Please obfuscate e-mail addresses
I am getting significantly more spam at my club e-mail address since fielding our Wild Apricot site. E-mail links on pages or in posts or articles appear to be in unencoded HTML, which makes them easy for spam robots to harvest. Please provide an obfuscation mechanism (oreferably automatic) for mailto: links. This is a standard feature of some other platforms, such as Typo3.

Andrew Medford commented
Large writing assignments, such as course works, dissertations and scientific papers usually require thorough planning, which is performed through composing outlines what you can find here
sterlinghatton commented
Check this way to obfuscate your e-mail address:
<a href="">e-mail me</a> -
Roger Brooks commented
Thanks Dimity, but I don't think your suggestion responds to our need. The member privacy settings are a great feature. However, there are cases where we need to publish an e-mail link, for example to the organizer of an external event or to the provider of a service (who may not even be a member). We often need an e-mail link in a public page , e.g. e.g. for prospective members who may have trouble registering or in events which are open to the public. If I use the rich text editor to insert an e-mail address, it inserts a clear HTML mailto link, which can easily be scraped. Perhaps I am missing something, but I don't see how the member privacy settings can help here. You can see an example on our homepage, where I am using an externally hosted script as a workaround for the webmaster e-mail link, but this only works for board member mailboxes.
As a workaround you can change field visibility settings, so that emails are not shown to anonymous users. See for more information