Andrew Steele
My feedback
92 results found
102 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
After further conversation with AffiniPay, the fees (for nonprofits) are theoretically as follows. I will have to verify on our next statement.
Visa / MC: 2.9% Processing Rate + $0.28 Transaction Fee + $0.02 Item Fee
American Express: 2.9% Processing Rate + $0.28 Transaction Fee + 0.15% AmEx Network Fee + 0.30% AmEx Card Not Present Fee
Discover: 2.9% Processing Rate + $0.28 Transaction Fee
There are additional fees if you are accepting international cards. There are additional fees if you are for-profit.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
Correction for anyone reading my previous comment: AffiniPay support gave me the wrong information. They called me back hours later to state that the $0.06 extra was not in fact a card-not-present fee, but was the AmEx additional 0.15% fee. Not any better, but just want to share what the fee actually was about.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
We also need to see a breakdown of the fee per transaction so we can appropriately categorize the fees without doing complicated tracking and calculations each month. Stripe gave us this per transaction fee amount in their dashboard. AffiniPay doesn't even show the lump sum fee in their dashboard, only in their mailed statement.
Also, thankfully we only had one transaction in our first month, because the fee was not the expected 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. FYI for anyone switching to AffiniPay, there's a $0.06 fee for "card not present" charges, which are literally all Wild Apricot transactions. It's supposedly to provide increased chargeback protection because no chip was read. You must call AffiniPay to have them switch your setup to all "in-person" transactions so you're not charged this fee on every transaction. When I talked with AffiniPay they offered to refund the $0.06 so that was nice, but it shouldn't have happened without our knowledge in the first place. I asked if there were any other fees that hadn't been announced by WA and she claimed there weren't any except for international charges. We need a per transaction fee breakdown so that issues like this can be caught during months where there are many transactions and it's not clear which one caused discrepancies.
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
Keith - We added a custom dropdown field that's only visible to administrators. It shows the reason we archived the person, one of which is deceased. That way we know later why a member was archived. You could also add a custom text field if you need to record DoD. As Oleg mentioned, someone who is archived will no longer receive emails or count toward your account contact limit.
21 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
182 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
This item is now 9 years old. When will we get the ability to have more than one default ticket type for "guest" registrants?
There are lots of instances where the same order needs to have the ability to select ticket type and price for each individual. E.g. 2 adults + 1 child; 2 members + 1 non-member; 2 gold tickets + 1 silver ticket; 2 3-day passes + 1 2-day pass; 2 adults + 1 senior, etc.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
This wishlist item is 8 years old. Any progress?
This isn't the only thread that mentions this issue about needing multiple ticket types on the same order (e.g. 2+ members & 1+ guest; 2+ adults & 1+ children; etc.)
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
Our organization really needs this to be implemented. Our folks often book as a group with one person doing the ordering, and they want to register both members and non-members on the same order. We charge a different amount for members and non-members, and WA makes these kind of group bookings impossible. The "guests" can either be the same rate as person doing the booking, or a uniform different rate; either way, you cannot get a combo of 2+ members and 1+ non-members on the same order.
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
36 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
28 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
@Sherry - Uploading your logo in the AffiniPay account does not make the logo appear on the Wild Apricot payment page that members see. It would be great if it did.
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
28 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
203 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
Allowing bulk emailing or printing of invoices that are returned by a search would be incredibly helpful! Currently I have to do an advanced search, export the results to Excel, have my own invoice template in Word, and do a mail merge. It's very time-consuming to do this monthly!
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
We have many members who are older and don't have email, so we must invoice them by postal mail. Right now we do it by exporting the list of contacts with upcoming renewal due dates, reformatting the resulting Excel document, and then using the mail merge feature in Word to create invoices and mailing labels. It's a lot of work for something that should be simple and directly available through the WA interface.
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
35 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
I agree that guest registrants need to have the ability to select a different registration type than the main registrant. This would solve member vs non-member pricing (when both are trying to register together) and other scenarios where different ticket types are needed within a group registering together (child, adult, senior; or gold, silver, bronze; or 1-day, 2-day, 3-day pass; etc.).
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
48 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
We haven't implemented online sales yet because we want to track all sales in a single system. We do a lot of phone and in-person orders, so we need to be able to enter those in WA.
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
I need the Extra Charge Calculation field to be required so that all registrants respond to it, but 0 needs to be a valid option.
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
5 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Current Wild Apricot position on Public roadmap:
- our current Roadmap is what we are working on now –
Our “Work in progress” list can take us easily up to year to complete and we constantly updating it. Whoever voted for an idea, will automatically receive updates when we update its status- we used to publish our roadmap but цуку never able to fully follow it and it always produced tensions from customers following it; the roadmap was always perceived as a a promise even though we kept repeating it was not
- publishing roadmap requires some place to discuss it; people have different priorities, arguments happen, this all need ongoing moderation = time. We have no special place for it, except this forum – and its already serving this purpose.
- we use Voting system here to inform us on our customers priorities (the more votes, the…
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
@Evgeny - There are a few missing steps that would be very helpful for us to know. For example, there's a gap between "Work in Progress" and "Resolved." I understand the difficulty balancing announcing release dates in advance and disappointing customers with delays, but it's very frustrating having feature releases sprung on me. I'm in charge of keeping our staff informed about updates and how they affect our workflow. So to not know until the day of the release exactly which things are implemented (and how they work) is very stressful. It would be useful to have documentation pages available on features before their release, and to at least have a month's heads up about the exact date on which they will roll out to our account. Maybe have a category for "Scheduled for Implementation on [Date]" to be used when you have finished developing and testing a feature, and know when you will roll it out. There are a lot of items on the "Work in Progress" list and it's hard to know which ones we'll actually be getting next.
And similar to what Walt stated, there's also a missing step before "Work in Progress." This would help stem some of the questions on topics about "any forward movement on this yet?" And it would give us a better idea of the general roadmap, without making any promises that can't be kept.
So maybe the categorical progression could be slightly more nuanced, for example:
Under Consideration / Collecting Comments (for when it's been added to your internal roadmap for consideration)
Design & Input Phase
Development / Coding Phase
Scheduled for Implementation on [Date]
Resolved / DoneYou also stated that the Wishlist is not the only source of your roadmap. It would be nice if there was a little more transparency about the "behind-the-scenes" considerations. If you help the users see more specifics about how much work is being done on the overall product goals, performance, security, bugs, etc. they will probably be more understanding about why new features sometimes take a while to implement.
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
22 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
42 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
If I could vote for this again, I would. This is the 3rd year in a row we've needed this feature (and 8th year since being suggested). Members need to be able to register other members.
We have an event where members are free and non-members have to pay. We have many couples and groups who wish to register together, but they cannot. This is a hassle to members, and if they register separately it throws off our registration packets.
We also have a holiday luncheon. Everyone pays the same amount for that event, but people register in groups of 5-10. When they do it online, they add people as "guests" even though they're in fact members; then Wild Apricot doesn't show on those 9 other member profiles that those people attended the event (because the guest registration isn't connected to the member accounts). This significantly hampers our ability to send notifications and do event follow up. We can correct it one-by-one on the admin side, but at 300+ registrations, that is a huge burden.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
I'm setting up an event and am very frustrated by the limitations of the "guest" feature. For this event, members attend for free, and non-members and guests of members are $5. Many of our members are couples and are accustomed to registering together, i.e. one person registers both members plus a few non-member guests. Because the "guest" price can only be set to one price, it’s impossible for two members to register on the same order and both attend for free.
Guest registrations should have the same option to choose a different ticket type.
Does anyone have a good workaround for this? Requiring both members register separately will confuse our members and throw off our registration packets. We are considering not using Wild Apricot at all for this event because it's too confusing for members. This is very unfortunate, because one of the main reasons we switched to WA was so that we could do event registrations online!
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
29 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
This is a great idea and I would take it a step further: instead of checkboxes, it would be nice to have a text-box that takes a number next to each registration type, in case someone needs to register two of the same ticket type, e.g. 2 at an adult rate and 1 at a child rate. Please consider supporting this thread, which addresses this issue:
373 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
We still need a way to register multiple people with multiple different ticket types on the same order. The "guest" registration options are insufficient.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
Here are some scenarios in which variable ticket pricing is needed for additional registrants (aka "guests" of the main registrant) :
A) A member registering another member and a guest, when members and guests have different rates.
B) Main registrant registering people in a group for different ticket types that should have different prices such as:
a. Senior, Adult, Child, Military, etc.
b. Weekend Pass, Saturday Pass, Sunday Pass, etc.
C) An employer or group manager registering others for an event (especially if they themselves are not attending). If they’re registering a group of 15, it’s incredibly cumbersome that they would have to start the registration process over each time to get the appropriate ticket types for each individual, and make 15 payments.Here’s the ideal workflow I would propose:
1. The first ticket type selection screen would allow the main registrant to add additional registrants on the same page (if “guests” aka additional registrants have been set to allowed by the admins). For example, it would ask the main registrant to select their ticket type (if any) and on the same page allow them to add additional registrants and select the ticket type for each.
2. Ticket types would still need to be protected if they’re restricted to certain member levels or groups. This could be accomplished by offering an email address input for each additional registrant to unlock and display the members-only options (otherwise only the public options will be displayed for additional registrants). Although this should really be an Admin option when setting up the ticket types, e.g. allow registrants to register others with this ticket type vs. verify each additional registrant for this ticket type.
3. On the next screen, it would then display the main registrant’s info at the top, and the fields for all additional registrants below (depending on how many they added in the previous step). Each entry would display the ticket type and cost for that individual.
4. Also, the ticket type selection for “guests”/additional registrants should be completely independent of the admin setting for how much information is collected about the guests (i.e. # of guests only, contact info, or full registration form).If that is too much of an overhaul to accomplish, the next best solution would be that the main registrant clicks “Add guest” (or preferably “Add registrant” or other custom text) and it takes them back to the ticket type selection screen. This could be an option under “Guest pricing” on the admin side of setting up the ticket type, e.g.:
- Base price
- Special guest price
- Allow ticket type selection
Again, there would need to be verification that the “guest” aka additional registrant is eligible for the selected ticket type, or an option to allow that the main registrant can register others for that ticket type if they themselves qualify for it.An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Steele commented
@Team Events - This Wishlist item is likely more popular than you think. I found at least 20 separate topics that pertain just to registering multiple people on the same order. There may be some duplication because people voted for multiple threads, but there is a total of 541 votes. Can you please consider merging some of these so that this item ranks correctly?
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
90 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
125 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
7 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
144 votes
Andrew Steele supported this idea ·
Our organization was hit with a $0.28 fee during August, a month when we did no transactions. AffiniPay is refunding us because we called in, but we were only able to notice the error because there was no other data on the mailed statement. This is the 2nd fee error in 1.5 months of AffiniPay service. We have switched back to Stripe until they can work out the bugs and provide sufficient reporting such that we can verify we're being charged correctly. We need a fee-per-transaction report for this and for internal auditing purposes. The $0.28 may not seem like much, but with high volume, errors like this add up.