Notification for bounced email
It would be very helpful to receive a notification when an email sent through the website is undeliverable.

Marion H. commented
PS to the comment I just posted. The invalid email entered during the donation AffiniPay process did create a new ("duplicate") contact for the person. That new contact has the disabled email, and that is the contact we would like to be alerted to, either directly or at least via a search function.
Marion H. commented
We had a person who donated via AffiniPay and entered an invalid email that gets bounced back (and does not that does not match the email we have in WA). There was no notification to the WA Admin. In addition, there is no error record on file under "Donations", and the invalid email does not show up when you do a Donation search for "Status: Attention Required." The only place you find the error is if you are scrolling through "all" donations or "all" contacts and see a red "Email disabled" notice. On the Contact record it says: "Email delivery was disabled due to persistent delivery failures. Please update the contact's email address to resume email delivery. " What is the method we should use to locate this disabled email? I don't see a capability in the Advanced Search function nor in the Donations Search function. Thank you for helping with this. MHarrell