Prevent Errors in event announcement emails when editing an announcement
Under events, if an event is closed to a specific group, the email notices should default to just the selected group. I have once again invited our entire contact list to a board meeting because I edited an event email notice and when I saved it, the system placed the message to be delivered to all contacts. This is not intuitive to have to constantly redefine the emails when the event is restricted to a subset of the membership.

Janet Ordway commented
I agree with Tim. Our organization membership is large and our contact list is even larger (over 500 on both). We have never needed to send an email to the entire contact list and most likely never will. We have several designated Event Organizers who do nothing more in the system than set up their events each month. No matter how many times we go over it, someone will send an announcement to the entire contact list. It would be helpful to us if we could just have the default recipient list start out as Restricted contacts...anything other than All Contacts. All of our event emails go to either All Members or smaller sub groups within the membership. I wonder how many WA subscribers use the event emails to primarily send to All Contacts?