st. This Calendar is currently at 50+ events (some multi-session) that cover three organizations under their tent.
Their event data is created in a spreadsheet and provided to me for input to WA, tweaking, scheduling, etc. I'm now getting requests to help them with reports for key categories. I can find same using Tags - however I cannot export the results back into a spreadsheet for them.
Time: Both on setup and now reporting is critical - ought to be point & click - like much of the other WA features. Thanks! Tim
I have one non-profit which creates an annual calendar of events every July 1st. This Calendar is currently at 50+ events (some multi-session) that cover three organizations under their tent.
Their event data is created in a spreadsheet and provided to me for input to WA, tweaking, scheduling, etc. I'm now getting requests to help them with reports for key categories. I can find same using Tags - however I cannot export the results back into a spreadsheet for them.
Time: Both on setup and now reporting is critical - ought to be point & click - like much of…
1 vote -
Prohibit online registrations without payment
Add the ability for clients to disable the ability for people to register online without payment.... i.e. memberships, convention registrations, etc.
8 votes -
better integration of facebook comments with events
if you put the facebook comments gadget into the event details template, instead of creating a single comment stream for each event, which is the behavior that you would expect, the comments are every single comment made from every event we've ever posted that has comments.
that makes it look messy, and it's also confusing, because commenters sometimes reply to comments that have nothing to do with the event at hand.
4 votes -
Emailing: Improve Adding Recipient Workflow
We are "Husky" development team at Wild Apricot named, responsible for emailing area of the product.
We’re putting finishing touches for our next release in Aug-Sep, which will include big improvements to our emailing workflow. These improvements are the first step to centralize emails management into one module and allow email scheduling and many other features in the future.
But we need your help to make sure we’re on the right track.
There is one feature that we didn’t change but we would like to improve: “Adding Recipients”. Before we design improvements, we want to know a few things about how you currently send an email and any pain points that are specific to this particular step of choosing email recipients.
If you’re willing to help us, please answer the following questions.
What kind of newsletters/campaigns do you have?
How often do you send emails via Wild Apricot?
What is the starting point of creating a recipient list?
What parts/modules of the system do you usually send emails from??
What are the pros and cons of the current "add recipient" dialog?
The more detailed your response, the better.
You can answer right here, in this thread.
Best regards,Lily, Husky Team at Wild Apricot
Emailing development crewWe are "Husky" development team at Wild Apricot named, responsible for emailing area of the product.
We’re putting finishing touches for our next release in Aug-Sep, which will include big improvements to our emailing workflow. These improvements are the first step to centralize emails management into one module and allow email scheduling and many other features in the future.
But we need your help to make sure we’re on the right track.
There is one feature that we didn’t change but we would like to improve: “Adding Recipients”. Before we design improvements, we want to know a few things about…
39 votes -
Facilitate Levels with end dates for organisations which have a closed season
Sports seasons often run for part of the calendar year e.g. soccer in the UK runs from September to April with a closed period from May to August. At present monthly recurring payment plan levels can be set up with a start date ok but have no facility for setting an end date. Ok this can be got around with a manual export of membership data in April, modification of the file, and reimporting to stop the payments, but this could create some member confusion. The ability to input a stop date at the time of creation of a monthly or quarterly payment levels would be extremely useful
Sports seasons often run for part of the calendar year e.g. soccer in the UK runs from September to April with a closed period from May to August. At present monthly recurring payment plan levels can be set up with a start date ok but have no facility for setting an end date. Ok this can be got around with a manual export of membership data in April, modification of the file, and reimporting to stop the payments, but this could create some member confusion. The ability to input a stop date at the time of creation of a monthly…
2 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
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