Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!

I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Amanda Sage commented
There isn't much I can add that hasn't been said here already, other than this is a really big deal to our members and we're constantly asked about this.
CATA Adminstrator commented
Like @Dominica, I am also in the position of being an administrator for a board of directors that is leaning towards leaving WA because this function still hasn't been added. I keep insisting that there is a lot of support behind adding this functionality, but my promises are beginning to wear thin.
It's surprising to me, because it would seem that the organizations most likely to be hosting large conferences containing multiple workshops are also the customers that WA would want to retain most.
Can we please get a sense of the timeline for this functionality or see that it has been added to the roadmap?
Stephen commented
Very much looking forward to this update... it just took a volunteer two hours to register 55 people for a WEEKLY event (we are embarrassed to ask every member to register themselves every week). Tomorrow morning we will spend another 30mins marking who actually attended.
The sooner our members can register for multiple events and/ or register for one event with multiple sessions that tracks attendance for each session, the better.
We really don't want to lose too much goodwill from out volunteers, if possible!
THANK YOU for your prompt attention.
Dominica Larkin commented
Come on Wild Apricot - this has been on the list for years and I am losing members because of this issue!!! This is so serious that my board wants to leave Wild Apricot completely.
Anonymous commented
We need a way that registrants can go back in their profile and add events to their bill. Currently I have to do that for them and it is taking precious office time to do something they should be able to do themselves
Nikky Winchester commented
Yes please! We would like to offer people the opportunity to EITHER register for our full conference OR for part(s) of it - as many separate different parts as they wish.
Yes - this would be extremely important for us to have on our page as well. It is much easier to see that one person purchased 2 or more tickets rather than them having to re-register each time!!!
Thank you for working on this and we hope the format can be updated!!!!
Jas commented
We sell tickets to a public fundraising concert in three categories: Adult, Child and Family. Currently they can only select one of these categories, so if a person wants to buy 1 Adult tickets and 1 Child they need to go to a second page to "add on" the child. This is not as seamless as the procedure we used with another site for the last 2 years, so it is not very convenient for our customers who are external to our current membership. We hope WA will consider making a change to this format
Andrew Steele commented
Here are some scenarios in which variable ticket pricing is needed for additional registrants (aka "guests" of the main registrant) :
A) A member registering another member and a guest, when members and guests have different rates.
B) Main registrant registering people in a group for different ticket types that should have different prices such as:
a. Senior, Adult, Child, Military, etc.
b. Weekend Pass, Saturday Pass, Sunday Pass, etc.
C) An employer or group manager registering others for an event (especially if they themselves are not attending). If they’re registering a group of 15, it’s incredibly cumbersome that they would have to start the registration process over each time to get the appropriate ticket types for each individual, and make 15 payments.Here’s the ideal workflow I would propose:
1. The first ticket type selection screen would allow the main registrant to add additional registrants on the same page (if “guests” aka additional registrants have been set to allowed by the admins). For example, it would ask the main registrant to select their ticket type (if any) and on the same page allow them to add additional registrants and select the ticket type for each.
2. Ticket types would still need to be protected if they’re restricted to certain member levels or groups. This could be accomplished by offering an email address input for each additional registrant to unlock and display the members-only options (otherwise only the public options will be displayed for additional registrants). Although this should really be an Admin option when setting up the ticket types, e.g. allow registrants to register others with this ticket type vs. verify each additional registrant for this ticket type.
3. On the next screen, it would then display the main registrant’s info at the top, and the fields for all additional registrants below (depending on how many they added in the previous step). Each entry would display the ticket type and cost for that individual.
4. Also, the ticket type selection for “guests”/additional registrants should be completely independent of the admin setting for how much information is collected about the guests (i.e. # of guests only, contact info, or full registration form).If that is too much of an overhaul to accomplish, the next best solution would be that the main registrant clicks “Add guest” (or preferably “Add registrant” or other custom text) and it takes them back to the ticket type selection screen. This could be an option under “Guest pricing” on the admin side of setting up the ticket type, e.g.:
- Base price
- Special guest price
- Allow ticket type selection
Again, there would need to be verification that the “guest” aka additional registrant is eligible for the selected ticket type, or an option to allow that the main registrant can register others for that ticket type if they themselves qualify for it. -
Andrew Steele commented
@Team Events - This Wishlist item is likely more popular than you think. I found at least 20 separate topics that pertain just to registering multiple people on the same order. There may be some duplication because people voted for multiple threads, but there is a total of 541 votes. Can you please consider merging some of these so that this item ranks correctly?
Rose Epperson commented
Need a way to register multiple attendees with multiple reg tyoes with one invoice for payment
Thanks Bonnie, you are absolutely right.
So, loged in person can register multiple people/emails. See Multiple registration section in the help
Several invoices are generated in this case, but it's possible to pay for all of them at once.Those emails would also receive confirmation notices.
Yuri Karatunov
Event Management features team at Wild ApricotPS: This year we're focusing on top requested ideas.
This one is on 11th place and has good chances to be implemented.
However we can't promise anything at this moment. -
Bonnie commented
We have had success with one person entering several registrations with one email address to have it accumulate on that person's contact record and they pay the grand total when finished. They entered the individual's email address on the registration form so each person would receive notices also.
Dannie Ømark commented
We could use an extra button, so we don´t have to go out, to go in again to add ekstra registrant..
Lisa Hogle commented
Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event... I noticed this post from 2009 with a response on July 28, 2015; Today is 4/20/17 and my question is ... have you resolved this issue? ... Question... In Wild Apricot, is it possible to have one person register multiple people with one email and one payment bill/invoice? Additionally is it possible to have an individual admin/client send out confirmations to multiple email address?
Jan Hodge commented
Our members have asked us for the ability to register at one time, more than one of their employees to attend more than one seminar so they can pay for it one transaction. For example practice managers are often asked to register all of their veterinarians to attend one or more seminars and pay for it all in one credit card transaction. It is important however that a non-member not be allowed to register at the member rate because the person registering them is a member and vice versa. It is also important that each registrant receive their own updates and notices about the event and not just the person who is registering them.
Rodney Wallace commented
Ability for those registering to be able to register as the adult leader type (we have two types-Driver/Chaperone or Adult Chaperone) and then register their youth at different type (two registration types-High School or Youth). That way our registrants (usually a church) can register all attendees at once and get one invoice for all attendees.
Nancy Hubbard commented
Offer "Invoice Me" option for Online only payments so members can register for multiple events and make one payment and easily use credits to pay invoices. Remove the "or pay offline" message.
Bonnie commented
We need for each separate event name and fee to show up on our merchant processor daily settlement report if they are going to lump sum multiple event registrations together to pay at one time. It would be extremely time intensive for us to split each lump sum. We use accounting codes that are event specific.
Dale K commented
Our organization is wanting to allow a person to register for multiple events and if they register for a full years worth of events, then they get a discounted rate for the year. Ease of registering for multiple events and ability to pay a single discounted amount is what we need.