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Hover capability on calendar view.
Create feature to place a picture with a hover capability on calendar so the data pops up within the calendar view.
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Exporting Member data with stripe recurrring in another system
Hello Team,
…My client currently using wild apricot for membership management. he can't share account number with me. I tried to export members and financial data from wild apricot account but it couldn't contain stripe customer id and stripe source id field in csv when i export. please can you help how can i get stripe customer id and stripe source id for existing members on wild apricot account, stripe customer id is like "cus_ELVWLyZ0t7CBxD" and stripe source id is like "src_1DsoVTKz8Bu2wmuXrOMgNvZx". please can you help on to get these two field with member export as other system need these
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Registration details macro
It would be super-awesome if there was a macro that would list out the field name and value of the registration fields. Currently, I do this manually, which is OK until I change a field name or duplicate an event and forget to update it. The {EventField_All} macro is close, but it doesn't include custom fields.
As an added bonus, it would be nice to bold the field names in the result.1 vote -
Express offline event registration, payment recording, and invoice settlement
Admin express event registration.
* Select the user
* Enter the amount and number of the member's check
* Select the registration type (offline)
* Show a list of matching future events
* Select events to register by checkbox
* Show count and total cost like on member side
* final click to register and settle the lotUser story: A 1000 member organization recording about 8000 registrations per quarter paid by check that is transitioning from offline to online registration.
Loop ergonomics appear to offset the $2000/year savings on WA subscription vs our legacy member & registration provider. In…
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New Type of Access
We have people that are volunteers that do our check in and we would not like them to have administrative access. It would be great if they can have access to processing payments without having full administrative access or make the attendee have to do an on-site registration on their phone. It would make the process easier.
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Prorate based on bundle administrator's join date
Option to prorate dues to the bundle administrator's join date, or a date set by the bundle administrator.
We have open enrollment and new bundles can join anytime, so we can't have set enrollment dates. I currently have to manually prorate any new employee added to any bundle.
Please find a way to set this as an option for all bundles.
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Incorporate OpenStreetMap into a gadget.
I had to stop using Google map links because it messes up other content. Incorporating other mapping sources would provide viable alternatives.
For example: https://www.citylab.com/design/2015/06/who-owns-the-digital-map-of-the-world/396119/?utm_source=fbia1 vote -
Event Dev
Creating an event is more difficult than it needs to be and the results are less than optimum.
1 - It isn't exactly WYSIWYG. The area for an event is not shown precisely as designed when displayed live.
2 - Because of the design constraints resulting from the system generated block of event details the content describing the event extends too far down the page forcing the visitor to scroll more than necessary.
Here is a link to a sample event page:https://waee.wildapricot.org/event-3162135
I have attached a picture of the event page as is today that includes a potential solution…
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More collaborative approach to Events
Any member of the bicycle club can easily post a ride to the event calendar, much like creating a topic on the forum.
The ride leader would simply click a "gadget icon", enter the ride description, date and time of the event, and post it. The event would automatically send email notifications and contain a link to the forum. The email recipients and timing of the email blasts could be configured by Admin via a system or template page.
The ride leader could create a forum topic, and in that topic insert links to the start location on Google Maps,…
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Guest registration form changes
Need to modify the guest registration form. Specifically need to remove the email field. We have members that share email addresses with spouses or significant others. Gets confusing if they enter the common address and they get an already registered message.
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Ability to export/import Levels
It would be very useful to be able at least to export all Levels fields to csv and ideally being able to import them back. We have 3 sports and many categories per each sport. It's a serious drag to check or change level settings one by one. Even changing the yearly price is time consuming and with Excel we would be able just to multiply all prices by, say, 2% in one go and reimport the whole thing back like you do with Conact fields.
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Make white space available
At times the amount of unavailable white space impedes content design. While the whole page is an issue my primary concern is the system event notification (blue box on left side - see attached image)
It seems to me that the area for the image could be segregated leaving more space for content. As it stand now the narrow area remaining stings out content down the page - result, too much scrolling.1 vote -
limit # of events that can be attended by a embership level
be able to limit the number of events that a membership type can attend. I offer one large event at the end of the year and would like to be able to exclude that event from a lower costing membership that has access to only three events.
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Event or Blog List Display customization
I would really like to see the ability to customize the blog listing or the event listing and what is shown on it. For example, on some events or blogs I might start with a picture at the top. Others I don't. When I look at the roll-up of events or blog articles, it looks really dumb when they are inconsistent on this page or when pictures are cut off.
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Change Field Type in Event Forms
I'd like to be able to update form types after the form has been saved. For example, if a field type is saved as multiple choice but then during testing we realize it should be a radio button, currently I have to create a new field and delete the old one instead of just editing the type of the existing field.
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Our event attendees really want to be able to easily see who's going like meetup. Currently the way to view "registrants" is not obvious to lot's of people.
It would be great if you could make it easier for people to see who is going.1 vote -
Open Forums
There should be a option in forums to be an open forum (where you do not have to subscribe)
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Coach access to team member registration. Can a coach create their roster in wild apricot and be linked to membership or non membership.
I would like head coaches to have access to their team and their event registrations.
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Tournament Director access to only their event.
When a member registers a guest it is not allowing them to choose the package or note that they are not a member that would be an increased charge? Is there a different way for us to set up our registration to allow coaches to register their team with different memberships?
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Export contact info using email filters
I want to easily toggle between electronic and hard copy mediums with my contacts and members. For example, for folks who haven't opened one of our electronic messages, I want to be able to send a physical, hard copy of the letter. I want to use the filters "not opened" and "opened, but not clicked" to export contact information as a datafile (for mailing labels).
1 vote
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