Facilitate Levels with end dates for organisations which have a closed season
Sports seasons often run for part of the calendar year e.g. soccer in the UK runs from September to April with a closed period from May to August. At present monthly recurring payment plan levels can be set up with a start date ok but have no facility for setting an end date. Ok this can be got around with a manual export of membership data in April, modification of the file, and reimporting to stop the payments, but this could create some member confusion. The ability to input a stop date at the time of creation of a monthly or quarterly payment levels would be extremely useful
Monique Jenkins commented
My organization has a two membership dues structure: one for January -March 31st and a higher one for April 1 - December 31st. Having the ability to set end dates for these would be very beneficial and save us from having to remember to do it manually (like we do with conference registrations). Our first renewal period just came around and our invoices went out with the wrong renewal amount. We then had to correct them manually and resend which could have been avoided if this feature was available.
Thank you very much, Denis, I appreciate your time to explain your situation. For now, it will be in our wishlist backlog to collect other customers comments and understand importance of it.
Denis Kelly commented
The soccer season for Youth football clubs typically runs from 1st September until 31st March. My club, as most others, offers either a one off discounted annual payment for parents or gives them the alternative of paying monthly on the 1st of each month between these dates. I have set levels up to do this, however once the final monthly payment has come in on 1st March, I then have to manually change the renewal date on each membership to 1st September, otherwise parents would be billed monthly during the closed season. I figured that the Wild Apricot team would be clever enough to simply add either a season start and end date or even the number of months a plan should run / not run for, during level creation.
All soccer teams and leagues throughout the world have closed seasons during which time players may move clubs, change to different leagues or even drop out of sport. Business during the closed season is difficult for this and other reasons so the majority of membership and payment activity is confined to the open season
I'm not sure I understand the setup. Do your members pay monthly for several months (while the season is high) and then they just pause for the rest of time and then continue paying next year?
Is it really common to do so? Why not taking some "annual" fee to be part of the club?
Just curious to understand a wider situation in the Sport world.
Denis, thanks for sharing your idea.
I would appreciate comments from other users who have the same 'scheme' of membership.Katya, Astra crew.
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot