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  1. Option to override required fields

    Add override to allow account to be created without name or email. We are using the bundle and registered members as organizations rather than individuals. There are a number who do not have an email account and Wild Apricot does not allow us to create or update their record without these fields.

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  2. Connect wild apricot site to personify database

    My parent organization uses Personify as their database platform for their members. It would be great if I could link my Wild Apricot site to their Personify, now that Wild Apricot is owned by Personify, so that my records are always reconciled with my parent organization. The Chapters utilizing "Star Chapter" are able to do this, because Star Chapter is on Personify as well.

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  3. Adding name and address to Printable Membership Card file

    The new membership cards are great. I would like to have the ability to modify the printable PDF file. Similar to the way we can "customize default membership emails" I would like have the ability to add the name and address to the printable file, so the membership administrator could print and mail out the card in a window envelope. Currently we export a members information and merge it in a Word Document, many steps and cumbersome. All that would be necessary would be the name and address. See attached file highlighted in yellow

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  4. Prorating Membership Level Upgrades

    Copied from another discussion -

    Discount coupons discussed here are only for new member applications.

    What you are talking about is prorating the membership payment when members change their level - applying unused membership fee and/or reducing the new fee if new membership level is not for a full period. We are working on this - it would be great if you could start a new thread on the wishlist forum to explain how you would like to see it work.

    How our org would like it to work -

    Ex - level a - $35 annual fee and level…

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  5. Supplemental Yearly Charge for Life and Honorary Members

    Right now at no additional cost we allow members (yearly, honorary life, life members) to choose between printed paper or pdf for our quarterly newsletter and membership directory.

    It appears easy enough to set up an additional fee with yearly renewal membership, but we'd like to add this feature to life and honorary memberships where they'd receive a renewal notice for paper ($) or PDF (free).

    Is that possible? Any ideas for a work around

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  6. Make Member Since field available in Member Directory

    See note below. Our members would benefit to learn when everyone become part of our organization. It offers continuity and a since of longevity. I contemplated just creating a field, but that was too easy, so I decided to add this to the wishlist to see if others agree and it would save me the time to create the field and maintain it since it is already a system fields. Do all of you agree?


    Unfortunately it is currently not possible to show the Member since system field in the member directory . If you could post this…

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  7. Enhancements for Groups functionality

    In our 2.36 update we have released Groups functionality - ability to organize members into groups - such as 'Board of Directors', 'Volunteer Committee', etc. These groups are independent of membership levels - one group can include members from different levels. These groups can be used to keep track of member participation in committees, restrict access to website pages to a particular group, or for advanced searches and emails. See

    We are contemplating a number of possible further enhancements to this and would love to get your feedback.
    Here are our initial ideas:

    1) Group moderators. Group moderator is a…

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  8. Improve interface for adding people into Groups

    When you go into membership settings - group managment - manage participants -

    You can pick a group you want to edit the participant for that group. You have two lists on the left hand side you have the list of participants for that group, on the right hand side you have a list of all members so you can quickly add new members to be participants of that group. All good.

    My suggestion is to have a drop down box with a list of data base fields above the right hand box (all members list) then you can pick…

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  9. Member access option in membership fields

    Could you add an extra "Member Acces" option in member fields? We like have the following options:

    Member Access
    -in own profile
    -in level change
    -in application


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  10. Member to member messages

    Current behavior:
    Currently one member can contact another only outside of the system - and only if that member has disclosed his contact information (email/phone)

    Desired behavior:
    Members should be able to contact other members right on the site, without having to expose email addresses

    Messages can be forwarded to member emails - or displayed to each member when logged in.

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  11. invoice search

    I would like to be able to export my Member List with an added "invoice date" choice. That way I can easily sort for those who have paid since the last time I mailed membership cards sicne we have year round renewals and 1 and 2 year membership levels. Right now the "Changed Member Level" and "Date Joined" or whatever don't capture them all.

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  12. Customize how Member ID is generated

    Is there a way I can designation a "starting number" for the member ID field? For example, if I am setting up a new membership database and I would like our member ID numbers to begin at 500.

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  13. Prohibit sending message from one's own profile

    I am writing as a webmaster who must deal with confused members. Currently when a member is on the web page to edit his/her own profile, there is an option to send a message. There is no clue shown as to whom that message will go to, but I am quite certain it will only go back to the sender. That seems like a useless thing to do, and one likely to create confusion (because the member is likely to erroneously believe a society officer will see the message). I'd like to see <SEND> removed from the edit profile page.

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  14. Notify admin about new members

    It would be great to have a notice (to the admins) that is in your face when you login and there is a new member. Maybe there is a way to do this and I missed it. Either way, I have to be diligent about checking if there are new members when a pop-up or something at the top of the page that stands out would be better. :) Thanks for listening!

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  15. Allow custom codes to membership levels like the events.

    Need a sponsorship page that is like the join us page and sponsorship level form and fields that allows you to add predefined amount levels and an ala carte level that the sponsor can put in their own amount that they would like to contribute.

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  16. Filtering & Restricting Groups for specific Events

    We have had a request by staff that they wish to filter certain Events to a restricted group of schools.
    Therefore, we are seeking an upgrade by Wild Apricot to please include a Filter with a drop down box of individual SCHOOLS be available when creating new GROUPS and when the MANAGING PARTICIPANTS option is chosen - similar to the current “Search” option available in the CONTACTS ADVANCED SEARCH tabs where there is the ability to refine the search to School/Organisation from a drop down box.

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  17. Facilitate Levels with end dates for organisations which have a closed season

    Sports seasons often run for part of the calendar year e.g. soccer in the UK runs from September to April with a closed period from May to August. At present monthly recurring payment plan levels can be set up with a start date ok but have no facility for setting an end date. Ok this can be got around with a manual export of membership data in April, modification of the file, and reimporting to stop the payments, but this could create some member confusion. The ability to input a stop date at the time of creation of a monthly…

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  18. Allow configuration of Group administrators to approve their team's membership applications

    A sports club usually has several teams (i.e. groups) within it, each of which will require periodic renewal and new applicant approvals. Each team is managed by an individual manager who is ideally placed to authorise renewals and new membership applications for his/her particular team. When a new applicant applies for membership of the club they are required to select the appropriate team on their application form (e.g. age group). This application should then ideally be emailed to the actual team manager for acceptance / refusal rather than having at present to be processed by the overall site administrator(s). The…

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  19. Display checkbox edits & results in columns, rather than one neverending list

    I have certain fields with MANY entries (over 200) and members who often will select all 200. I can't have individual drop down lists, because to have 200 dropdown lists is unmanageable and looks way too complicated. The next option: to have checkboxes. However, the way the system is, when members edit their profiles, they are presented with a huge vertical list. There is SO much white space to the right that could be used to make the presentation more professional, so that one doesn't have to scroll through 3 pages just to get to the bottom of the list.…

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  20. Automatically prompt someone to sign in or create an account

    It would be a GREAT upgrade to the software, if instead of the software rejecting a sign in when someone has not yet created an account (as happens currently) that it instead gave them a message that they must have an account and sign in before they register. The screen should simply give two options - sign in or create and account. This would save a ton of confusion and multiple phone calls from customers.

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