Notify admin about new members
It would be great to have a notice (to the admins) that is in your face when you login and there is a new member. Maybe there is a way to do this and I missed it. Either way, I have to be diligent about checking if there are new members when a pop-up or something at the top of the page that stands out would be better. :) Thanks for listening!

Bob, I created a separate idea for your last comment - see
Bob Palin commented
It would be great to have a task list associated with member actions, for instance:
New member/send intro package
Renewal/send thank you note
Donation/send thank you noteand so on
The tasks are removed from the list as the actions are taken. Yes the emails can be used for this but they are outside the WA system and mixed with other emails.
Chris Cavanaugh commented
I have my settings send an email to the organizer whenever there is a new member. So, by checking the email account, I know when we added a new member.
Rob commented
The Dashboard Overview or Members Summary give a 7 and 30 day snapshot of the number of new members which can be clicked on to find out who is new. This works sufficiently for us.
Perhaps in a larger organization with a rapidly expanding (or changing) membership a better tool is required? -
Hi Christina, why would you need that? Currently, Wild Apricot sends an email notification to admin when a new member applies. Why is not this enough? What is it you want to do with a popup notification?