Restricted Pages - Show as grayed out
It would be nice if a restricted page showed as grayed out so when people aren't logged in, they can see what pages they cannot get to until they log in. See Right now we have a member's only section that can only be seen when the member logs in. It would be good to show people that aren't members yet or our current members that can't find the tab because they aren't logged in.

Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
By the way, for some other Wishlist issues, WA has advised fixes that use JavaScript. For any privacy or security issue, as you know, it should not be defeatable just by turning off JavaScript or deleting/revising a cookie. All security and privacy matters should be server-controlled.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
This "graying out" capability should be optional, and applied page by page. With some pages it could serve any of several purposes (e.g., remind Members to log in, make non-Members envious, or indicate to Members that the page is available). Examples of this would include "Member list," or "Our last party." But some pages need to be given no publicity at all, for a variety of reasons (e.g., title could reflect badly on non-Members, or gives clues to hackers, or clutters up the menu). Examples might be "Annoying people" (for the record, we have no such page or file!), Financial Reports, or "Reservations tools and reference data for internal use").
An additional thought that is relevant to graying out. For some time, I was complaining that some of our restricted pages were publicly displayed. A fellow member finally pointed out that those pages appear on our menu only when the user is a Member and logged in. (My previous experience was with Apache servers where a folder is restricted and everything under it on the server shares the restriction, and the menus are constructed accordingly. It would be possible to put restricted pages/files on other menus, but they would not be automatically grayed out until login.) Graying out pages would help give a clue, as I said, but we'd have no problem with all our restricted pages being in one Members area that appears on the menu only when logged in. It would be nice if just the top level (e.g. "For Members Only) would appear on the menu, grayed. Currently it appears only after login.
Kim Bresler commented
Show member's only tabs grayed out so non members can see what they are missing and members can see they need to login to access.