Customize how Member ID is generated
Is there a way I can designation a "starting number" for the member ID field? For example, if I am setting up a new membership database and I would like our member ID numbers to begin at 500.

David commented
As others in this thread have suggested, having a configurable field that auto increments with new members is really required. We migrated over less than a year ago and I knew this was going to be an issue but added a manual field to deal with it and have to track that elsewhere, it is a pain.
Mike commented
I just wanted to keep this feature request alive. For the same reasons, long term members know their number and would like to keep it. As well, having a 4 digit number for example is much easier to remember than the 8 digit one we are at right now.
Beverly Ehlbeck commented
Our members are very attached to their current membershp numbers. I would like an easy way to continue with our current numbering system and show that number as the UserID rather than the automatic WA User ID. It is okay to keep that ID as a unique number but I would like to be able to select a different field "Member Number" to display when the user logs in, in the app and on the membership card, etc. It would be ideal if this could be an auto incrementing number but if not at least make it easier for us to have our own custom member ids please
Not yet.
Caz43 commented
Is there any update on this?
Anonymous commented
This or an additional automatically incrementing membership number seems usefull if not necessary for any organisation migrating to WA.
Jack Scown commented
WA team, this would really help us in certain matters of facility use verification. I see that this request has been around since 2010! Is the wishlist where good ideas go to die?
Lawrence Glynn commented
As others have said, most clubs either want or need their own member id and not the system generated one. Whilst one can create a Member Id field as a text field one can not even ensure that it is a number, let alone a unique number. This seems a fundamental requirement common to almost every club. The option to auto increment from whatever was used last would be good with admin override. This does not sound too hard to a non-IT person
From Ed "I'd like to see our own membership numbers vs. the system ID as well. However, I'd like it set up to have a system option to automatically increment my member's Club ID# (say by 1 or 5 or 10 or ?) and not allow the user to edit it. Let the user display it or not in Privacy settings. Let Admin override the entry if needed. It's a nice way to see how many members join over a period of time - avg. per month, year, etc. when a I do a data extract."
Duane commented
Just to revived this thread Dmitry
I think all we want is a custom field. The club can define the starting ID, but it auto-increments by 1 when a new contact is added for our members. Then Wild Apricot keeps the user ID but we can have our customer member_ID without having to maintain manually.
I cannot see on any custom fields the option for us to set an auto increment.
Amy Granat commented
I could have written this exact request! Many organizations have their own membership numbers accrued over a long period of time of operation. For us it is 47 years, and our older members do not want to change numbers. Right now, I have to manually assign number for new members who join, which takes a lot of time. Databases can easily incorporate the concept of incremental numbers - Wild Apricot already does this with it's own membership numbers. Why can't we have a field that will help the organizations that use Wild Apricot?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No. You can create the field, but it will not be automatically updated. This is why we still have this in Wishlist
jenpen commented
Dmitriy, this is interesting. We have the same question as above - we would like to have a custom "Membership Number" field and have it auto-increment. Are you saying this is possible?
Richard Pouzar commented
Our organization also must issue a unique membership number to all new members. Plus, we use that number to track when people have joined. While the Wild Apricot member number might help somewhat, many on our board are used to our sequential numbering. Having a numbering sequence in which there are gaps, and having to work with six digits rather than our current low four-digits, would create some discomfort. Lastly, our secretary receives all new membership applications by mail and approves only membership applications - he uses the sequential numbers as a double-check to match membership revenue to bank deposits. I realize that this might be difficult to implement, but it would be helpful. Not at the top of our list of wants, but it would be helpful.
Phil Dailey commented
We have a similar issue in that our constitution requires that membership IDs are generated after a new membership application has been accepted by at least two of the board members. Therefore the system member id cannot be used since it will be generated at the initial application for membership.
We are new clients of Wild Apricot and were expecting to totally convert our current MS Access database to Wild Apricot to improve the flexibility of our membership management. Due to this issue we are being forced into maintaining the MS Access database just to comply with our membership ID rules.
Dmitry Buterin commented
In current version of Wild Apricot you can create a custom field to keep your old membership numbers and then use our system member id field for all existing and new members from now on. Can you comment on this setup vs. your suggestion?
Landon commented
I would add a vote for some kind of customization available for the auto-assigned memberid number.
In our case, we would like to autoassign random six-digit numbers, for example, since we use the memberid code as membership numbers, which are used as keycodes to access one of our facilities. For this reason it is great that the memberid number is unique to a given member, but some members have a 6-digit code, some have a 7.
Thank you!
KStompor commented
It would be great if we could control the member ID. It seems really random.
It would be easier if we could track it by entering what number we would like to start with etc.
For example:
For November members we would start 1109XXXX
For December members we would start 1209XXXX
Currently we have to assign these numbers manually as a field after the fact, the member ID is pretty useless as is..
williamsonkl commented
Sorry for the delay in my responding.
In our case we have not been using a member ID for our membership (yet), but over the past year have had a growing need for one and will probably start assigning one to each member. For now, I will have to do this myself as the admin when I "approve" applications. Our situation is unique - our membership is based around an annual charity bicycle ride for fallen law enforcement officers. Our membership has grown to the point where our medical staff can't possibly know every member and so they need us to start using member ID numbers so that if, god forbid, we have several riders taken out in an accident they can quickly identify everyone involved and cross-reference our medical records. We have 7 chapters around the country and the medical staff would like to be able to designate a range of numbers for each chapter so they can better track who belongs with who. I can maintain this numbering system myself, but it would be nice if I could set up a field that would automate it as applications are accepted.
jocroft commented
Thanks for the quick reply, perhaps you could consider this for a future release.
No further reply necessary.