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  1. Send Invoice Number to PayPal

    Include the Invoice Number in the transaction information sent to PayPal. The invoice is helpful for audit purposes.

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  3. Multiple events on one invoice

    We have an annual conference in which individuals register for. Also, this conference has multiple workshops over a 5-day period that individuals can register for. When registrations are completed, multiple invoices are made for the event and workshops. When the invoices need to be submitted to the agency's accounts payable it would be helpful if the event and workshops could be listed on one invoice for that individual instead of multiple different invoices. Sometime agencies will miss an invoice to pay and have to resubmit. If it was all on one invoice with the event and workshops listed, it would…

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  4. limit who can apply payments

    All admin levels can see and edit members outstanding balances. Is it possible to change this access to allow only specific admin to record payments and discounts. It becomes a problem when multiple admins have this access and difficult to determine against which outstanding balance, for example event vs membership, vs stores orders, a payment need to be invoiced.
    It would be helpful to limit this ability only to the treasurer.

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  5. Limited administrator access to the finances tab

    Good morning,
    Is it possible to add selected limited access to the finances tab. For instance if we add a website designer there is no reason for this person to also have access to the finance of the society.

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  6. We have a question, when we raise an event, and the member books in, the system then allows them to bring along a 2nd, 3rd or 4th person.

    We have a question, when we raise an event, and the member books in, the system then allows them to bring along a 2nd, 3rd or 4th person.
    However when the member making the booking wants book insay his wife, the system treats her as a guest, event though she might be a member under a Family Membership Bundle?
    Is there a way that when a member books, that he can insert his wife;s membership number and WA then poulates the guest field with her details.
    The reason for this is we are only getting event analysis from the member…

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  7. Company Names on Registration List

    It would be outstanding to show Company as well as Name of event attendees.

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  8. Company Names on reg list

    We would love to display the attendees' companies and names on the Attendee List. It often incentivizes registrations.

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  9. Facility Management Function

    It would be great to have a separate facility management function that allows clubs to easily manage bookings for facilities, tables, campsites, resources, etc. Or provide the easy integration with software that does this. This is would be a welcomed extension to existing functionality.

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  10. Event View in grid layout

    We are trying to implement a roster - we are thinking we can do this using Event and Ticket Types (to indicate the shift). For this to be effective, we'd like a web page view that has a grid with the Event against the Ticket Type, listing in each cell (preferably) the names of the registrants (or at least a count of registrants).

    My use case:
    As a volunteer, I would like to see who is already registered for time slots without needing assistance from the organiser, so I can decide if I will register.

    I've provided a mock up.

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  11. advanced searches for specific time fram

    Revise the advanced search capabilities. There are limitations on historical searches (members who lapsed since a certain time). I want to send an email to members whose memberships have lapsed within the last 3 years. The advanced search was not able to give me the list. I chatted with someone from Aild Apricot who indicated there are limitations to historical searches.
    From chat: "I have tried using the advanced search to include only members who are lapsed since Dec. 31, 2021. The list generated include others as well. What parameters can I set to get only the members whose memberships…

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  12. Level: Submit a Request for Membership – Free and Subscription period: Unlimited

    I would like to address an issue related to the membership application form at

    Currently, the form displays the word "Free" when submitting an application, like this:

    Level Submit a Request for Membership – Free
    Subscription period: Unlimited

    This can be misleading, as applicants will be charged to join the membership. Additionally, the subscription period is not unlimited for us. If they have not yet joined or if their membership has lapsed, the subscription will not be sent. It would be helpful if administrators had the option to remove the word "Free" and "Subscription period: Unlimited" from the…

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  13. rate-limited email failures

    Google is increasingly "rate-limiting" emails from known bulk senders such as WildApricot. That means they block emails for gmail subscribers who have recently had lots of messages from other bulk senders. What this means in practice is that an increasing number of failures on messages you send to your members. For entirely informational messages, there is a spiffy resend to failures feature that will cause WildApricot to resend the rejected message to the subset of failed recipients. Unfortunately it doesn't work for registration invitation emails because the Resend to failures facility can't expand the register buttons macro. WildApricot could easily…

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  14. Report to show future scheduled event announcements

    We are a very active retired Professionals group (Probus) and send out 10 to 15 event notices a month. They are setup with scheduled release dates. Some events require more than 1 announcement.

    We would like to be able to see at a glance what notices are going on what date so we don't deluge our members on any given date with numerous emails. Right now we have to open each Event individually to the Email tab in order to see that info.

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  15. Sort Photo album summary gadget

    You can choose a sort order in the Photo Album gadget but there is no option to do that in the Photo Album Summary gadget. Seems like an over sight. Please implement.

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  16. Identify New Members on Attendance Reports

    We would like to identify new members or first time attendance on a attendance report so we can greet them appropriately.

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  17. Allow event organizers to manage waitlist

    Please add radio dial option for Limited Admin in Events Administration to see waitlist.
    The organizer (ie member) of an event would like to be able to expand the event or quickly contact persons on waitlist as well as registrants.

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  18. Our members our organizations, we need an easier way to allow people in that organization to attend event

    Our members our organizations, we need an easier way to allow people in that organization to attend event

    Our company works with educational institutes. These members are represented by several individuals in those institutes. Wild Apricots current method of event registration allows for only the primary email address to register for events. Our events are open to all of the people in those institutes and passing around an email address to everyone is not ideal and is too informal for the work that we do. We need a way to allow people at these institutes to register on their behalf.…

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  19. Implementing TOTP for 2FA

    First of all, note that "Security" is not an option in the Category dropdown for composing messages on this forum.

    Now to the topic of 2FA. Cursory browsing in security forums will reveal that both SMS and Passkeys are quite problematic. SMS is subject to SIM hacking, and Passkeys... well just do a Google search for "the problem with passkeys" for some interesting reading.

    Currently the most secure and portable 2FA method is TOTP, so it's rather surprising that WA isn't implementing it. I hope WA implements TOTP in the very near future.

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  20. Members View "Checked-in" for ALL Registered Events

    This feature is currently only available at the Admin level (see image). Members must see that they have been checked in (see image). This is the only way they can self-verify attendance of all event registered AND attended.

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