Log of changes - who deleted a contact, registration, or changed data
Is there a way to find out which admin deleted or changed a contact registration or details.
For example we have an event which a company registered their attendees and paid online. One of the admins deleted the registration. Is there a way to find out which admin deleted that contact?
If this is not available could is possibly be added in the future? I like the fact that the 4.0 service will allow read only admin access which will help with this issue but I am still curious which of my admins deleted that contact.
Alma AYala

acole@cufca.ca commented
This is a major issue for us also. As a NFP we have many admins with full access but with this we need to know who is effecting changes when things go wrong. An audit trail is needed. The current level of change notes is problematic as it is editable by an admin. So the data can be altered to cover tracks if I am not mistaken.
Kym Yahn commented
We too are running into issues with tracking changes to our database. The current method is cumbersome and doesn't tell us what changes were made. Here's what I found in HELP- To view the version history for a page or template, go to Sites page or Page templates within the Websites module, click the page or page template within the list, then hover over the info icon and click the Changes history link. The history of changes to the selected page or template will now appear. For each version in the list, the time and date of the change is displayed, along with the name of the user who made the change. END HELP INSTRUCTIONS
Where are we in getting a robust change tracking system in place? This should be a huge priority for development.
Terry commented
Our organization cannot consider using WA until logging is implemented.
Internal notes for all system changes like the audit log.
Chris Alcott commented
There should be a change log containing the before/after and the "who changed what and when" visible to the admin for all contact data. This could also be used to remind users "It has been X days since you last verified your contact information"
It would be useful to have a log and know what a field was before, what it is now, and who changed it.
Webmaster commented
This is turning into a massive LEGAL issue as all details in WA are part of our corporate organization. All 501 organizations are required to maintain their records so we need to know who edits, deletes, otherwise changes the data in our records.
Webmaster commented
I would love to see a true audit tracking at the field and form level for all the "behind the scenes" stuff in WA. For example, I can't see who created a new membership level, or who last updated a member record, or who edited an invoice, or who voided an invoice. From an admin perspective, this makes trying to figure who is monkeying around in the system a nightmare because there is no insight available. This is something that every other database on the planet offers.
Nicole Coates commented
Issue: There is currently no tracking of member/contact changes history in Wild Apricot. So if an admin or a bundle admin makes a change to a member/contact there is no record of who made the change.
In our situation, support told us it was likely the bundle admin that made a change to their bundle member, however, the bundle member's last login was "never".
This can be frustrating to staff and this type of history should have been available years ago.
RWTA Admin commented
I needed to use this feature today! I don't really need it for member activity but just for those with admin access who are making changes that affect others.
Steven Jones commented
I've had many clients and potential clients ask about this feature. I think having this feature will help give many potential clients the confidence to go ahead with WA if they are wishing to keep administrators more accountable and/or changes to be trackable.
Gordon Smith commented
I'd just like to see a log of recent changes to the contact record by the members to get an accurate mailing address, among other things.
Doug ARMSTRONG commented
Along these lines it would be nice to add user comments. For example during the member renewal period we have members who want to go inactive for one reason or another. In the future they can rejoin without repaying the initiation fees if they left in good standing.
Being able to add a comment for example when suspending someone "suspended in good standing see email text below." This would be tagged with the admins log in id, TOD etc. Future admins would be able to see a history of operations on the members records. This would be a great tool for retaining institutional knowledge.
Thanks for the great work WA.
Tom Gaps commented
Provide a forensic tool in the form of a (more) detailed History Log to assist an Admin in determining who/what made changes and when the change was made. Currently I can only find a little bit about the last activity/change but I can't determine the whole story and there is little or no information available for changes prior to the last change. The log should show old field value, new field value, date/time change was made and who/what made the change so that a full sequence (over time) of events can be reconstructed.
Tom Conway commented
This would be great because with multiple administrators, and no one will admit to deleting an event or making a change, one would know and address.
Melody Pokorny commented
i need to be able to audit the activities of administrators whether they be full administrators, gatekeepers, or assigned to a particular function.
i need to be able to see when they login, ALL changes they make, date and time, additions/deletions of membership information, etc.
bottom line - full auditing feature that can be turned on and left on at all times.
Corinne Colbert commented
This would be useful not only for events, but for data in general. As the system admin for our organization, I'd need to be able to see which other admins have logged in and when ... and what they did, especially since not all of them are tech-savvy and one gets the occasional PITA who just likes to mess things up. :-(
Yes, it's old but we haven't implemented it yet - so it's waiting here for its turn, collecting comments and votes. We're currently focusing on top-voted suggestions.
Anonymous commented
I realise this is an old thread, but the issue appears unresolved. Is there any update on whether Wild Apricot has added a user-logging feature? Becky's suggestions seem really useful. Looking forward to a positive update from the Admin Team. Thanks.
Alex Sirota commented
Include export contacts logging as well to track who/when/and what fields where exported using the Export feature, please.
Brandon Longley commented
This would useful, it would be good for me to know what information is updated by members and donors, I see there is a date of profile last updated but a log of information about changes would be good.
Mainly important because I'm updating a volunteer database with information that comes from Wild Apricot such as contact information and addresses and it would make it easier to determine the most up to date information.
Also it would be easier for me to keep track of the changes I have, and haven't made to contacts such as deleting an address because of a return to sender (RTS), but not making a note in their notes of removing their address due to RTS, otherwise I look at a contact that has a blank address and want to populate it with the one that's from the volunteer database (that could be incorrect).