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  1. Website Pop-Up Opt-in Featrure

    It would be great if WA offered a Pop-Up Opt-In Form on their website builder feature. This would help grant permission from prospective members to authorize your obtaining their email address, oppose to sending them emails without permission.

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  2. More templates

    It's time to give us more selection of templates. I can only customize these so much.

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  3. member directory formatting functionality

    Right now - there is very little formatting to the fields/columns in the Member Directory Gadget
    one specific issue is that each field appears to be aligned center - from top to bottom
    other columns have multiple lines -
    as such - the member name is in the middle of the other information - rather than being top-aligned - which we would prefer - so that someone can easily read across from the name to the first line of the next columns

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  4. More current look and feel

    Updating the website templates so they look and act like its 2017.

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  5. Bootstrap

    having bootstrap functionality within the HTML editors available for eventing, pages, ...

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  6. Restricted Pages - Show as grayed out

    It would be nice if a restricted page showed as grayed out so when people aren't logged in, they can see what pages they cannot get to until they log in. See Right now we have a member's only section that can only be seen when the member logs in. It would be good to show people that aren't members yet or our current members that can't find the tab because they aren't logged in.

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  7. Conversion of large websites into WA

    I would tell anyone with big websites that the conversion is the most difficult part of going to Wild Apricot, especially when there is need to convert many pages. The conversion process was quite painful. We had php pages with very simple and clean html code. Our subcontractor apparently copied and pasted from the displayed webpage instead. This resulted in poor conversion of links and images. Where we had had had a central repository folder for all the images on the old website, we ended up after the conversion having images attached separately to each page and in many cases…

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  8. New Site Builder Needed

    Will there be more updated builder any time soon? I can code decently but the ease of use from builders featured in Wix, SquareSpace, NetSuite, all systems I have used, allow for faster site building and updates, more options without having to constantly overwrite css files. It will save hours if not days of manual work.

    Any hope for While Apricots site builder to enter the new century any time soon? Current processes and features are wildly outdated. I mean the base templates alone look like they were last updated in the early 2000s if not the 90s.

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  9. Reuse Content

    Make it possible to reuse content on multiple pages. Create reusable content gadget that can be named, saved and inserted into multiple pages. Similar to the reusable content blocks used in WordPress. This would make it possible to edit content once and have that content updated on all pages that it is inserted into. Examples, addresses, committee membership lists, etc.

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  10. Hide Content Gadget in Mobile or Desktop View

    Add a setting to the Content Gadget that would display the gadget in mobile view, desktop view or both (default).

    Occasionally a page layout that is beautiful in desktop view just doesn't work in mobile. This would allow fine tuning in those cases.

    The example is our three column home page at The most important content is at the top of the right hand column, as it is in most daily newspapers. But mobile users need to scroll down past columns one and two to see it. Moving the item to the left hand column works for mobile…

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  11. Improved Member Search Capability

    Improve the search string capability. Right now, It gives people the impression that they can search for any word and find where it appears on the website (forums, events, blogs, etc) but it doesn't do anything close to that: it just searches for web pages. If it could search for events, posts, and members, then it would be helpful, but as it is, it's just a false positive because once you start using it, you realize it's not a very powerful search function.

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  12. Pop-up warning when users click on external links

    I'd like to add a pop-up warning to visitors when they click on an external site that they are leaving my website, and my organization is not responsible for content on the external site.


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  13. Member-focused SEO - i.e. how many views/visits on a member's profile page, search terms used to find member

    I thought it would be good to have a "Member-focused SEO" category here, because there are several SEO-related features (not 301 redirects) that my client's members have requested.

    Since switching to WA 4 months ago, there has been some attrition of members because more and more, people are seeking better SEO placement through membership organization websites. Their biggest motivation in joining is for the public to be able to find them.

    Specifically requested features:

    --Customized URL's for publicly viewable member profile pages (so we can include member or practice names in the URL)

    --SEO index (.xml) including member pages and…

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  14. Ability to add CSS IDs / class names to page templates

    It would be very helpful to be able to target a particular page template, as each page template within a particular website theme uses the same IDs and classes for it's hard coded elements.

    I can workaround this by targeting each page ID, but being able to target each page template would be very helpful.

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  15. Control size and number of pictures members can add to their photo albums

    We allow our members to upload photos into a photo album shown with their Profile. Our level allows each image to be up to 25MB and that is way too big for viewing satisfactorily and will also use up our maximum allowed MB in no time. We also have no way to limit the number of images in an album. The automatic features of limiting how many albums there are is nice as is the automatic thumbnail feature with a click to show the full image. However, we really need to be able to control the number and size of…

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  16. ADA Compliance

    Wild Apricot websites will be needing ways to make their websites ADA compliant in order to avoid possible lawsuits. This would include, but not be limited to ways to add alt= text to slideshows (you can currently add alt text to individual photos, and you need to use the html on a content gadget to add alt= text to the decorative lines) to comply with ARIA, option to text resize, adjust color to comply with contrast rules, way to provide an audio transcript. This will be a start.

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  17. Custom landing page for groups

    Just like there is an ability to assign a custom landing page for membership levels, it would be beneficial to configure a custom landing page for groups.

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  18. Dynamic data on web site tables

    Add web site widgets that will take dynamic data from the member database and allow you to format it into tables on the web site.

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  19. Matching Column Lengths in Layout

    In email/newsletter blast templates, you offer several layouts that include double columns. However, as you enter content, the columns are no longer matched in length - so if you color the background or the borders, the columns don't line up with each other, and they also don't match up with the next section of one column following under the double column section. It would be good if there were a way that the columns could have matching lengths so that all the lines met, and if you color the backgrounds for the various sections it would look like one integrated…

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  20. Amend background colour of system buttons

    Ability to change the background colour of the Login, Register, Cancel etc buttons in the System Pages, we are using the Firma theme.

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