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45 results found
Log of changes - who deleted a contact, registration, or changed data
Is there a way to find out which admin deleted or changed a contact registration or details.
For example we have an event which a company registered their attendees and paid online. One of the admins deleted the registration. Is there a way to find out which admin deleted that contact?
If this is not available could is possibly be added in the future? I like the fact that the 4.0 service will allow read only admin access which will help with this issue but I am still curious which of my admins deleted that contact.
Alma AYala
107 votes -
New admin role - membership manager limited to specific groups or levels
I'm currently setting up a club membership system on WA and would like to know if it is possible to assign people as admins of a group. Basically we have little mini clubs for our regional members and these are looked after by a local member for that area, I would like that member to have access to only the members in that group and put members in and out and the like. They would also need to be able to email that group and it would be nice if they could manage the web pages associated with that…
79 votes -
Two-factor authentication for Admins
one of the things I've mentioned that is a concern for us is the compromising of our member lists.Is there any wish list item for TWO FACTOR authentication for Admins?we'd be willing to have a bit more effort to login if we could get a text sent to our smart phone with a second passcode...thanksPhil
47 votes -
New Admin role for financial transactions management
It would really help if there was an additional level of access I could assign to my administrators to view details on transactions and payments which currently only top level admin can do.
I don't want to give my lower level administrators top level rights but I would like them to be able to do tasks such as print transaction lists and set account status to payment complete - membership active in the payment settings following receipt of a manual payment.
45 votes -
Inactivity auto logout
I would like to have an option to set a timeout value for users that will cause a logout after inactivity. One way to implement this would be to add a checkbox to the login form fields to be checked when using public computers. It would also be nice for an administrator to be able to set the maximum autologout timeout value.
We would like to have some terminals set up for day-of-event registration use by members. If users don't remember to logout, you have people accessing the accounts of others.
31 votes -
Multi-factor Authentication
To obtain cyber-risk insurance, it is necessary for us to have the multi-factor authentication in place. I have been informed that Wild Apricot does not have multi-factor authentication in place. In today's world, this is really important. Please consider having multi-factor authentication in place for the admins at least.
26 votes -
Allow administrators to login as a member
For many of our members, an administrator is often required to perform tasks for members. This includes buying items from the Online Store, or signing them up for events, or renewing their memberships.
The simplest solution would be to allow administrators to become a proxy for a member, and login as the member to perform these tasks. For those members who never log in (it happens because our members are retired folks with less computer savvy, and sometimes without computers), we can give these members a password that only the administrators know, but we're loath to do that.
For other…
26 votes -
Don't send passwords in plain text emails
Don't send users passwords via plain text email. Anything but that. It screams 'amateur', and 'not up to date with current security standards' to our users.
24 votes -
Preventing multiple logins by the same member
Is there any way to prevent multiple login?
22 votes -
Allow Member profile Access Control by Member Level
Bottom Line: The matrix for controlling "Access to Others" for Profiles is insufficient. Currently the only choices are: Anyone, Members and No Access. We need another layer between Anyone and Members. This way we can use the full functionality of Wild Apricot and control access to information by delineating between the Public/Prospects and all real Members.
Discussion: What this is about is how Wild Apricot allows us and our Members to control access to the information they provide in their profiles and how they and we control everyone's privacy.
We have created two member levels:
21 votes -
User should be required to change temporary password
If a temporary password is set by the administrator or is sent to the user, there should be an option to force the initial password to expire when on first use and force the user to set the password.
17 votes -
Make anti-spam captcha OPTIONAL for log in.
Our site fortunately doesn't have issues with bots, so why does the captcha have to appear for all users to log in? Why wasn't this made optional, so admins can enable/disable it as it suits their organization's needs? Do you know our members or public visitors better than we do?
I understand the need for an anti-spam captcha function, but "one size fit all" DOES NOT WORK for everyone. Our members are complaining about this, and frankly for members who regularly log into the site, it insults their intelligence. What kind of user experience is that???
14 votes -
Multifactor authorization
I do not like the two factor authentication currently required of me on signin. I am an administrator. The double (or you could say triple) is upon signing in - first: name and password, second: click the "I am not a robot" box, third: identify crosswalks or bicycles or whatever. Are all of our members seeing this? It is over and above what is needed!
13 votes -
On login screen add icon to allow viewing of password. An eye icon is the norm.
With the number of passwords being used having the option to view the password typed allows for corrections of miss-typed entries. Use of an eye icon to see the type password is becoming common.
12 votes -
Admin login to user account
I've had numerous opportunities recently to resolve event registration and payment issues with clients.
I deal with non-member contacts and with members at a dozen different membership levels whose memberships are in various states of completion or default. I have to try to explain to them how to navigate the system without having any real clue as to what they are seeing. Every now and again someone supplies their password and I can log in as they do only to find a world very different from what I expected.
Can you please provide us with a way to see the…
10 votes -
Add the capability to password protect a page area of the website.
Our organization has the need to sometimes manage sensitive information. We would like to do this electronically on the website. Therefore would like to see a capability added where we could password protect a specific page area.
9 votes -
IP Address monitoring to keep members from freely sharing membership login info
There's a few services that offer IP address monitoring to ensure paid members aren't freely sharing their membership. This would be helpful for me (I believe Sentry does this)
9 votes -
Provide Member View to admins without Membership
Currently administrators who are not signed up as members do not have access to the "go to member view" option when signed in.
This means that all of our staff need to be set up as members, and we need to create a separate member category that is not shown in our member listing on the user page for this. It seems unnecessary for there to be a workaround for a feature that we feel should be standard.
Administrators from the organization that has purchased the Wild Apricot software should have access to all of the features of the product,…
9 votes -
Privacy is the essence of a strong organizations practice and standards.
When any type of data is exported, create a log to stamp when it was done and by whom and to include a drop down window on why it is being exported. Naturally, the simplest way to track this is not to allow anyone to export unless they have the overall authority to do so and limit such authority to a fix number and not more than X.
This is essential to ensure privacy and enjoy the public's trust of any information we have collected from them
8 votes -
Allow members to stay logged in on mobile devices
Please create a way for members to stay logged in on their mobile devices. We have a members-only discussion forum. When members get an email notifying them that there is a new post in the forum, they have to log in every time on their phone or tablet. It shows a log in window that says, "Please log in to continue." Even after they click the box that says "Remember me," they still have to log in every time. I don't think it would be a security risk to allow them to stay logged in, because they are coming to…
9 votes
- Don't see your idea?